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Dinks Community Plan 2025
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I think if we ARE going to do some sort of battle pass it should be the master chief collection style not the traditional style. New battle passes should cycle in and be the main focus every once and awhile but old ones shouldn't go away. That makes it so if you keep up with it and play regularly you get rewarded by not having to pick and choose how to allocate your unlocks, BUT it doesn't punish you for taking breaks.

(01-24-2025, 07:33 PM)bunniey Wrote: Also a side list Rand is personally working on outside of this, and some thing inside of this:

I'm doing playermodels, I am bad at going through suggestions so if you have ideas, just send them to me on disc or link me to your suggestion on disc.

Also doing specific weapon skins, currently how they were all thrown into the add-on is a texture is just evenly plastered over every weapon, so each weapon can get every skin, but they're not very customizable. Going to do a few specific ones for specific guns, so I can make them look a bit prettier. This is a long process, so ideas probably will mostly get a no, but if you do have any, be my guest. I'm going to figure out some generic ones too, but....not sure about that April 12th deadline.

Trying to get some inter-community tournaments going, and ideally at some point would like to get some social media presence maybe. GCubed and I started testing a few things a long time ago before we both got busy, and I still have a few ideas. Just need to get other communities to respond.............................................

bunnieyhad crate is mine dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

When you say specific skins for specific guns do you mean altering current skins to make them look better or adding new weapon specific skins? (honestly I think both could be cool, like as a winchester main I think it would be cool if some skins applied either only to the metal or only to the wood, and as for new skins more old school weapons have a lot of opportunity for fancy shit)
(01-24-2025, 10:35 PM)Dinomoto Wrote:
(01-24-2025, 10:27 PM)bunniey Wrote:
(01-24-2025, 10:10 PM)Dinomoto Wrote:
(01-24-2025, 09:50 PM)Virunas Wrote:
(01-24-2025, 09:26 PM)Dinomoto Wrote: The all server bans and admin apps being 1 month is pretty long, and I certainly skipped the rest.
Both of those need pretty careful consideration before coming to decisions, and in the past they have sometimes taken even longer, so now there's a hard limit.

Yeah but a month? You can reach a solid conclusion quicker than that.
It's not just a "this person presented their unban, time to decide based on that"

There are usually a lot that go into all server bans, and a lot of investigative work/questioning people is involved. Way more moving parts.
I get that, and I know, but a month is excessive, that is all I am saying
I think you forget that none of these staff positions are paid.
remove roy the ship boring ahh map
Add three more versions of Roy the Ship I'm a dirty C4 spammer
(01-24-2025, 06:39 PM)KaptainLes Wrote: All Server Updates are Dink Dependent
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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.