Dinkleberg's GMod
Forum Rules - Printable Version

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Forum Rules - Gabe - 01-03-2023

These are the rules for the forums. They may be subject to change at the discretion of the Web Admin(s). The web staff team and server admins work under a reasonable degree of discretion as to how to apply the rules in various scenarios. Disputes on moderation are to be handled by the forum admin(s).

Do not spam or shitpost.
  • Do not repost the same thread or reply to a thread with the intention of cluttering space or derailing a topic. Examples: leaving an unnecessary amount of empty space in your reply or attacking people. 
  • Do not repeatedly pm members or staff for the same reason or for seeking help on a topic, there is likely an appropriate forum section to ask in.
  • Do not post in important sections* without proper form and reason. For example, do not post fake applications or ban requests with no format or proof. These posts may be denied and warned. It may also lead to a ban in serious situations. 
  • While the forums are more lenient with shitposting, shitposting comments that can derail threads or fail to contribute anything meaningful to serious topics/conversations may be deleted and warned at the forum's staff discretion. The general rule for commenting on unban/staff applications is that the response must have a +1 or -1. 
  • A shitposting section was created for joke threads that will not clutter the forums. It is ok if occasional joke threads that members like engaging with make it outside of the shitposting section.

*Important sections generally mean ban or unban requests, applications, donor/staff abuse threads, announcements, and various suggestion threads. Comments made in important sections must remain on topic. Do not derail the topic, have unrelated side conversations, start arguments, or thank each individual post. Posts typically will need a vote and/or feedback for the admins to consider. Appropriate questions or civil debates about the thread topic and their responses are fine.

Post in the appropriate section.
  • Keep topics in their respective areas. Topics related to general discussion or directed to the community as a whole have their own sections as well. 
  • Post in the proper area and follow the required formats for applications and ban/unban requests. Posts may be moved or deleted if it is deemed to be in the wrong section or off-topic.

Do not flame or harass members.
  • Targeting, gaslighting, racism, baiting, or harassing members on the forums will not be tolerated. This includes (but is not limited to) posts or threads clearly designed to insult or harass another member.
  • Additionally, do not post private or sensitive information of another player. This includes names, addresses, images of, or any other identifying information of another user. This includes information of previous members. 
  • No IP addresses are to be posted other than the server addresses where appropriate. 
  • Any of the above content will be immediately removed along with the offending account receiving a warning or ban based off of the seriousness of the infraction.

Do not post inappropriate content or links.
  • Do not provide links to other communities or attempt to self-promote a community or business. All advertisements will be removed and warned.
  • Inappropriate content (pornography, gore, etc.) and harmful links (phishing, scams, etc.) will be removed along with the offending account receiving a permanent ban.

Do not use alternate accounts
  • Alternate accounts are no longer to be used on the forums to post. Exceptions may be made in rare circumstances.
  • Continued use of alt accounts, especially to evade moderation, will result in the ban of all relevant accounts. Banned accounts have the ability to still post in the forum unban section; do not use an alt account to post an unban otherwise this will still be considered evasion.
  • This section also applies to people who have others post their comments for them while their account is not able to do so (post moderation, ban, etc.) The person posting the comment on their behalf may also be punished.
Do not manipulate reputation
  • This includes using fake accounts, targeting one user as a group, and -1ing everyone with an opinion different from your own. Since not every possible scenario can be spelled out here, staff may use their discretion to determine whether or not this rule is being broken.
  • A single user targeting another person(s) and downvoting or upvoting both their new and old posts in bulk. 
  • A single warning for any form of Reputation manipulation will result in +3 points, or 30% warning level, to our internal warning system.
  • If found to be engaging in Reputation manipulation multiple times, or the case is significant, you will have your reputation privileges revoked. This will be case by case and under Web Admin discretion. An appeal system will be worked on and considered for the future.

Do not necro old threads.
  • All threads automatically lock after a month from the date it was posted. If the topic needs to be revisited after an extended time, create a new thread.
  • Do not revive archived threads, as these should be locked by a moderator+.