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My Time Has Come (Fish) - Printable Version

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My Time Has Come (Fish) - TheUltraFish - 04-02-2019

Today marks a year since I first got on the forums. Even though I was a part of the server before that time, I will count it as my first-year anniversary. Throughout the past year, I have been granted the privilege of getting to know many of you. Some of you I wish to get to know more, but timing and different servers only allow for so much. Within a short time of joining up on the PH server on a regular basis, I was asked by Dinkleberg to apply for trusted early. This took place within a week of the mass PH staff exodus that is still being recovered from to this day. I did have sixty hours when I was asked to apply but was not close to achieving a month yet of the server. In under 24 hours the application was accepted with no negative feedback. This was of no issue to me, as I wanted to help and saw that the server needed aid with the few limited staff that remained. Less than two weeks later, I received a message from Dinkleberg basically stating “you have done a good job so far, I’m making you tmod”. This came as a surprise, as even though I was planning to apply for tmod when I could as per stated by the staff application requirements, the role was basically given to me. I want to think that it was given to me because I was respectful and doing my best to help the server grow but in reality, it was because the server desperately needed staff and I appeared capable and consistent.

      Over the next several months, many new staff came and went as their passions sizzled out over time and led them to new games and experiences. Some left with sweet farewells while others left by blowing the bridges behind them. During my time in the server, for many hours I would find myself the only staff member, there were some donors and other server regulars that would lend assistance when they were needed. Sometimes the gameplay would be great and with little issue, while other times, it was like getting in the middle of a coordinated monkey poo throwing fight in the zoo. Many of the staff now are people that I had watched throughout their tenure with the server. I watched them give grow and understand with the ability to be responsible and helpful. A few of them have caused trouble during their growth before coming or right after becoming staff but many soon grew out of their interesting ways. This was also common for several former staff to come on the server and harass current staff, including myself, on how much the server had supposedly tanked and how Dinkleberg was obviously scraping the bottom of the barrel to find people to make staff. These happened especially during my trusted and early tmod days but have since dissipated into nothingness as their words now ring empty and mostly forgotten by most if not all.

         Five months after joining up on the server consistently, I applied for the moderator rank for PH. This was brought on by several people asking me to apply for the rank and with the recent departure of Prince and Kitty. Prince would return months later, however there were times when neither Kasumi nor Traitor could be reached to handle immediate server issues. I did not necessarily want the rank, as I enjoyed the rank and limited responsibility that came with being a tmod. I could handle most issues that came my way and could contact higher staff if necessary. After a few occasions where the small group of upper staff could not aid players and staff on the server, I decided to apply. This was met with no opposition and little critique. The main critique that I received was that my memes were weak and needed improved. I unintentionally have worked on that since that time. That or my sarcasm has become more prevalent to the average user, but it was placed under the same category. The application was accepted in under three days without issue. To this day, I am still a moderator for PH and in most cases, have enjoyed gameplay with very few issues.

     When times came to look at forums with staff applications, ban requests, unban requests, and other server issues. I did everything I could to remain level headed and unbiased to people. I would analyze experiences on the server with the individuals seeking advancement, to be banned, or unbanned. I tried my best to be the most cautious and strict when it came to staff applications, as most of the time, we were significantly short staffed, and I wanted to ensure that we were receiving good eggs to join in aiding us in achieving positive gameplay. Sometimes, my answers are short and other times the post could go for several paragraphs given the person and situation. Ban requests and unban requests would fall on the severity of the crime accused or found guilty and the evidence to support said request. Even though sometimes it has been difficult, I have tried to maintain this approach when dealing with troublesome individuals on the server with success most of the time, but not all the time. I openly admit this as even though I portray a fish most of the time, I am a human and make mistakes. 

       Many have probably noticed that my time of consistency has dropped on the server and that is the purpose of this thread. As I said previously, I have been a part of the community for over a year. Since that time, I have graduated college and moved back to my hometown getting myself a job that pays my bills and lifestyle. My main goal when becoming a staff member was to leave this community and server better then when I first joined up. I believe that this goal, at this time, has been accomplished with there being more constant upper staff than ever before, and with many tmods and trusted that are ready and eager to help. I still believe that the server still needs more staff, but we are far better off than when I first started out last spring being alone most of the time. We have staff member located in several different locations of the United States and throughout the world including Australia and Korea. I would like to thank several individuals, I apologize if I have missed any, for their friendship and dedication to the server:

Mother Nuru: thank you for being a great friend, being too nice, making sure to tell it out it is, and for being able to handle all the jokes that have been handed down to you

Voss: for you light funny attitude, you are a bigger reason why we have a constant Australian audience than you realize, and of course for the finger guns

Traitor: for taking on a role you particularly didn’t want and at times being forced to lead us all by yourself, you kept the server running more than many people will ever know or understand

ChiefRunningWolf: thanks for being a bro you are always a welcome sight to see on the server

Prince: thank you for everything you do, it is much appreciated and like most things on here, can be easily overlooked or go unappreciated

Tronald: for well, being Tronald

HalfDemonLink: for getting me back into writing (even if unintentionally), as well as for your dedication to the server, not to mention your sense of humor

There are many more but if I said them all this thread would go on for several more pages and no one likes to read anymore in the 21st century.
         Thank you for everything that the server regulars have contributed and for the always continuing work that is needed from the PH staff to keep the server gameplay nice for everyone who comes to play and grow as a community. Your work and dedication goes farther than many of you will know or understand to each individual that you impact with your helpfulness and kind words. We often forget that players join our server to temporarily forget the stresses provided for them by the real world. I ask that you keep this idea in your thoughts and minds when moving forward as we do not know the roads or trails that people have walked throughout their days before joining up on either of the PH servers. As I said, my time has come and so I will soon bring this thread to a close.
        It has been nearly a year since I have updated my introduction thread. The thread is out of date and needs to be updated. By the time you read this, that thread will have been deleted and hopefully replaced by this one. Hopefully the information provided in this thread can count as an introduction or life update if that is what it is chosen to be called. I have also noticed that I never made an improvement thread so please place any improvements that I could make so I can make adjustments going into the future. To try and make this thread appear more convincing my last couple weeks of gameplay have been lacking with me refusing to get on the past several days. If there was an emergency that I would have seen at any time that no one else was able to answer, you can be sure that I would have gotten on to handle the emergency. Most issues that occurred happened when I was unable to get on.

Make sure to make the day!


RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - DoYouLiftBro - 04-02-2019

Fish, I may have never played with you, but seeing this message just means how much this community meant to you and your willingness to make it a better place. Prophunt may never be my favorite Gmod mode, but the people on there make it such a fun place to chill and make new friends. I'm sure you had some hand in making sure that the atmosphere was one that anybody could join and feel right at home. We will miss you so much, life goes on but legacy never dies.

RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - Mother Nuru. - 04-02-2019

I'm going to beat you up for making me cry. You're one of my best friends and I'm still going to rdm you irl. Bet.
Thanks for all you've done for the community Fishy boi. I appreciate you and love you a bunch.


RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - lacer - 04-02-2019

We never talked much, but when we did, you were always a pleasure to have around and play with on PH a few times.

We'll miss you, buddy.

Viel Glück für Sie bei Ihren zukünftigen Bemühungen.

RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - dong - 04-02-2019

We were never really acquainted, but it still sucks to see you leaving buddy. The server will dearly miss you and your contribution to PH. If you ever need anything just pm me on Discord. Wishing you the best of luck

RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - VolfVoss - 04-02-2019

Congratulations on the success you've had in life, I remember the few times of you mentioning that you'd be gone to study for finales. In life you've excelled and within this community you are deeply loved. 

Your humor and attitude have been a huge factor in helping mold this community to what it ia today. I was there when wee tmod fish became big mod fish and it was an easy +1. You've been a major help in conflict resolution and have made some human like mistakes but we know that you're a fish. 

You've been a good friend and really fun to be around. Between bombarding Nuru with Short jokes along with our verbal jousting, things have always been a real hoot. 

Life takes us all in different directions but I'm glad that life brought you to Dinkleberg's, and the day you're no longer here will be a sad one indeed.

Area's for you to improve:
#1 You can't leave because you're Nuru's Fish Daddy

I really don't have any improvements for you.. Life has been Life and you've achieved a lot this year even while being a part of this community.  

Thank you Fish

RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - IJC Soul - 04-02-2019

Bye Ultra probably doesnt mean much from me but I admired how you staffed and how you acted. You were nice to me in the server when you could have not been. If I ever get back into this community I will miss you as a mod and as a player that was nice to everyone. You kept the rules in tact and kept your cool all the time when ive seen you staffing. Best of luck Ultra

RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - Móno - 04-02-2019

TheUltraFish, you'll become a huge part for this community as a whole. The way you show manners, the way to show satisfaction towards others, the way you express your emotions on problems and/or concerns. This doesn't technically surprise me due to you being a well-mannered individual. And I completely understand your reason to leave this community. We all need to take a break from video games, more specifically, Garry's Mod. We all going to that route regardless, its a part of the community. Everyone appreciate your presence including myself. Once you're gone, we'll never forget the great time with you, both Discord and in-game.

As for the problems you have, well, none of them. Neither none of us have issues nor suspicious about you Fish. Personally, we haven't talked and never knew each other, however, I'll remember your innocence. You are a perfect role model for this Prop Hunt community. You show respect, integrity, discipline, etc. The Prop hunt staffs should follow on what you're doing.

In the meantime, take care Fish. I highly appreciate your time being here.

RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - TheUltraFish - 04-02-2019


Happy late April Fool's Day everyone that conveniently falls next to my registration date. I should have made the last paragraph more clear.

RE: My Time Has Come (Fish) - [Yellow] Travis1421 - 04-02-2019

Lmao I knew it.