Dinkleberg's GMod
Unban - Printable Version

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Unban - nonono 8 - 02-10-2024

MeepMeep I think, nonono or RicknMorty


unfortunate possum 

racism and evasion pretty stupid, bye bye. 

I want to be unbanned Ill be less annoying and more typey less on the mic'y.  I apologize for my previous behavior please don't pull up the logs I've seen them before I just ask for another chance at unban appeal.  

In the attachment below I post my total hours playing the game. In this server and community you guys may have had more time and plenty of chances to witness or go through what I may have done in game. while I admit its part of playing in online servers to hear profanity its not necessary to have fun. While you guys may have been fed up with it I kind of missed that part of my childhood and maybe I see it as my own way of reclaiming that time I never had. If you guys were to look at all the games I've ever played I'm sure you all would know that I'm a based ' skill based player and I should have another chance at playing real, nostalgic and enjoyable games with a decent server and good players and friends to be around. 

If given another chance I will be grateful and I will try to keep a relaxed and respectable posture when playing online with fellow friends.  

Written by Sakhi. A ~ Canadian with a passion to play with more Canadians,. Excepts Justin Trudeau. SA

(02-10-2024, 07:01 PM)nonono 8 Wrote: MeepMeep I think, nonono or RicknMorty


unfortunate possum 

racism and evasion pretty stupid, bye bye. 

I want to be unbanned Ill be less annoying and more typey less on the mic'y.  I apologize for my previous behavior please don't pull up the logs I've seen them before I just ask for another chance at unban appeal.  

In the attachment below I post my total hours playing the game. In this server and community you guys may have had more time and plenty of chances to witness or go through what I may have done in game. while I admit its part of playing in online servers to hear profanity its not necessary to have fun. While you guys may have been fed up with it I kind of missed that part of my childhood and maybe I see it as my own way of reclaiming that time I never had. If you guys were to look at all the games I've ever played I'm sure you all would know that I'm a based ' skill based player and I should have another chance at playing real, nostalgic and enjoyable games with a decent server and good players and friends to be around. 

If given another chance I will be grateful and I will try to keep a relaxed and respectable posture when playing online with fellow friends.  

Written by Sakhi. A ~ Canadian with a passion to play with more Canadians,. Excepts Justin Trudeau. SA

(02-10-2024, 07:01 PM)nonono 8 Wrote: MeepMeep I think, nonono or RicknMorty


unfortunate possum 

racism and evasion pretty stupid, bye bye. 

I want to be unbanned Ill be less annoying and more typey less on the mic'y.  I apologize for my previous behavior please don't pull up the logs I've seen them before I just ask for another chance at unban appeal.  

In the attachment below I post my total hours playing the game. In this server and community you guys may have had more time and plenty of chances to witness or go through what I may have done in game. while I admit its part of playing in online servers to hear profanity its not necessary to have fun. While you guys may have been fed up with it I kind of missed that part of my childhood and maybe I see it as my own way of reclaiming that time I never had. If you guys were to look at all the games I've ever played I'm sure you all would know that I'm a based ' skill based player and I should have another chance at playing real, nostalgic and enjoyable games with a decent server and good players and friends to be around. 

If given another chance I will be grateful and I will try to keep a relaxed and respectable posture when playing online with fellow friends.  

Written by Sakhi. A ~ Canadian with a passion to play with more Canadians,. Excepts Justin Trudeau. SA

RE: Unban - Dildo Shwaggins - 02-10-2024

You just had an unban request closed the other day. Maybe PH works different than TTT (staff will confirm this) but usually once an unban request is closed you gotta wait a month before appealing again.

RE: Unban - lacer - 02-10-2024


RE: Unban - August - 02-10-2024

Like previously said, you must wait a month to post another unban request. This is our standard procedure, though I do see it was not explained on your last unban request. Regardless, if you just had your last request denied literally two days ago, what made you think those two days would change everyone's minds?

RE: Unban - Bird (2) - 02-10-2024

Once your unban appeal has been denied, you have to wait for a month to try again.

RE: Unban - Super Milk Chan - 02-10-2024

At least you actually typed it yourself this time so I will give you a actual response.

Your unban request in Denied at this time, please wait 1 month before reapplying. The earliest date you can do this is 03/13/2024 USA Dates