Dinkleberg's GMod
Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - Printable Version

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RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - Noire ♜ - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 03:35 PM)Saitama Wrote: @"Noire" I don't know how the discord user report bot works, but would it be possible to get a variant that asks for steam ID, a couple of short tags to describe the reason (rdm, chat spam, toxicity, micspam, etc), and the evidence, then saves the evidence into a folder named with the steam ID, naming the evidence files with the reason tag and differentiating them by adding a number (like RDM1 RDM2 and RDM3 for three pieces of rdm evidence? No one who isn't staff can see this, and then those little bits will build up to go a long way.

I'm not well versed enough in discord bots to know but, like dong said we're trying to keep that sectioned off, just for discord. It's as simple as what Laced said. "That's why, if you don't think you have enough evidence for a ban, you send it to an Admin or Mod. At the very least, they'll keep an eye on the player."

RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - CrAcKbOnE - 06-18-2020

Literally addressed most of this in my thread that got nuked like a day ago :/
In short, the whole staff vs trolls thing is cock blocking the normal players who have actual criticism of staff actions, I get that the server is flooded by toxic trash, but if you've have some rank (regular or something) in the server I think staff should at least look into it and not get everything disregarded as a "troll lmao". I know the whole "just upload evidence lmao" argument but me and many other players are seriously not gonna download a recording program and clog up our computer space by recording every second of our gameplay so we could MAYBE catch someone abusing power so we could be accused of "baiting drama" later on. A few staff members even told me that I need to catch something extremely blatant and dumb for staff to actually get punished and the whole process just seems to be one sided. Especially when some of us only play a few hours a week. It feels like the gap between staff and everyone else is too huge, I get that being staff can suck sometimes, but come on. Have I trolled before and deserved to be punished? Yes and I was fairly punished. Do I have actual beef with the actions of staff against me or someone else? Yes and I don't think every criticism should be dropped with "he's trolling again!"
Regarding the questions - pretty much what Foxka oops said.
For Nicol, stop claiming you're the "bad guy" of the server when most of your decisions were agreed to be the better choice for the community, its cringy man (alsoplzcheckdiscord).
P.S. I'm barely active anymore so sorry if I'm repeating something someone else said because honestly there's too much text from everyone for me to bother reading everything when I'm that inactive

RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - dong - 06-18-2020

Since my previous posts didn't really fall under your questions that you wanted answered, I'm gonna go ahead and fill out my opinions for them, Nicol.

1. What can staff do better?
I can't really go into detail as much as I would like due to "leaking staff chat" or anything of the sort, but in all honesty we need better communication with each other. Within my time in this community as a staff member I have been a part of three completely different staff teams. The one thing that I see this current staff team lacks is communication, and I have tried to preach that multiple times in our Discord.

2. What can the playerbase do better?
Overall they need to stop shitting on staff. I get that we make a ton of mistakes, but if we aren't going out of our way to make your time miserable, why go ahead and ruin our experience too? i completely understand the frustrations that some regulars are facing mostly due to our inconsistency, but that's something that will be worked on. I just highly recommend to actually be decent people and stop pushing people away, because some of those people you're making leave are actually the good ones.

3. What can I as Admin do better?
I think that you are doing very well for being our sole admin Mr. Nickel. but I think that the time to announce a few new admins is needing to happen. That on its own is a very tedious process, but I believe you and Dink can choose the best candidates. Back onto the topic of you, I believe that there is one thing you can do (at least for you being the only admin right now) don't be afraid to make big decisions. You have already held this responsibility just fine, but don't be shy to put your foot down on some things. Other than that you're doing a splendid job.

4. What can you as a player or staff member do?
Ever since my return to the staff team I have tried to help in the community aspect of things by lessening the divide that we have between staff and players. Whether that be me going out of my way to help someone attain staff, to avoid being banned, or to even teach a staff member how to appropriately respond to trolls. I have tried my hardest, and while I do admit as of recently my reports in game or whatever have been lacking, I only truly grind my ass off to be good at that my first time around as staff. This second time I've been trying to be a face for our staff team and someone to look up to even though I'm only a Moderator.

RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - cherry (2) - 06-18-2020

Been debating if I should respond or not, but I guess why not. I have nothing better to do. This is just how I've perceived what's been happening in the server as I've started to get on for a bit. This is also just based off my own experience, and what ever I say I always give the benefit of the doubt since I can't see behind the scenes. Take this as you will with just a grain of salt I guess.

I think there's been this consistent problem during my time here with inconsistency with enforcing rules. I see a lot of hostility or simple things like people getting away with shit they shouldn't be like racial slurs. Just to dive deeper I think for the hostility it narrows down to the kind of environment the server is in rn.
(u can call me a hypocrite it's ok I already acknowledged that I've been guilty of being inconsistent before lmao)

There are times I see borderline harassment happening, but because it's so borderline I don't really see staff (not pointing fingers nor saying all staff) taking the initiative to do something about it. For example I asked in admin chat if anyone's going to gag specific people for harassment, but someone (I don't even remember who) said they'll start watching out for it BECAUSE the victim had asked the group of people to stop after a while. Why not take the initiative to simply !psay them and ask if it's making them uncomfortable if you can't tell if it's harassment or not? Maybe it's because the "haha troll!!" attitude happening. While yeah I'm definitely part of that, it's just because if I take anything remotely serious it'll just get me stressed out. If you can't beat em then just join em especially when I'm trying to have a good time. Not to say that it's an excuse, or even that it's a problem. The thing is I just see the harassment, and in applications you commonly see "I want to help the server out!". Well the community makes up the server so why not take the initiative to do something about it? It's not hard to prevent more serious problems happening and having it extend for that long. 

**This isn't a direct attack at anyone/staff as I purposely didn't care to note who did what because the example I went into is just simply an example that I remember best; this is something I personally feel that could be addressed as a whole to simply be consistent and take the initiative when you can. I know how shitty it feels when people put the blame solely on one side, but I'm not trying to do that here. I still do see staff doing a good job. It's just the little things here and there that can add up.

For the player base it can be obvious if you care or not. If you care you know what to not do, and if you don't then I mean you do you. Everyone got their own means of having fun. Just at your own expense how you use your time and if it comes at a price. Just keep in mind not everyone's going to have the same outlook as you, but rules are rules. Staff just try to enforce them.

nicol gay.

RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - RussEfarmer - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 05:24 PM)Hani Wrote: For example I asked in admin chat if anyone's going to gag specific people for harassment, but someone (I don't even remember who) said they'll start watching out for it BECAUSE the victim had asked the group of people to stop after a while. Why not take the initiative to simply !psay them and ask if it's making them uncomfortable if you can't tell if it's harassment or not?

I wish I could upvote this more than once. Speaking up to a staff member if you don't like how people are talking about you/treating you is very hard.

RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 06:59 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 05:24 PM)Hani Wrote: For example I asked in admin chat if anyone's going to gag specific people for harassment, but someone (I don't even remember who) said they'll start watching out for it BECAUSE the victim had asked the group of people to stop after a while. Why not take the initiative to simply !psay them and ask if it's making them uncomfortable if you can't tell if it's harassment or not?

I wish I could upvote this more than once. Speaking up to a staff member if you don't like how people are talking about you/treating you is very hard.
Problem is that so many people, certain groups, within the community talk to each other like trash commonly. Remember the whole fiasco where we tried easing up on language? Same theory, you give an inch and some idiot takes a mile. This is why preemptive staffing and discretion are so important for staff. A lot boils down to managing people which not everyone knows how to do. 

Still not sure if I’ll type of my own response since I’ve been preaching the solutions for years now. Eventually it gets old to repeat yourself, which I only have so much patience for.

RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 06-19-2020

(06-18-2020, 09:47 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 06:59 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 05:24 PM)Hani Wrote: For example I asked in admin chat if anyone's going to gag specific people for harassment, but someone (I don't even remember who) said they'll start watching out for it BECAUSE the victim had asked the group of people to stop after a while. Why not take the initiative to simply !psay them and ask if it's making them uncomfortable if you can't tell if it's harassment or not?

I wish I could upvote this more than once. Speaking up to a staff member if you don't like how people are talking about you/treating you is very hard.
Problem is that so many people, certain groups, within the community talk to each other like trash commonly. Remember the whole fiasco where we tried easing up on language? Same theory, you give an inch and some idiot takes a mile. This is why preemptive staffing and discretion are so important for staff. A lot boils down to managing people which not everyone knows how to do. 

Still not sure if I’ll type of my own response since I’ve been preaching the solutions for years now. Eventually it gets old to repeat yourself, which I only have so much patience for.
You are right about this Matt. I’ve realized that people myself included trash talk one another on the server mainly because we are friend and we don’t usually mind it because we know they aren’t being serious. I do think that we could probably tone it down some but I don’t know if everyone would do it. However, if a person is trash talking to someone they barely know this is most likely where a problem can occur. I also think other users probably don’t like us trash talking each other even if we are not being serious. Like I said in my previous thread I would try to lighten up on it but it will be difficult since most people are still doing it without rest and It’s easy for myself to respond back. I still think I’m a fault for that for responding to them anyway.

RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - Seadub - 06-19-2020

I haven't been consistent on this server / forums in a long time, but I've seen every stupid piece of drama that blows up just about every 6 months or so, and it never stops. I don't socialize with people on the Discord or anything, so from an outside perspective looking in it's the most ridiculous thing ever. On a video game server. You want advice? Listen to Foxka and Matt. They are consistently the voices of reason every single time some shit pops up.

RE: Addressing the State of TTT- The Pandemic, Toxicity, Burning out - Hello Kitty - 06-19-2020

(06-19-2020, 10:39 PM)testicle penis Wrote: I haven't been consistent on this server / forums in a long time, but I've seen every stupid piece of drama that blows up just about every 6 months or so, and it never stops. I don't socialize with people on the Discord or anything, so from an outside perspective looking in it's the most ridiculous thing ever. On a video game server. You want advice? Listen to Foxka and Matt. They are consistently the voices of reason every single time some shit pops up.
With people being in the community for so long they have prior experiences with these things.

foxka smart

and matt + scoovie