Dinkleberg's GMod
Ban * His Alts - Printable Version

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Ban * His Alts - Potato - 11-17-2023

Offender's Name & Steam ID: 

Potential Witnesses: 
@Bird (2)

Reason to Ban: 
Hacking/alting. Alt of Scam Likely (STEAM_0:0:449980171)

Video here


RE: Ban * His Alts - Bird (2) - 11-17-2023

My POV since potato was trying to fix his tech problems: video

RE: Ban * His Alts - Blu - 11-17-2023

Ah good ol' jittery aim, haven't seen em in a while 1+ for a yeet

RE: Ban * His Alts - Super Milk Chan - 11-18-2023

User has been Banned. Thanks for the report.