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La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - Printable Version

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La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - La Flama Blanca - 07-24-2019

Friends, players, gamers, and staff members, for the past five years you have been a fixture of my life. My life has been enriched by your presence and for that, I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people on the face of this earth. I have been playing video games since I was given a Game Boy Advance SP for my sixth birthday. Yet, in my 15 years of gaming, I have never felt the same connection to any other community or game as I have here. 

Just take a look at the people that play here in this community or have played here in the past. We have and have had future doctors, nurses, game wardens, video game designers, artists, and numerous other people grace us with our presence. I’m honored to have met so many people, more than I could ever meet in-person. I know that so many of us here will do great things with our lives. Some of us have already spread our wings and have begun to fulfill our goals. 

When Andy gave me the opportunity to staff on his servers, I considered myself to be a lucky guy. I’ve certainly made numerous mistakes, indeed more than my fair share. I like to think that what I’ve learned from these mistakes, however, has made me a better person. With the help of the people in this community, I learned valuable lessons from my mistakes. My advice on this note is to keep an open mind and consider ideas and help from others. I have learned that there is nothing to lose from accepting the assistance of others. 

The mistakes I have made in my time here have hurt others and this community in general. I only hope that my time staffing here, as a whole, can be appraised as beneficial. That the time and efforts I put into staffing on PH, TTT, and Murder have helped atone for past mistakes and made these communities stronger. 

This community has been like a second family to me. I have made forever friends here - people I played with years ago that I still text regularly or newer folks whose company I’ve enjoyed just as much. 

Life, unfortunately has caught up to me. I am no longer a 16 year old in high school like when I joined. I am now 21 and headed off to law school in just a few weeks. I fully expect this to be a massive time commitment, to the point that I won’t even be bringing a game-capable computer with me to my new home. With this in mind, I do not believe that I am capable of properly continuing in my current roles in this community. The fire that once burned inside me is longer ablaze. My time and energy is no longer there. 

It’s time for me to move on. 

My biggest regret is that I will miss out on the new crops of players and potential friends that will pass through this community in the future. I will do my best to keep in touch with everyone else that I’ve met through here, though. 

So I close in saying that while the white flame has grown dim, a faint flicker lives on. 

Thank you all for everything,

Prince “Check, Check” Nicky

Adapted from Lou Gehrig’s ‘Luckiest Man’ Speech

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 07-25-2019

Check, check friendo

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - AzunaRiceBoy - 07-25-2019

Life is full of opportunity - Take everything by the hand and never look back - From Ph and Murder we humbly Thank you for your service.

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - cherry (2) - 07-25-2019

damn, much luck to u in your future endeavors especially with law school.

check check

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - woahny - 07-25-2019

It's been a pleasure playing TTT with you and being staff with you, old friend. Take care. Keep in touch.

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - dong - 07-25-2019

Thank you for everything you did for the community, Nicky. I wish you the best of luck with law school and your life.

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - Gabe - 07-25-2019

check check thank you for everything nicky you have been a big help.

I wish you the best of luck with law school and life in general. Also remember, your word is not your evidence in law school!

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - VolfVoss - 07-25-2019


Good luck in Law School mate and in life as a whole.

You're a good egg. 

I hope to never see you in court... 

Thanks for your dedication to the community and the great things you've added. 

Till we meet again

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - DoYouLiftBro - 07-25-2019

How tough this is man.  One of the first people I met in this community was you, Prince Nicky.  It has been a pleasure to know you for these many years.  It is not often players stick with a community for so long but you sir are an exception.  It doesn't feel that long ago when I joined 1PS to see nicky on, commanding the server with his energetic voice.  Helping others learn the rules, and making friends along the way that wont just last for a short time, but will last forever.  How it has been about 5 years now is crazy to even think about.  I'm gonna miss you man, but maybe we will be able to link up IRL if you are ever around to do so.  

For the final time (most likely): Goodbye Prince Nicky. Ride off into that sunset with hope and grace.  We here in Dinks community pray for what you are about to embark on, and hope that one day you can return and tell us stories about your journey.  And as always, Keep on check checking ;) 

*Check Check*  - Lift

RE: La Flama Blanca Se Atenúa ‘The White Flame Grows Dim’ - happy - 07-25-2019

GL with everything Nicky