Dinkleberg's GMod
Safe Sprays! - Printable Version

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Safe Sprays! - Medthicc - 02-09-2022

So I've been working on making sprays and only recently found out sprays are banned on Dinks. The obvious reason being NSFW sprays, and worries about an old exploit that is supposedly fixed.

My recommendation is a whitelist spray addon that only allows specific ranks, or specific users, to spray.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2414242993 An example addon, but there are multiple.

With a white list system using a donation method, or trust system, you could mitigate any abuse while still allowing sprays, with no worry of exploits.  Its just a bit of extra fun customization. After all  where will I put my Dinkleberg gifs?

If this isn't secure enough, perhaps some sort of system where we have a spray approval channel on the discord that only approves specific links.

RE: Safe Sprays! - HONG - 02-09-2022

only possible way to do this correctly would be through an approval system, though i guess it could be an added incentive to donate

RE: Safe Sprays! - Deer-ly - 02-09-2022

We tried for a while to make a spray can so the sprays used were controllable and you get a cool item out of it. Never worked and this addon looks like the same as others that just let you take a url and have any spray you want and letting people have FREE WILL ? Terrible idea

RE: Safe Sprays! - Here lies Eggroll's Eggrolls - 02-09-2022

Even if regulars and/or donors I can still see a lot of people abusing that. Especially donors. In the end it would just be another thing that staff need to look out for which nobody wants. It makes everyone's life just a little harder. I think the only form of sprays being "brought back" on the server would most likely contain of staff being the only people with the ability to spray. Maybe even Test Mod and up only. Because to be honest, the spray feature is really powerful and it can be so easily abused with explicit images with just a few clicks so even giving staff permission to spray would be useless. Sprays barely add to gameplay anyways so I don't think it's very important.

TLDR: Sprays are most likely never going to be "brought back" in any shape for form.

RE: Safe Sprays! - RussEfarmer - 02-09-2022

The only thing I would ever consider would be a list of pre-approved sprays similar to emotes.. being donor or regular means nothing from a trust standpoint. Racial slurs, whatever.. harassment, whatever.. even doxxing, not awful to deal with. But being able to spray literally any picture or gif and having to make staff watch it to make sure nobody sprays anything bad.. do we really want moderators to have to potentially sift through pictures or videos of porn, gore or murder just so people can put funny pictures on the wall?