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Make me ASAB - Printable Version

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RE: Make me ASAB - RussEfarmer - 03-09-2021

You're a fun player in game but these screenshots are a little gross. sowwy -1

RE: Make me ASAB - Mana - 03-09-2021

As much fun as it is shitposting with you on the discord and on the server, along with me not trying to be a pot calling a kettle black, a lot of what I've seen on the forums, and on the discord makes me think that you have a largely different viewpoint compared to the majority of the current staff team. You've shown me that you have no restraint in either encouraging trolls or being capable of acting in a respectable or level-headed manner regardless of whether or not you're in the wrong. You can get heated pretty quick when poked at the wrong way. There's going to be a large disconnect between you, staff, and players on the server if these issues keep up and that's going to cause even more headaches to pop up in the future.

-1 Can't see it happening right now.

RE: Make me ASAB - jax - 03-09-2021

Overall, I’m pretty indifferent to whether you get staff or not. In a vacuum you’re fun to play with on TTT. I don’t necessarily agree with some people’s problem with your contrarian POV. I don’t think it’s bad to have a staff member who goes against the “status quo” of the staff team. Whether you’ve taken the correct Avenue a staff member is supposed to take, I have no idea. (Regarding Synthray’s screenshot)

I’m relatively new still to the server, in context of the events that some of the people in this have commented on, so I will not be touching upon those.

That being said, I personally don’t know how you’ll juggle your normal (and in my POV, fun) antics with being staff. A ton of things that you and the people you play with do, are considered (by current staff guidelines) to border the line between rule breaking, trolling and just having fun.

Things like changing your name to PVT Sissy Cuck, in regard to Nate. As a regular you can get away with it, and it’s hilarious. As a staff member, it’s probably not appropriate. Killing your friends, Kosing your friends, ‘targeting’ your friends. Again, hilarious and in good fun as a regular, but not sure how that translates to being staff.

I think that  youre susceptible to favoritism. When you like people, you like them and you’re kind. When you dislike someone, it’s obvious you dislike them. Once again, as a regular that’s not a problem. You can hate / like whoever you like. You can have favorites as a non-staff member. But the moment you become staff, you have to take on an objective approach to the servers, lest you become like some of the other current bad staff members.

Maybe you can do it, you were murder T-Mod so the history is there. I just don’t know if I can see a transition like that.

I also think one of the problems that the current staff has is that many people don’t respect them. If you don’t have the respect of the playerbase then it’s going to be incredibly difficult to moderate. As a regular player, you have respect from most of the server I think. However, that respect will not translate into respect as a trusted in my opinion. Current players respect you as a regular. It’s obvious from many of these replies that you have some history / ‘enemies’ on the staff team as well. I find it hard that you’ll be successful as a trusted if many of the current staff don’t at least respect you. This includes some of the past staff as well.

Finally, in regards to the manipulation and “look at me I’m a quirky gmod girl gimme attention” problem previous posters have pointed out, I’ll just say this. Yeah I guess I can see it a *little*.. But I think the bigger problem in that regard are the retards who let themselves get finessed online by a random e-girl. You definitely play into it a little but at some point it also becomes less your problem and more of the horny m’lady-ers who engage in it.

All in all, I’m indifferent. I could see you possibly bringing some good changes to the community but I can also see you going in the opposite direction as well and being a poor staff member.  I think ultimately if you end up as staff, you’re gonna realize you shot yourself in the foot and you’re going to have to begrudgingly change up how you play TTT which is gonna lead to you not enjoying it anymore.

RE: Make me ASAB - cherry (2) - 03-09-2021

I’ve not been a part of this community for a while since it’s just been hopeless for so long it seems.
Yet the sheer amount of shit I’ve been told about you and the disgusting shit you’ve done and said gives me a really strong feeling that you should not get staff.
Your whole omg I don’t want or have simps shit is full of shit. You know exactly what you’re doing. I’ve seen enough to know that much.
I’ll give you the leeway to feign ignorance/deny everything as I’m being vague on purpose. My word is my evidence etc. This is more out of respect for the individual(s) that have shared everything I’ve seen.
People can take this at face value, with a grain of salt, or outright believe its a lie. I don’t care- this is more a message for you. You need a reality check if you believe you can get away with everything you’ve done and said.

RE: Make me ASAB - GAMER - 03-09-2021

i dont pay much attention to the drama on this server and i dont plan on doing so 
More staff is better than less, if things get out of hand a demote is a possibility 

RE: Make me ASAB - Cactus - 03-09-2021

-1 in all honesty i think you only want staff so that you can mess around with things like "minor teaming" and "trolling" even more than you already do as a donor and feel if you had trusted other staff would be more hesitant to deal with your non sense.
i Don't play with you often or speak with you at all off the server so i only ever see your "goofy" side and from what i have seen i don't think you would be a Good staff member on TTT.

Like i said i don't interact with you often so this is just my opinion based on my experience playing with you on the server.

RE: Make me ASAB - GM Nate - 03-09-2021

Quick summary of some Burb related drama I've been present for:
-offered to create the server for dink's movie night, and quickly made it about herself by creating secret channels, blocking people she didn't like, keeping it a secret from people she had drama with and kicking people who leaked it to them, eventually stirring up her simps about the idea of 'rats' leaking it and causing divides until she eventually kicked and blocked 95% of the people in the server then disappeared for a day only to pop back up in game and act like nothing happened.

-constantly complained in the movie night server about quaxi, who was inactive in game at the time, being allowed to watch anime in the staff lounge with dong, with thinly veiled jealousy, and eventually made a long, uninformed, poorly researched forum post about 'all of the inactive staff' asking they be demoted. The whole post was made to look unbiased but in general the stats for inactivity she was presenting were not accurate and the whole basis of the post was obvious to anyone who had to listen to her complain about quaxi for weeks.

-When Gcubed left to deal with real life stuff Burb was telling anyone who asked that we drove him away by talking shit about him behind his back 'just like we do to her.' Pissed me the fuck off that she made it about her, especially since gcubed is loved by everyone and eventually DMed me and said that was not what it was about at all.

When Lemon, a minor, was getting harassed by that one dude burb defended him while also making it about herself by saying "well when I asked him to stop he did are we sure she actually asked him to stop?" at a time where I had been in game with lemon and burb at multiple times this had happened and burb had certainly witnessed his constant targeting and harassment as well as had certainly witnessed him asking her to stop, she just wanted to make the issue about herself by any means necessary. Frankly this one was pretty gross to me.

Not gonna waste too much time on this but there are countless smaller things and burb has caused more division and drama in the dink's community than any other person by a mile since i joined in October.

RE: Make me ASAB - Tedgp908 - 03-09-2021

In the very few minutes that I have played on TTT in recent history, I did play a few minutes with you. I saw you constantly targeting a young guest for being annoying, while he was annoying you shouldn't constantly target them in chat and over voice. This isn't the behavior that I would have allowed someone to become staff when I was admin. I almost never comment on staff applications, yet I chose to comment on this one; that should signify something.

RE: Make me ASAB - dan - 03-09-2021

Piggybacking off a few others. Around October-ish-November. I'd have said +1, you're fun, good player etc. But, as I have noticed if one were to disagree with your opinion(s) directly or indirectly you'd complain about it on your personal discord/manipulate others into seeing it your way. Discussing and sharing in staff discord ttt_servershit wasn't even safe either. We'd have staff member(s) leak it to you personally. It wasn't just me that had this problem, I spoke with a few other staff members as well, and they shared the same opinion.(I will not be leaking their name) After that shitshow for personal reason, I resigned.

RE: Make me ASAB - Nicol Bolas - 03-09-2021

Per request of Burb, the application has been closed and denied.