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Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - Printable Version

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Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - Cespedes - 12-30-2018

Ingame Name: Mr.Potato

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11238841

Time Played: 114.87hrs

When First Joined: According to GameTracker, I came on this server on Oct. 10, 2014 lmao. But I would say I really started playing around October 2018.

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I’m free basically everyday because of Winter Break. When next semester hits I will be available from Mon & Wed after 5:25pm EST, Thur after 1:51pm EST, and Fri-Sun basically 24 hours.

Sponsor(s): @Dildo Shwaggins 

Rank Desired:

Current Rank: Master

What can you do to help the community:
I believe I can contribute into this community by making it a more fun filled environment. I believe TTT is a more well suited place for me since it is more lenient and humorous than PH (nothing against it, it just wasn’t for me).
I am someone who will get a job done when needed, as in I will not ignore any situation that needs to be handled within the server. You can always count on me.

Why you want to help the community: I love seeing players have a fun time and be themselves without being immediately judged for their appearance. I would like to keep it that way by attempting to keep it a non toxic environment (although that may be virtually impossible I will still try).

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): N/A

Have you previously applied for staff (Link Relevant Posts):
Not for TTT, but I’ll post my PH applications just to be safe.



How did you find us?: Gunna be real with you, 100% honesty here. I was probably server hopping in 2014. But I started playing TTT more because I’ve become less interested in staffing PH and more interested in staffing TTT.

Other: I hope the way I went out in PH does not affect this application. I would bring up the point that they are two different servers, but regardless it is still me I know. I will be more cautious on how I act when I am attempting to express my opinion. I feel like those who have really talked to me before know that my tone is not the same through my voice than it may seem through text. But again, I will be more aware of how I sound before hitting ‘enter’ on the keyboard.

Also I’ll be the least gay TTT staff.

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - Yeezy Jeezy - 12-30-2018

TTT is a lot different than PH when it comes to staffing, there are different things you're looking for and different punishments for similar rules on the two servers. I think you would make a good trusted so I'll give ya a +1.

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - Avi - 12-30-2018

So Ill put this out there I guess, how will you handle staffing ttt differently than you handled staffing ph?

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - Dildo Shwaggins - 12-30-2018

So I'll start by saying he should be regular since he has the 100 hours, but the server likes to reset things

Anyways, I'm sponsoring Potato's app because I think he deserves a shot at staff on TTT. He's super cool when he's on and he's been really active. He knows the rules and how to play the game and I think with some guidance on TTT he'll become a good staff member if given the chance to do so. I don't know what happened on the PH side of things, but I think since it has been a few months and he seems to be more levelheaded now than he was in the threads then, he should get a shot.

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - cherry (2) - 12-30-2018

Sometimes when I see an application I don't know how to feel or vote for it and this is one of them.

I don't think you'd be a bad pick for trusted, I've seen you help out here and there from what I recall. I also see you've made some ban requests as well.

My only concern is from what I've heard, is that you got demoted from PH. I'm not sure what the details are but as you said yourself that though they are two different servers, you are the common denominator. 
Makes it hard for myself personally to get a general idea of your character.

I'd like to reiterate here though that, I don't know how to vote on this. It'd be unfair of me to evaluate off of a demotion i have little knowledge on. I'm not against the idea of you being trusted but I'm also not confidently for it, so I'll keep this at a 0 for now. 

Much luck, Potato.

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - VolfVoss - 12-30-2018

I don't think your resignation from PH Trusted should affect you on TTT. You saw that being PH Trusted wasn't a good fit for you or your personality then chose to resign. 

I believe you deserve a chance at TTT Trusted, however, I personally wouldn't give it to you yet. The reason being is that in your PH applications you would just meet the requirements then you'd apply, to me this would cause minor concern. I understand being excited for the possibility of advancement, but just being promotable doesn't mean you're quite ready. 
Though I admit to have played on TTT only once with you, so I can't formulate an accurate assessment of how you handle things, as there were staff on at the time to manage things.

+0 from me

Either way Mr Potato,  I will see you

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - lacer - 12-30-2018

-1 calls me gay every time im on

Seriously though, +1. You help out when you're online, know the rules, get along with pretty much everybody, y'know, what a staff member should be like. Your situation over on PH does not sway my judgment one way or the other, and as Shwaggins said, you're more levelheaded now than you were in those days. I'd say giving you Trusted is worth a shot.

edit: My only problem is that you have 5 ban requests to this date. Whether or not your application is approved, try to work on that. I realize ban requests can be hard with ban-capable staff being more active, but there are still ban requests that you can get filled out when Moderators and Admins aren't on.(usually during graveyard hours, or early in the morning)

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - Cespedes - 12-30-2018

Alright so uh here’s basically what went down on prophunt is that I resigned in an aggressive manner.

I was usually called out for lashing out, when I didn’t mean for it to sound aggressive. This was not one of those times. I was attempting to get a potential ghoster banned but I did not have enough evidence. I thought the evidence I provided was enough but I was being told otherwise. I did not listen to my staff members, I was only listening to myself. In frustration, I resigned. NOT demoted, resigned.

@Avi I would be more open for people helping me. Regardless whether I was applying for PH or TTT I would still be open to others. I personally thought I was a good staff member on PH, just had issues gathering information on ghosters. So when others on TTT tell me I’m doing something wrong I will listen to them other than only listening to myself.

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - HalfDemonLink - 12-30-2018

I am not going to +1 or -1 this as I am hardly on TTT and I've never really seen him on TTT I'm doing this to give my perspective on how he was as a staff member for PH.

when you would put in ban request for things such as ghosting you'd usually show not enough evidence and when people would try to help you and explain why you needed more you'd argue with us and be stubborn in your ways and this is how it was on most things such as when we tried to help you deal with trolls and a when people would mic and chat spam other staff members would try to help you out or show you a better way to do things and you'd refuse to listen to them whatsoever to me you seem like someone who is very stuck in their own ways and is very quick to be very defensive when those ways are questioned or someone tries to show you a different way of doing things. There definitely has been time for you to change and if you have I wouldn't doubt it but like I said I'm posting this only to give everyone else an idea of what it was like when you were PH staff.

RE: Mr.Potato but TTT Staff - Avocado Toast - 12-30-2018

I'm gonna say +0 right now, you know the rules, but I don't think you standout well to myself and the rest of some of the older staff.