Dinkleberg's GMod
Yeezy's Trusted Application - Printable Version

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Yeezy's Trusted Application - Yeezy Jeezy - 12-06-2017

Ingame Name:  Yeezy Jeezy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89614246

Time Played:  153.78 hours

When First Joined:  Don't remember tbh, I think it was like late August.

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone):  I get on whenever I can, I don't really have a set time of when I can get on with work and college. I'm usually on late at night like midnight EST.

Rank Desired:  Trusted

Current Rank:  Regular

What can you do to help the community:  I can do reports and other shit that staff do, I mean what else am I suppose to say here?

Why you want to help the community:   I enjoy playing on the servers. I really like the people and I want to help out as much as I can.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts):  Yes, the thread link got deleted after I appealed it. The ban can be found here. It was for RDM and leaf, but after I explained what happened I was unbanned pretty much immediately (It was when RDM and leaf was a week ban).

Have you previously applied for staff (Link Relevant Posts): No

How did you find us?:  Me and my friends Leonard Church and Inspector Callahan were looking for a new TTT server to play on and we chose this cause it had the best ping.


RE: Yeezy's Trusted Application - Starky - 12-06-2017

+1 to yeezy, he is a great PH staff member, he handles each situation well and keeps a cool head no matter the situation. I feel on ttt he would make a good trusted, he follows rules, he is nice to players, and well...what else is needed in a trusted? He has all required time, he is consistent as he can be with work and college, over all dedicated, and truly wants to help the community. +1.

RE: Yeezy's Trusted Application - Penguinslayer4 - 12-06-2017

+1 from me. Yeezy is a great staff member over on PH! And when we are on TTT together I constantly see him helping people with how to play and how to do certain things in game or how to handle situations. He is very level headed from what I have seen and handles situations without jumping to conclusions and being rash. Would make a great TTT staff member in my opinion.

RE: Yeezy's Trusted Application - boba - 12-06-2017

Although I understand starky and the other ph staff can vouch you but I still would like to see some more from you. There are many things you can say why you applying for. I would like to see more reports like player reports to help server.


RE: Yeezy's Trusted Application - Deadpoolz - 12-06-2017

Like on cody's staff app, ima post your gametracker over the past month. Again, if you had any other names over the course of the period tell me. Game Tracker doesn't track people play time by ID, but instead names.
[Image: TbSlZF6.png]  
This shows me you came back from a break about 20 days ago. You didn't become consistent until 13 days ago. 
On ph you have been pretty consistent. Which makes me think you have had different names in the past month, but on game tracker it says you have 155 hours on the server. Since time has reset for you before... idk. I'm just going to go with game tracker on this one.

I'd like to see more ban requests tho. It helps.
Also being ph staff helps. It shows you have been capable of being staff on another one of our servers. 

In my opinion, this app is too soon right now. -1 for now, but good luck.

RE: Yeezy's Trusted Application - moocow - 12-06-2017

^^^ was gonna say most of what deadpool did but I can't post on the forums on mobile, you're a pretty good player from what I've seen though, I'd love to see you as staff in the future, but not right now.

RE: Yeezy's Trusted Application - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 12-06-2017

Yee, just seems like right now is too soon for TTT, more time and reports help

RE: Yeezy's Trusted Application - [black]Tronald - 12-06-2017

i do think yeezy is a great staf member and can handle situations correctly, just y havent been consistantly active enough for 30 days

RE: Yeezy's Trusted Application - ItzParzvial - 12-08-2017

Your application has been Accepted.