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Slasheronic prophunt ban appeal
Steam Name: Wende (Wendelin)

Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:57604899

Your Discord Username: Wendelin

Your Discord User ID: <@627874795794464769>

Reason For Ban: No official reason for the ban was given, i just know that it was in relation to the april harassment in the discord (note that i literally dont want to get unbanned anywhere other than pwop hunt though) :3c

Length of Minimum Appeal Time (If given): No appeal time was given to me unfortunately

Reason for Admins to Unban: I just wanna pway pwop hunt occasionawwy wif my fwinds and s/o c:

Have you been banned before anywhere in the community (Link relevant threads): yes, all server. (not relinking, its there) mwehehehe

Other Information: I was always weawwy good excluding the harassment in april where we didn't do our due dilligence to verify a person's claims (though i'd still rather be guilty until proven innocent for this particular thing as i'd rather catch some innocent than let some guilty go free, esp when the consequences are: getting removed from an online server, having the claims being given to the authorities whom are able to prove things without a shadow of a doubt anyway, or if nothing was proven then nothing would happen.)
responses to things asked of me:
december 11th:
"Also would like to hear why you want to even play prop hunt here especially since you had concerns about members of this community trying to find you. As well as other issues you to my knowledge still currently have with some members of our staff team."
  • i do have issues with people here but people that i care about, much to my dismay, really really like this server and dont want to migrate elsewhere, which i get because they have friends here too. also i knew that i had essentially given my address out in the discord but i was FAR too lazy to sift through thousands of msgs to delete all of the identifying things, so i just deleted everything i had. i even worked backward starting at my oldest msgs working back iirc, hoping to give people time to read/gather evidence of my actions if they needed to, though i could be misremembering. obv i had no way of knowing that deleting so many things would rate limit the bot and made it so my stuff was unrecoverable, which i do genuinely apologize for.
"Another issue is venue. If the harassment is coming just from some problem guest on TTT then yeah just ban from TTT. However, when it comes to interaction between community members especially involved members there is concern between the various media that Dinklebergs has. Personal issues in dms or on other servers could arise in any venue and only restricting a player from the discord could leave the door open for harassment to occur on server making a victim of harassment hesitant to play on server or in vice versa type or join calls in discord."
  • i get that, and i really dont have a response for it other than that i have no real intention on interacting with people in the community. i'd be happy to be gagged and server muted so that there's literally no way i can interact with people, i literally just want to play with some of the people i care abt c:
I believe that this covers everything until now but lmk if you need more edits, also i cannot respond to dms on here, nor can i make new responses here, so i just have to edit my post as my responses hence the date that i threw on above. (i also cant even view my own profile to edit it or anything, just can click on alerts sometimes to read them and thats abt it)
december 12th:
after further thought on the venue thing, if we really cared about people who were harassed/hesitant to play on a server then why on earth did some of the unbans that have happened happened? why is racism homophobia transphobia and all the others just warn points and not single warn before community banned? for that matter why is it that staff had multiple offenses of those and nothing came of it, just allowing them to resign instead of banning them? if we're actually concerned abt that kind of thing we've gotta go full in, not just half ass it. and if all that comes of this is that more people who harass get banned so long as everyone is held to that standard then I'm 100% okay with that cuz harassing people for who they are, things they literally cannot change, is fucking insane to allow.
december 18th:
ghosting a ban appeal is CRAZY yall
December 23rd:
Hope yall figure out wtf ur doin before January cuz im gonna post another unban appeal if yall are still radio fucking silent
December 24th:
Okay but is it really hard to be like “hey we’re discussing” or “hey this appeal will take longer than most due to the nature of the ban”? As of today it took a full two weeks before I received any kind of an acknowledgement. It’s not even like I was demanding a decision literally just a “hey we got this we’ll get back to it”. I do appreciate the heads up now though, and I apologize for my reaction, though I’m sure many could understand my frustration.
December 24th (again):
the accusations werent life ruining, they were believed to be true, and at the end of the day, the fact that yall would rather let pedophiles roam free due to being afraid of calling someone out who wasnt guilty is actually insane. the police could do a much more thorough and accurate investigation than anything anyone did here. if found innocent, nothing happens and everything is hunky dory. guilty? sure am glad we stopped them from preying on CHILDREN
The Admin teams not responding immediately to an appeal is not radio silence or ghosting. Its the team actively discussing the information around said appeal and getting input from the community. Please be patient while your appeal is discussed, these things take time, especially ones such as this due to the nature of the ban.
(12-10-2024, 11:45 PM)Wende Wrote: December 24th (again):
the accusations werent life ruining, they were believed to be true, and at the end of the day, the fact that yall would rather let pedophiles roam free due to being afraid of calling someone out who wasnt guilty is actually insane. the police could do a much more thorough and accurate investigation than anything anyone did here. if found innocent, nothing happens and everything is hunky dory. guilty? sure am glad we stopped them from preying on CHILDREN
This isn't a reply from the Admin team, this is a reply directly from me, I don't care if I am crossing a line replying on this admin reply only thread this needs to be said. 

These types of false accusations can be life ruining, they cost people their reputation, it can cost them their jobs. These types of false accusations can and have caused people to commit suicide. All these affects are amplified many times over if you decide to take said false accusations to the police, who will go out and interview people, look into everything about the person and even more. Which even just that sort of investigation existing can cost people their jobs and keep them from being hired while the investigation is on going. Even when the investigation is over and they are found innocent, that person's life is still irreversibly affected.

I also see you understand quite well why you were banned, and will find no sympathy from me.
As PH does not currently have an admin, we put it to the PH staff as you only wanted to be unbanned from there. The following is the response from the PH Staff team:

Hi Wende, As of 12/24/2024 at 2:11 AM EST, the PH staff team has made a ruling regarding your ban status at this time. Your claims for unban have been denied, and your ban will remain active. 

The prophunt staff team notes that, amongst other things, their main concern was that 
(1) there were contradictory statements
(2) you showed little to no remorse for your actions
(3) engaged in whataboutism, and critically
(4) you adopted an overall attitude of "Its OK to hurt innocent people as long as I justify it with a good cause" as well as "it was never my fault, but the groups' fault" "so even if I engaged in objectively shitty behavior, I was not to blame." 

All that being said, I do believe in second chances. people can change. If you so choose to make a new appeal, I would highly reccommend addressing these topics
-Why did you delete your messages? the timing of, and reasoning you give is strange. if it was your address leaked by yourself, the simplest method would involve searching for any identifiable snippets of your personal informations and removing those. Even if your reasoning is true, it certainly looks and smells fishy. If you truly did what you say you did, then fine. But in conjunction with everything else seems suspicious. 
-if we do unban you, (and it is an all-or-nothing deal in my eyes), what would prevent you from doing what you did again? Based on what you said, it certainly seems like you would harass another again. And the harassment is why you were banned. 
-do you think its OK to accuse others with potentially life-altering accusations that could (also) ultimately be baseless? 

You may re-apply to be unbanned starting on January 24th, 2025. I would reccommend either waiting longer or to actually consider the points here
Is harassment ever OK? Are you going to harass others? These are the kind of questions you would need to answer seriously to be unbanned.
Kaptain Les
PH Co-Owner
Discord Admin
DR Player (RIP)
Murder Hater

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