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Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - Printable Version

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Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - Cespedes - 06-06-2019

Hey there’s been a couple of things I feel like should be done to the surface of our TTT server. I don’t know much about the deep issues with coding and shit, but here are some I like to think simple things that can be changed. 

- With knowledge that we are able to adjust addons, I was wondering if there was a way so it would not be repeated maps on the mapvote aka Crummy Cradle aka Dolls aka Dimmesdale 

- Be able to shoot the AWP without a scope, but it has no crosshair.
- If you’re going to fix the DB drop and pick up more ammo glitch, fix it with the S&W and the HK
- Nerf the M16’s firerate and the Vector’s firerate + recoil “The gun flys up but doesn’t do anything” ~ Laced Xanax. Both are very accurate weapons which is enough already.
- Make the knife do 50 dmg, 2 hit kill. We already have a harpoon which does a one-hit-kill so don’t say it will be unfair to new players.
- Set a limit to the number of chickens you can spawn (an average player doesn’t use more than 3, I’d set the limit to 5 chickens).
- Remove the Spring Mine, useless item
- Remove Shuriken
- Fix Newton Launcher
- Re-skin the Harpoon as a pencil (Thank you Laced).

- Update MOTD, ‘reasons to call suspicion’ needs to be more updated and enforced since a suspicion can lead to a player getting killed in overtime. Players call sus for the littlest things such as ‘staring at me’.
- I will continue to fight for adding the !exploits command into our server leading to this lovely thread TTT Map Exploit List. This is not something new since it can be found on our PH server.
- The following rule, I still believe it should be a KOS after a reasonable amount of warnings like the grapple hook warnings.

This thread is not meant to shit on anyone or meant to be just me talking, feel free to give your input on suggestions you have or critiques on my suggestions. 

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - Zoreo - 06-06-2019

(06-06-2019, 04:55 PM)Mr.Potato Wrote: Hey there’s been a couple of things I feel like should be done to the surface of our TTT server. I don’t know much about the deep issues with coding and shit, but here are some I like to think simple things that can be changed. 

- With knowledge that we are able to adjust addons, I was wondering if there was a way so it would not be repeated maps on the mapvote aka Crummy Cradle aka Dolls aka Dimmesdale 
As in put in a time or map limit before it shows up again? If so, how many maps/how long were you thinking?

- Be able to shoot the AWP without a scope, but it has no crosshair.
In my opinion, this will just make the AWP over powered. Its a one hit kill long ranged weapon. Without the scope, it's easy to use at mid ranged or short range.
- If you’re going to fix the DB drop and pick up more ammo glitch, fix it with the S&W and the HK
This should be obvious.
- Nerf the M16’s firerate and the Vector’s firerate + recoil “The gun flys up but doesn’t do anything” ~ Laced Xanax. Both are very accurate weapons which is enough already.
I barely use either weapon. I can't comment here
- Make the knife do 50 dmg, 2 hit kill. We already have a harpoon which does a one-hit-kill so don’t say it will be unfair to new players.
I'm okay with this depending on the rate of fire.
- Set a limit to the number of chickens you can spawn (an average player doesn’t use more than 3, I’d set the limit to 5 chickens).
How would chicken spawn be limited?
- Remove the Spring Mine, useless item
Spring mines are only useful on outdoor maps. They are stupid and pointless most of the time.
- Remove Shuriken
I've never used it so idk.
- Fix Newton Launcher
I don't use it.
- Re-skin the Harpoon as a pencil (Thank you Laced).
I'm indifferent about this. I am fine with the skin staying, but I wouldn't have any problem with it being changed.

- Update MOTD, ‘reasons to call suspicion’ needs to be more updated and enforced since a suspicion can lead to a player getting killed in overtime. Players call sus for the littlest things such as ‘staring at me’.
I love people calling high sus on me for literally walking. Its the best. Its not well enforced.
- I will continue to fight for adding the !exploits command into our server leading to this lovely thread TTT Map Exploit List. This is not something new since it can be found on our PH server.
The exploits thread would be a nice edition to the server commands.
- The following rule, I still believe it should be a KOS after a reasonable amount of warnings like the grapple hook warnings.

My only problem with the follow rule being kos is people travelling in the same direction as you kosing you for following. Especial people who warning like fucking auctioneers. 

This thread is not meant to shit on anyone or meant to be just me talking, feel free to give your input on suggestions you have or critiques on my suggestions. 
I'm offended and feel shit on.

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - DoYouLiftBro - 06-06-2019

Map Rotation:

I agree with the map rotation pitch.  Maps such as terrortrain with 30 some people on is  a nightmare and favors traitors easily.  

For the weapon changes (ill go through each bullet):

AWP should stay like it is IMO.  Theres no real advantage for shooting an AWP without it being scoped in (not to mention it only has 2 bullets and is very loud)

The drop gun ammo glitch does need to be addressed for all guns.  S&W in particular has this happen a lot

I wouldn't nerf the firerate of the m16, rather tone down the damage that the m16 does; especially to the head.  The vector is supposed to be deadly from close range, if anything needs to change with the vector it is again the damage output.

The knife is a wildcard IMO.  Yes it can be used for targeting people who are really good (Mini, Fozzy, aethor, etc..), but its an effective weapon for people who need a quick kill/may be new to the game and are learning how being a traitor works. 

The chicken spawning is not really a big issue, and I dont think there needs to be a cap on the amount of chickens a person can use.  Staff are usually there to handle such issues.  Who really wants to spend their T round farming chickens instead of killing innos?

I agree here, Spring mine is useless thanks to the jetpacks that literally the entire server has.  

The Shuriken is my BB and if you touch it I will harm you.

I am not aware of any issues with the Newton launcher, if anyone is able to elaborate on what Potato is saying feel free.

A pencilpoon? Interesting.....


I'm not sure where the suspicion rules are in the MOTD (if its close to the top/bottom or in the middle).  9 times out of 10 however people are going to close out of the MOTD tab when it pops between map changes.  Staff will have to enforce false sus and refer people to the MOTD to educate them on what a valid sus is.

I'm fine with adding !exploits as an option, but I feel like it wont be used as often as PH (In PH it is a lot easier to access exploitable spots because well.... you can be a small prop and the possibilities are endless).  

I dont think this rule needs to be changed.  Maybe someone is following you cause your proven and they want to stick close. Someone might be following you because you did something suspicious.  The broadness of what can happen when someone is following someone is just too ticky tacky in my opinion.

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - lacer - 06-06-2019

M16 needed the damage buff it got a while ago, not the firerate. That thing shoots like the Vector and still looks like it has more recoil than it.

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - Seadub - 06-06-2019

Knife will be completely useless

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - Cosmic Tortoise - 06-06-2019

(06-06-2019, 04:55 PM)Mr.Potato Wrote: Hey there’s been a couple of things I feel like should be done to the surface of our TTT server. I don’t know much about the deep issues with coding and shit, but here are some I like to think simple things that can be changed.

- I was thinking of my own thread today.  Make it a logic system. 

Every map starts off as False ( 0 ).  Votes at the end of a map mark the current map as True (1), (because you didn't crash and made it 6 rounds).  Only maps marked False come up in the vote, random of all  maps on the server.

When all maps have been played, reset all True marked maps to false and the cycle begins again.

Before implemented, remove maps you believe empty the server out.  The Crash map ( 67th at the moment ), is always marked False at the start of a map on round 1, allowing when the server crashes, to always allow it to load.

- The AWP should be adjusted from its current damage scale really if that would happen.  Without armor allow for 1-shot kill, with body armor, have it do 80% of max health as damage to the player ( so if they are already hurt, they might still die in one hit, but not from full health with armor).
- HK has never been touched that I've seen, even though I've used it twice.  DB was fixed, but it created a new problem.
- M16 was already modified into version 2.  Vector is a bad weapon, even though being the rarest in the Weapon Crate 1.  I have 3 of them, don't use it.
- The knife does 50 damage every few months then does full damage the other months when it doesn't break.  The reason it keeps getting fixed is because like the harpoon, it is 1 time use, and only at melee range ( throwing is only done 5% of the time ).
- I use as many chickens as I can, farming them into an army.  I never use them for health, I use them as attackers and distractions.  They are more lethal than manhacks, but limited to the ground, and make lots of noises.  If we want a limit on chickens, replace the egg in the tool shop with Chickenator.  It has a set number of chicken eggs it fires into an area, saves 5 minutes of farming, and a lot more humorous like the melon and banana weapons.
- I use the spring mine on every map with a high area right next to a ladder.  People die to the fall damage the majority of the time even with Jumppack.  Also falls into the humor catergory, bringing fun to the game like the Joker from batman would ( B: TAS version )
- DoYouLiftBro loves the Shuriken though, silent-ish weapon to use at distance.
- Replace Newton Launcher?
- Harpoon should use the Yogscast inspired mod to make it say "Hwaapoon" when thrown.  (tested and approved)

- Update MOTD.  Suspicion for some is different for others, such as "Why are you aiming a sniper at my head...."  Dead.  Easier to SUS a player for doing so than typing it out ( for those without microphones ).
- The AT chat allows you to report exploits to mods online, who bring it up with admins.  Such as when Trombowen delayed as innocent for using an exploit on BBCanalwarehouse.
- The following rule, I still believe it should be a KOS after a reasonable amount of warnings like the grapple hook warnings.(agreed so didn't replace with my text, @Hani would agree this should be done, but also disagree because she likes being a mod)

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - Cespedes - 06-06-2019

Most guns don’t register in shot logs, we should really fix that please

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - Alcoholic Femboy - 06-06-2019

don't change the awp its perfect as it is. everything else i agree with.

Reasons to Call Suspicion:
Refusing to follow a kos**

why is this only suspicion?  if the traitor who's on kos starts shooting me and the guy next to him doesn't kill him or even try I should be able to kill him for not helping.
as of right now it just causes traitor buddies not to work together and have the round go on longer.

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - rue (td) - 06-06-2019

why the fuck would you change the m16 i swear if you played CSS you would killed yourself because i'm for the m16 shooting as fast as the css m4a1 because the base TTT speed is COMPLETELY useless and it still takes alot of effort despite the firerate

also yes ammo glitches should be fixed, they have been constantly abused

and no the awp should not be allowed to be shot while unscoped, because i have a crosshair draw in pen in the center of my screen anyway. plus, whats the different between an unscoped 100% accuracy and a scope 100% accuracy? just seems redundant

2 hit / 50 damage knives are completely useless dont nerf. yes i already know about the targetting discussion for the knife but the same thing can be said for the awp and nobody cares about that. it is your fault if you are being targetted by the knife because this means you are not using map knowledge / movement / common suspicion and or sense of players. just dont go into rooms alone with plays you know suck cock at the game and use knives as a crutch

(06-06-2019, 07:30 PM)Fozzy Wrote: don't change the awp its perfect as it is. everything else i agree with.

Reasons to Call Suspicion:
Refusing to follow a kos**

why is this only suspicion?  if the traitor who's on kos starts shooting me and the guy next to him doesn't kill him or even try I should be able to kill him for not helping.
as of right now it just causes traitor buddies not to work together and have the round go on longer.

THIS!!!!! why the FUCK is this not kosable? refusing to follow a KOS / walking with or staring at a kos'd player is the player who is not killing the kos'd players fault. This is common GBA and is not suspicion, is literally either 3 things : teaming, traitor's not shooting t buds, or the person not paying attention to kos's (which is their fault.)

RE: Another Potato TTT Suggestions Thread - daeganislegit - 06-06-2019

i aggre remove spring mine and shriken but we should add cameras back