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Traitor but back in Red or Green. - Printable Version

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RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - Mother Nuru. - 03-13-2019

(03-13-2019, 03:05 PM)Traitor Wrote:
(03-13-2019, 02:35 PM)Mother Nuru. Wrote: -1 to admin for now.
This being because I need to see that you've changed when it comes to helping out more/doing what needs to be done more.
Before you left you spent a lot of your time partying, and ignoring things that we would report/need help with/needed changed. On top of this, you left us adminless, without getting one appointed before leaving. We did fine without one for those few months, but it still was not the best decision. You spent most of your time drinking, and away. I haven't heard of you drinking as much since you've shown back up lately, so thats a plus.
Many times when we would report another staff member, things were not done, just little warnings here and there. Some of this was clouded by your fondness for said members. The three strike rule has been long surpassed for several of them. If you were to become admin, would you actually listen to the players/staff about the ones causing issues among staff and the server?

+0 to mod.
I agree with avi that if you leave, you should start back from the bottom. Doesn't matter who you are. However, I also am taking into note that we let Link resign, and come back a few short months later as well when he needed a mental break as well. Moderator is a good position until you prove that you're ready to come back and be admin, if you are ready. This is just enough responsibility to lay on your shoulders without crushing you, so we may see if you're better now. This doesn't come with any HUGE decisions that you're not capable of. I myself wouldn't mind if you were reinstated back into the moderator position. This is a +0 and not a +1 due to your lack of time being shown on game tracker.

With all this said though, I still feel as if it's fair to start from the bottom and come back up. We've all been there, and have had to do the same thing. I understand the need for mental breaks, truly. However the way it was went about, warrants a restart from the beginning.
Also agree with the alt account thing. I understand not wanting to trade all the time, but you need to list all of your alts so we may see your active time.
This is what I have between all of them.

Chip http://prntscr.com/mxgr00
Paradox http://prntscr.com/mxgr5f
Jimmy C isn't found.
Silver Luko isnt found
Traitor http://prntscr.com/mxgrt3
Origin http://prntscr.com/mxgs4i
Playtime alone makes this all a -1, along with needing to improve on actually helping more.
Fix your time and come back, is my suggestion. It's not like you don't know what you're doing, so work on that.

the only issue with this I have is the fact that before I left I tried to get 2 people promoted to admin (edit*)for weeks leading up to me leaving bc I said I had things in my  life I had to take care of. So I tried evrything in my power to make sure you guys had an admin but they were never promoted.

Then disregard that part of my comment. I don't think a single one of us was aware of this situation right here.

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - [Yellow] Travis1421 - 03-13-2019

I just wanna know one thing. What will make this different? I'm not talking about your disappearance. I'm talking about the fact that while you were admin, the staff became super toxic. There were rules implemented that nobody seemed to know about and the staff were also enforcing an entirely different MOTD rule set. What will you do to change that this time?

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - Mother Nuru. - 03-13-2019

One more thing;
Why did you leave? Someone is going to ask it at some point, so might as well. What's the real reason you were so stressed, that you ran?

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - Traitor Plays - 03-13-2019

(03-13-2019, 03:09 PM)[Yellow] Travis1421 Wrote: I just wanna know one thing. What will make this different? I'm not talking about your disappearance. I'm talking about the fact that while you were admin, the staff became super toxic. There were rules implemented that nobody seemed to know about and the staff were also enforcing an entirely different MOTD rule set. What will you do to change that this time?

Tbh I tried over and over to make them less toxic. The rules were being changed in the staff chat. The reason for that is the fact that some of the rules made it so people couldnt even just play and have fun they had to be serious 100% of the time, and thats not how a "game" should be. The werent posted yet bc we were still voting on the final rule set and waiting for dink to approve it. Also toward the end of time as admin I was over worked, stressed and depressed about stupid shit which has been dealt with now. I am here to better the community in which we spend countless hours on every week. I do take fault for everything bad that happened while I was admin, as it was my job to prevent a lot of it, which I didnt do so Im sorry for that.

(03-13-2019, 03:25 PM)Mother Nuru. Wrote: One more thing;
Why did you leave? Someone is going to ask it at some point, so might as well. What's the real reason you were so stressed, that you ran?

Okay... there is a lot that happened in that time period that caused my disappearence. First is the lack of communication between me and Dink. Second my mother started to get sick and I had to stay with her a good bit when my brother couldnt be there. (I only had my phone to use at that point) Third I traveled almost 300 miles to watch a girl that I was previously engaged too get married to one of my "friends". All of this lead me back to drinking the pain away nonstop. Listen I dont want this post to change your mind one way or another. I just figured you guys should know why I left, its not bc I didnt love the community or anything like that its bc the person that I was turning into is the type of person that you want as your only admin.

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - dong - 03-13-2019

+1 for whatever rank you may receive. I can’t comment much on in game related things, but can comment on your character. Since your return and our little chats I always knew you wanted to be back amongst the staff. You genuinely care about the community and want to give it your all. PH does need another admin. Im also glad you clarified your original reasoning for leaving. You have previous experience as one of the top dogs of PH, levelheaded when it comes to heated situations, etc. I know how it is to have irl things come up that you have no control over and stepping away is your only option. Shouldn’t be a disqualifier for you, but I wish you luck man

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - Dildo Shwaggins - 03-13-2019

-1 to admin, +1 to mod or start back from truted. For TTT I don't see an issue with you being mod again, or even PH for that matter since you're not working in the same capacity as an admin and know what you're doing. But, there are two hold-ups I have to you being full fledged admin again. First one is of course what others have brought up here- it's one thing to take a leave of absence and maintain your rank/have someone fill in, but you committed to quitting it (which I'm not saying is a bad thing, but it is the case) so I feel like coming right back and doing that might not be the best. Of course you had good reason to do so but a possible advantage to starting at a lower rank than admin could be to tell if you really want to get back at it again once you're there. Secondly, I think as an admin you were a bit too strict. Like, in my case specifically, I understand and have self-awareness when it comes to being a troll sometimes (e.g. necroing/the Hillrop thing on the discord) but sometimes I feel like you have trouble with letting certain things go and try to be a bit too strict overall. I understand discipline is needed, but I also feel like you get too caught up on things that are harmless or not intended to be. Could have been a side effect of what was going on in your life, but that's ultimately a secondary reason in the end. I know you care about the community and I know you want the best for it, so whatever the outcome is, I wish you the best of luck

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - §6SEMBER_UNO - 03-13-2019

I dont have the same level of in game experience with traitor as most of the staff do. He already had left the server by the time I became trusted and I haven't had any major issues with him while I was donor. Since his return I really haven't had much in game experience with him to vote one way or the other, any vote I make would be based on hear-say thus I choose to remain neutral.

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - AzunaRiceBoy - 03-13-2019

+1 For Mod Ur fully qualified for the position

Everyone has personal stuff they have to face and that is understandable.

for The position Admin I think its to soon to say at this stage

Given what had happen before with your resignation I dont want to hold something like that against you. 

Ur a awesome player and it will be great to have u on board considering we need more Mods if Dink grabs 2 Admins

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - VolfVoss - 03-13-2019

-1 Mod and Admin

+1 for trusted 

I think it would be good for you and all of us that you start back as trusted while you get more integrated in the community again. After some time you'd go up to mod skipping Tmod for obvious reasons. 

Things i would ask or say have already been presented, so I will keep my reaponse brief.

It's good to see you coming back (again) Traitor

RE: Traitor but back in Red or Green. - TheUltraFish - 03-13-2019

I am a -1 on the admin application. An individual, even with prior staffing experience, should not be able to come in and get the admin spot. Your time on the server as of late with your main and alts is spotty at best and with most other players would be enough to deny them any staff position. I will always have a level of respect for you since you stepped up when most of the prior PH staff left and you were forced to take charge of a game that you said at more than one point that was not your favorite. At times you did come across as a bit harsh by making rules like not allowing staff to change/alter there names or threatening punishments for minor things because someone missed a sentence that you said in the PH chat out of hundreds of other lines of text.

I understand that life can suck, be absolutely chaotic, and your explanation on why you were absent in your last months as admin is completely understandable upon your absence and sheds light on situations that took place at that time. I realize that some of us were toxic at times it happens and people disagree on different subjects, but what appeared to some staff as ignoring issues either on the server or between staff members did not come across well to most. If we had some idea on what had been happening we would have tried to alleviate the work load for you but we did not know. Now I am not saying we needed specific details on what was going on, your life is yours, but a heads up would have been appreciated. Upon your departure, the moderators were left in charge to attempt to maintain order and have our opinions and thoughts held to a much higher standard than usual on the forums, server, and discord.

I think what we need is time to see if you are going to stick around and continue to help out like you already do with your current rank, no point in giving a rank to someone who is not around. I would also like to thank you for all the work that you did when you were admin. You kept overall order on a very busy server with very green staff members. Best of luck going forward.