Dinkleberg's GMod
Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - Printable Version

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Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - hxted waave - 08-27-2017

Ingame Name: Anna (hxted waave now.)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17708335

Who Banned You: An Ero Doujinshi

Reason For Ban: "Nice Toggles - later Kappa (cheating)"

Length of Ban: Perm

Reason for Mods to Unban: I don't cheat. The evidence say I did cheat wasn't even strong enough to say I cheat. Refer to other section.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): http://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/thread-2150.html

Other: Alright I'm gonna be address a few things.

1. I miss you guys. I miss the server. I miss the welcoming community. I miss the fun nights playing. it's been a month since my ban and the fact that I'm even trying to be unbanned again should be a sign that I love the server.

2. The "Click Here" evidence on Christians post in my ban is COMPLETELY LEGIT. I did little flicks to everyone who walked in my crosshair.

3. All of Christians Aimbot videos on me (where it looks like I'm silent aiming" aren't solid proof. Gmod demo's / spectate is not 1:1 or 32 tick.

Lets take this video right here from another server I play on now.
If you watch this video at all, it looks like he's silent aiming right? Why would he flick his mouse to peoples heads if he wanted to silent aim? Why would he put effort into it?
Lets analyze it. His ping in that video is 54 while the person reporting him is 9.
That's usually my situation. My ping now usually caps at 30 but back then I would get horrid 50+ ping.
Here's his response.


and hear was the admins response.


His response is exactly mine.

The claim that I can't be good because I play no high skill level games isn't evidence either.
I'm not good at TTT nor bad at it, and just because I hit a little fishy flicks that lag behind, you have to keep the fact that gmod is a 10 year old game. I'm not locking onto peoples heads like most aimbotters do, I've taken the time to learn about gmod (even the shitty "hair" hitboxes on the head) and get good at flicking.

My ping is always garbage because my internet last month was trash. Everytime I logged onto to gmod my internet would die for atleast 1 minute and then reconnect, angering my whole family. I also live in a house with my 2nd mom, her husband, and a step brother who games on the xbox. My mother works from home so she is constantly on the internet and my step brother is never off the xbox one. That affects my internet greatly.

So let's take in the account that Gmod isnt a perfect game and never will be.

I did not cheat on your server. If you want to deny this ban appeal. I am okay with that. Lessening my ban time is also okay. I would like to see definitive proof that I'm aimbotting in anyway if you want to deny my second appeal.

In conclusion I wish you all take the thought that I'm a dirty cheater out of your heads and reconisder my ban.

(I also bought PUBG so if anyone wants to play it that'd be coo :DD)

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - Christian - 08-27-2017

Most of the evidence I supplied was not mine, but was given by other countless Spectators. I for one thought it was sketchy mainly with the VAC. Though it may have been from something stupid, it was still very concerning to me and others to see. I think the other red flag where hours in competitive FPS titles, which is very small. At least that's just from my POV.

I'm not sure really, I never had a problem with you (minus some very obnoxious moments) but that's really it. Though this is not my final decision, I'm kinda leading you to be more innocent than I thought before hand. But I'm still not entirely sure, all I can say is this is an Admin decision and not mine.

You'll just have to hold tight for now.

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - Foxka - 08-27-2017

Just admit that you cheated. Lol.

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - DaKody - 08-27-2017

hacking is a permanent ban. so, no.

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - Deaf Taylor Swift - 08-27-2017

if you did cheat, just apologize already. if you didn't, I already predict lots of drama on this unban request. I just hope this gets resolved quickly, because you were a pretty cool person to play with on the server.

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - Linfalas - 08-27-2017

Everybody already said why the fuck you should not be un fucking banned and why you **SHOULD** fucking admit that you fucking cheated fucking simple, You've digged your grave so god damn deep you really cant get out. I see about 5.33% chance of you getting unbanned, repeating of course.

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - Camo - 08-27-2017

!mute Linfalas

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - hxted waave - 08-27-2017

Christian Lin and Taylor, I appreciate all three of your criticisms on my ban.
But I have questions for both Dakody and Foxka.

1. Foxka
Congrats on mod btw.
Can you please give me reasons why you think I cheat OTHER than my Vac ban, those videos, and the fact that I said "Oh my menu broke" in one of them (I was obviously talking about my main menu. I wanted to change my MIC settings cause I thought no one could hear me and then minty hit my with a harpoon and I spammed the ESC button and it glitched out.
I would like to know why you think I cheat and I would also like you to read my repeal in full.

2. Dakody

You say hacking is a perma ban right?
GET-DOWN-JACK was banned unjustly but then provide proof that he actually has a medical reason for his aim/hand for being so shaky and flicky, then the Mod apologized and unbanned.
I recognize that my ban is a little more controversial because in all the videos it looks like I'm "Silent Aiming" but did you even consider all the other variables? Ping, shitboxes, the fact that gmod is literally 12 years old? Or did you just watch the videos Foxka shared, and then said "Yeah he was always too good go ahead an ban him?"
I would also like you to read my ban appeal in full

also Christian, you are correct. I don't play any competitive FPS titles (other than S.K.I.L.L Special Force 2 but that really doesnt count since its an EU title.) because I like to be competitive in games, but I find the enviroment stressful and nervewracking. The only competitive mode I've ever played in is overwatch and the highest SR I've had is a mere 3383, I know, not impressive.

I don't know how to close this reply so I'll just end it with this statement

why would I waste 40 hours cheating on a server???

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - Lovanatana - 08-27-2017

We're most likely not going to unban you.


Unless you can adequately explain how you killed the person immediately around the corner, without DNA, before your reticle even touched his head, I'm abstaining to support you. The age of the game doesn't support the slightest bit of what happened, and if you slow it down further using Youtube's speed, it becomes pretty apparent that you were hacking.

RE: Lets try this again. (Anna Unban Request PT.2) - hxted waave - 08-27-2017

(08-27-2017, 04:56 PM)Lovanatana Wrote: We're most likely not going to unban you.


Unless you can adequately explain how you killed the person immediately around the corner, without DNA, before your reticle even touched his head, I'm abstaining to support you. The age of the game doesn't support the slightest bit of what happened, and if you slow it down further using Youtube's speed, it becomes pretty apparent that you were hacking.

Literally the same exact thing happened to the person in the video I show'd in my appeal, did you even read it? His kills looked EXACTLY like mine. Slowdown his video too. In the video it looks like I just shot the ground and it damaged him, but in my point of view (which is the best proof not spectating because spectating is shitty) I flicked, SAW HIS NAME FIRST, and then shot because he was kos'd. I check corners in every map that I play so it's not surprising.
That isn't even solid enough proof to say I'm hacking.
I understand where you guys are coming from but you arent giving me the benefit of the doubt. You want to keep me banned and it's you guys aren't look at it from other sides (Other than christian. thanks for not being bias.)