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My Life Story - Printable Version

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My Life Story - boba - 01-31-2017

On December 26, 1994, I squirmed out from my mother's vagina. As a young baby, I had asthma and my nose was crooked/slanted. My parents had to hold down my nose to make it straight, because I was sent to the hospital multiple times because of it that I couldn't breath. After months of fixing my nose, I was finally able to breath but I still had asthma.
[Image: 1z3pam9.jpg] 
I was the most cutest fat baby you'll ever known. You can kind of slightly tell that my nose was just recently fixed. It's a bit slanty. Anyways, I was a very fat baby, no matter how food I ate. I will stay fat until I started to grow older. 

I recall that I was playing Barbie Dolls with this one boy. He had a crush on me, but the thing was he had a thing for playing as a girl barbie rather than a guy barbie. He always follow me around, I didn't even care at that point because I was a kid. What the hell is love? I remember that he kissed me on the cheek and my teacher like started giggling and started using baby wipes to clean it off from my face. 

I don't really like this memory very much. At that time, we didn't have school uniform until later in the year. Even in Kindergarten, there's mean girls, 3 of them to be exact and there's a popular boy. The three girls always surround the boy and play with him. I was the only Asian in that particular class only everyone else was White, the teacher surprisingly was mixed black and white. There was a time that we were doing sharing time, every 5 tables was given one scissor. I was making something with, I needed the scissor. I was sitting with the mean girls, a classmate, and the popular boy. The leader of the mean girl giggled and walk behind me with a scissor and cut my hair. I started to cry because she snipped my hair and it was slanted. The teacher screamed and yelled at the girl. The girl said that I accidentally bumped into her, so the teacher then stopped yelling and told me to be careful instead. Another time, I went to the restroom. The 3 girls came in and started whispering to each other and looking at me. I had no idea what they were talking about, they shoved me while I was about to get out. Turned off the lights and locked the door. I started to cry and asked for help. I kept banging the door, it took 3 minutes until the teacher notice I was missing. The popular boy unlocked the door and helped me get back to class. That was when they finally got in trouble because of the camera that was in the hallway.

First Grade
The same 3 girls was the same class with me again. But this time the boy wasn't, so it's just those girls. At that time, I finally figured out why the teacher held back from yelling at the lead mean girl. It was because her mother was my first grade teacher. You can pretty much tell what happened. The teacher assumed that I didn't understand English and hired a Chinese translator to help me. I understood what was going on and stuff, but because of it. She failed me from passing the class. Oh, one time we went to a circus for a field trip. I peed my self. So I was sent back to school. I never returned the school and everyone was laughing. All the first grade was sent to the circus to watch, so no one was watching First Grade. I was sent to Kindergarten class, they didn't sent me to random class. They sent me to my brother's class. The next field trip, I went to the farm. I learned how to milk a cow and I sat on Santa's lap during the summer, xD.

In that school, I hated it so much to the point that I wish my parents never chose that school for me. They were so racist and stupid with their logic, first is, how in the world did I pass Kindergarten or even Pre-K? But hey, there logic is "It's an Asian, they can't speak English". So yes, I repeated First Grade but I went to a different school. I went from a supposedly Smart Rich White School to a Ghetto Poor School. Luckily the school in the ghetto area was actually decent enough to actually teach and talk to me. 

First Grade Again
I came into this class in the middle of the year but they still let me pass because I caught up pretty fast. I was scared because of what happened in the previous school. I used to be very outgoing, but that traumatized me to be scared of people. My first friend was a Vietnamese girl named Julia. She help me and guide me throughout the school. She was a very nice person, and outgoing. She was my only friend in the class, but she introduced me to other people that eventually somehow magically transferred out the next grade.

Second Grade
I took ESL during the school year of Second Grade because of the previous school, they couldn't pass me. So I had to take that as my alternative class while I was in Second Grade. I met a cute guy at this point, Julia was in my class again so we became best friend from that point. I kept blushing whenever I talked to him, he started getting creeped out so he ask me "Do you like me? If so, I don't like you. I like Lynne. The smart girl from next door." He dropped the harsh words. I didn't even care at that point that I was rejected. I still followed him around like a puppy. His name was Quoc (Crock), his close friend was Edgar, who also became close friend with my brother. My brother and I became same grade because I repeated a grade level. There's means girls at this age but instead of White people, it's Vietnamese girls: Lynne, Linda, and Leah. Yeah, they were all L's names. The popular guys were Edgar and Quoc. Did I get bully again? Yes, I did. They made fun of me because I was rejected and they called me Ugly and threw mud at me. Julia did protected me, but of course. The class I was in was consider the dumb class, and the three girls was in the smart class. So you get the idea of where the bully starts/comes from. 

To be continued...
There's a missing story that I will put in later. Because it's a long story.

RE: My Life Story - ❤ Miss Mari ❤ - 01-31-2017

You were an adorable baby :3

RE: My Life Story - browsing at incredibly high sped. - 02-04-2017

literal autism

RE: My Life Story - browsing at incredibly high sped. - 03-27-2017

[Image: da014dd819c7f22b657a50f6ae7e6f41.jpg]

(01-31-2017, 03:49 AM)❤ Miss Bunny â¤ Wrote:
To be continued...
There's a missing story that I will put in later. Because it's a long story.

could you continue now that you're back?

RE: My Life Story - RussEfarmer - 03-27-2017

Incredible necro