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Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - Printable Version

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RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - Darkkran - 09-22-2019

Since you all want a formal response.

I don't believe that you will ever be ready for staff because of your actions as a normal person among even friends. This small petty shit that you do is so uncalled for and it's so fucking annoying, the fact that you were added to a discord for a bunch of friends and started immediately getting into peoples DM's including mine knowing I was damn well fucking taken and ENGAGED and legit started messaging "I started thinking about him again" which was pointing toward me. The type of person you are is collectively just utter shit, and you have no respect for people, and that is a legit CHARACTER TRAIT you must have to be on staff. You do not conduct yourself in any way imaginable to be staff on any server of any kind, even a My Little Pony server.

The fact that you legit sat in a discord with others and said you got permission to "mess" around with another girls man, which in fact you know it was not the truth. The amount of places you slimed your way into was way to many to count at this moment tbh. The fact that you put such little effort into this app only proves, you are doing it because "you can". I suggest that you find another place to slime around.

Some of you will think this is harsh, but I'm sick and tired of hearing about petty and small shit that she cries and whines about because "she's lonely and no one will love me". You bring this shit upon yourself for attention and it's sickening.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - TheUltraFish - 09-22-2019

I ask that things remain respectful and to not be derailed moving forward in this staff application. The unhelpful shitpost that provided no help whatsoever for anyone out of the loop has been removed. The other section might be removed as well seeing as how things move forward. @Darkkran  I know of some of the things you speak of. You will NOT "deal" with anyone here past or present.

Due to some of the personal nature that has taken place with a few individuals involving this person. I will be the one to make the final decision so you can stop pinging Nuru on this matter.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - Avi - 09-22-2019

Overall I agree that you've recently returned and that you need to refamiliarize yourself with the rules and community because a lot has changed since you went inactive. For this I will base my -1.
As for other things, you broke trust with quite a few people in the community through previous actions. While it may not have hurt prop hunt directly, it hurt people in the community. I would say looking forward if you want staff, show the community that you can handle trusted and the responsibilities that comes with staffing; being staff means the community trusts you, and thats something you need to work on building again.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - Pixie Soldier - 09-22-2019

I'm not going to go into details or drag things up. I agree with some of the things said by Dark and Avi, you have trust to build again with a lot of the community here. Being staff is a responsibility and at the moment I don't think that you have shown the maturity needed to carry out that responsibility. Also you have not been active on the server recently as previously mentioned. I told you before that this is a community that sticks together and doesn't like to see anyone of its members hurt. I do hope you've learned from your mistakes and that you can move forward. Just sit back and enjoy the game for a while and maybe in the future you will have shown that you have made positive changes.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 09-29-2019

-1 You do not have the minimum requirements met, if nothing else.
But far more importantly, even should you meet them, I think it would be wrong and disrespectful towards others for you to become a staff member. To me it isn’t a matter of “rebuilding trust”. I don’t even know the full story or whatever, but the part I do know is the opposite of what the community needs in a staff member.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - Pinksakura3_TTV - 09-30-2019

I have been taking the advice given to me and would like to thank those that have given me advice. I have been more active on the forums and discord and the server. Now as far as the past events that were brought up, I understand that I messed up and I should’ve never done those things. I have changed a lot since that though and would like for those days to end up behind us all as I do not believe in living in the past. Thank you for taking the time to read throughout my trusted application.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - augmENTreality2 - 09-30-2019

In my opinion it will take time to heal some of those wounds jupiter, it cant just be brushed away. I'm not saying that it needs discussed or brought up in terms of explaining it, I just think that you will need more than a week since your application to build trust with some of the players in this community. I do feel that you care for the server and want to do good here, just give it some time and keep improving.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - Mother Nuru. - 09-30-2019

One last bump before this is locked and my comment is made, and fish makes the decision.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - beyonce - 10-01-2019

+1 she is good at enforcing rules and she is always recording for any evidence if needed. She talks to younger players as normal people and doesn't be immature and give them a hard time. she is #beyonce approved

my personal opinion on top of my +1 despite the past and all the drama dinkle is about family and a community we build people up as a community and I feel she deserves a chance at proving herself to the community.

RE: Leftjupiter18's Trusted Application - Pinksakura3_TTV - 10-02-2019

What I’m gathering from your entire post is that you don’t even see me as a person. You don’t even know me that well, and quite honestly you have bent the truth and assumed many things that were not true, I never saw your original post but I can only imagine the horrid things you said to ruin my name already. I’m still a person whether you see me as one or not and I have changed whether you can see it or not.