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A story of Jeffery - Printable Version

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A story of Jeffery - Abdel - 01-29-2020

Here's something I've been thinking about, with stress in mind, I bring you a short story of the world in my mind. Welcome to Zethyeria. 

Once Jeffery set out on an adventure, geared up and with his mother's ashes in hand he was off to deliver them to the great hills of astros. His father staying behind to tend to his siblings and his best friend his dog. Jeffery had a long way to get from point A to B, He had to cross the rivers of zoth, the mountains of the many, and cross the no man lands where humans once ruled the world. His mother a sweet and delicate women in his eyes, once was the great adventure warrior of the eastern kingdom Zether. His mother had a dream to one day explore the ever luminous forest of the west with her own son who had hopes of becoming a great adventurer like her. These luminous trees radiate boundless life energy of those of the past, and anyone whose ashes were spread into the winds that surround these trees would be allowed to dance with the eternal elders of these trees. So Jeffery needed money to even begin to journey across the rivers by boat and to cross the mountains of many by dragon. Granting access to commoners was very expensive, but if you had a current active adventure's badge you could have a major discount on trips if it involves a bounty mission for the guild associated with it. Jeffery took up to Zanus, the next town over closest to his village. This town where he would register under, from this day onward he because a rookie adventurer. 

Jeffery started small and slowly moved onto medium sized roles that would help him gain the income that would help him cross his first obstacle. Taking the shortest routes to move the fastest. The Zanus Boating company is one of the safest and securest people you can trust in to get you across these bandit full and monster filled rivers of zoth. Many of the best adventurers were hired to assist in the crossing of high officials and low adventures with delivery missions. Many tales told on journeys and many new friends to meet across these waters. Jeffery's new destination across the waters would be The mountains of many. These mountains as high as the sky and among many of the mountain sides, statues and carvings of past kings, queens, and heroes of the lands. Only those who impacted the kingdom of the east were bestowed to this honorable place. Among the mountains of the many, Jeffery's mother would be among them and where he payed respects to her as he passed by. With his goal in mind and his mission that would allow him to reach beyond the east to the west, Jeffery had access to the guild's dragon services. The Crimson Clan's Dragons, born and raised to be both battle and escort beasts. The Crimson rule over the eastern towns of zether, hence you can call them the royalty of this eastern nation. Our rookie adventure uses his badge, regardless of it being of one of a low rank, was granted a pass. You could apply towards guild funds where the guild would pay any advance payment for traveling, but the adventurer would have to do a private request of the guild's choosing in the future. The air getting denser and the wind getting colder and colder, our friend Jeffery will face the high speeds of the great crimson dragons. 

The Mountains of the Many range across the entire eastern kingdom all the way to the borders with the middle kingdom of Zoomun. The land where the mass race of humans once ruled. Now known as no mans land, this is where the crimson dragon's ride ends. It would take around 3 days of crossing the bandit and demon infested middle lands to get to the west. Jeffery was confident that he could make it where ever as long as the spirit of his mother was with him. Jeffery wasn't alone, along with him a high ranking warrior and an average paladin came along. No one would try to mess with this party. It went by fine in the next 2 days, but on the 3rd day they encountered resistance. A group of bandits known as the Hat thieves. The hat thieves would kill and loot their encounters and would chop up the head of any person they would loot, and leave a hat in it's place. Only a few hours till they would reach the border of the west, Jeffery and his party sustained injury. The paladin badly hurt and Jeffery carrying them on his back, the warrior would stay behind to deal with any thieves who would dare follow them. Upon crossing the borders to the west kindgom Zome, they've reached the nearest village. Calling out for help, some near by people came to help jeffery and the injured paladin. The people would take care of the paladin and Jeffery would take the adventure's emergency tag for later use at the nearest guild building so other rescue parties could come heal the injured further. Jeffery may have encountered a few missteps, but he continued on towards his goal.

Jeffery has cross his three obstacle, but there was a fourth. The kingdom of Zome was a nation of countless ice mountains and the deadly tribes of orcs and trolls. Regardless if a High Human ruled over the trolls, they would still attack anyone who came across their land. Now solo, or friend Jeffery traveled slow and carefully, avoiding any patrols left and right. A map that was given to him and a riddle; mountains hidden within, the world of light shines brighter under the moon and the door to your wishes appear. Only those who truly with every intention of offering to the elders of would be granted pass into the luminous forest. Tired and thirsty, Jeffery sat in a dark cave hiding from those who would kill him if found. Slowly falling into a deep slumber with his mother in his mind, this cave was no longer filled with darkness. As he falls asleep, he feels a similar aura carry him into what feels warm winds and gentle music that fills the ears. Our hero has found his destination, slowly opening his eyes to see the spirit of his mother that has guided him through all the years, but not only his mother. His father, his friends that he has lost, and a faint but revealing person he recognized more than anyone. His eyes closed again, Jeffery saw before him his own self laying next to the tree. Tired, thirsty, and with his life surrendering to the very light energy that he entrusted everyone who supported him throughout the years. Now Jeffery an older man at the end of his journey joins his mother and father, along with his best friend to dance, sing, and entrust his own legacy to his siblings he left behind.

Great Warrior Jeffery of Zether, no matter what hardships you faced, we dedicate this statue in your honor. Rise and be one with the noble, watch us from the skies of heroes, we grant you eternal peace to your endless struggle, you were born a rock and became a jewel among diamonds.

Watch me big brother, I'll be a great adventurer like you and mom.