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Return of the Tiger - Printable Version

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Return of the Tiger - The Dutch Problem - 11-17-2018

Ingame Name: King Tiger Ace Fasda22

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27292801

Time Played: 1.711 hours shared over several names

When First Joined: 3 years ago, earliest I can find was on my previous name, 2nd of August 2015 but I could have joined before this on a name I dont remember

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Now with work I got back into shifts so it can be random, still I live in Europe so there is a higher chance I'll hop on during down times where less people are on. The time zone I sit at is Amsterdam time wich is GMT +1 hour. Or better said I live 6 hours ahead of the US east coast.

Sponsor(s): @Gabe

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community: I really am interested again in returning to a staffing position, its been a while since my resignation and a few changes were made wich I approve of and really think'll help the server. Not to mention although I may be a little rusty I have had a staffing position for a good 2 years where I, if I say so myself, was doing a good job.

Why you want to help the community: As stated above I feel much better about the server nowadays then I felt before the last major update that was made on the server therefore I'm happy to help out once more.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): I have been for a week, by myself, after I went on a self-justified RDM spree on a broken skin. This was on the enjin site wich has died ergo cannot link the ban request made on me at the time.

Have you previously applied for staff (Link Relevant Posts): I have applied in the past for Trusted, T-mod and Moderator but I'm convinced those were also made on the old forums wich are at the time of writing this dead as I couldnt find them here, or I am a blind man...

How did you find us?: If I remember correctly, wich I may have wrong, I was invited here once by a friend from another TTT community that had sadly died, I played a few rounds, it stuck and I was once more a TTT player having fun causing chaos

Other: Now most people would currently downvote for this at the moment because of my lackluster activity and that is a very fair point. I left my staffing position originally in very bad taste with me feeling that the server had made some terrible decisions and that I didnt want to have anything to do with it anymore. That feeling still sits in me a little bit even though the server has drasticly improved from most points that I felt were just horrible flaws. There are still a few but nothings perfect and I can overlook these more then I could before. I feel that with a return to staffing my morale itself could get a small boost wich in turn would fuel my activity.

On another note, people may remember me when I was a Moderator and will ask me why I dont want to go back to that position, simple. I left the job a decent while back, I dont feel like I should receive it back right away and I think honestly that if I do want to get it back that I'll have to start from square one and rise up from Trusted.

RE: Return of the Tiger - reed1103 - 11-17-2018

Hell yeah +1

RE: Return of the Tiger - [Yellow] Travis1421 - 11-17-2018

Never played TTT with the guy or at all really but from knowing him off server and playing some games with him, his demeanor fits what you're looking for in staff.

RE: Return of the Tiger - Gabe - 11-17-2018

I am sponsoring Mr.Fasda's app for multiple reasons.
  • Let's staff off with the fact that he was referred to as "an inspirational" and a "role model" staff member who was highly regarded by both staff members and players alike.
  • He also has a really firm grasp on the rules, better than most I'd say, even current staff members.
  • From what I've seen, he keeps a level head and if he does disagree with something, he voices his opinion in a respectable way.
  • He is active in both the forums and discord alike, responds to TTT-related issues/reports and gives his opinion on the matter and his responses also seem to be very well crafted and logical almost all of the time.
  • He is very dependable and a well minded person who knows what to do and how to handle himself, especially in intense situations.
  • He does live in Europe, so that does offer an advantage timezone wise as we currently lack staff in multiple time zones.

  1. Addressing the Issue I Know That is Going To Be Brought Up
  • Yes, while his in-game activity may be on the light side currently, and activity is a significant factor in the application process. (This is something I mentioned to him as well). I do feel like this is something that he can improve upon and fix pretty easily. Overall, he has the 9th most played hours on the server, I also think that shows some sort dedication.

RE: Return of the Tiger - lacer - 11-17-2018

just resign u bad



RE: Return of the Tiger - cherry (2) - 11-17-2018

previous mod so you'd obviously know what to do.
though your downfall is yeah ur activity ):

RE: Return of the Tiger - Dummy Thicc Noodle Lady - 11-17-2018

Please? Yeah your activity is kind of low but I have played with you before and you are active in the discord, you're calm and collected, and you are quite fun, anymore else I say is just repeating what others have said. So, good luck ^~^

RE: Return of the Tiger - Dildo Shwaggins - 11-17-2018

+1 would say if possible he should just get mod back but he's a fantastic staff member so if he wants to climb back up then that would be great

RE: Return of the Tiger - Temmie Ferret - 11-17-2018

-1 not a real tiger, king or ace. jk
+1 know the rules well, we need more staff during the day and look the amount of hours of this nurd

RE: Return of the Tiger - Christian - 11-17-2018

Yes the inactivity is fairly bad, but I feel like it's fine for him to just be reinstated since he was ex-staff. I know that's not how it works, but just my opinion since he can be around at times staff are not present. We need staff, so why not re-add someone who was a trustworthy member to the community in the past.
