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Message to all..
I am very sorry for all of the issues happening with PH, and it getting out of hand. Every users/non PH staff member that has had to see this, just hang in there.. Alrighty so I will begin.. Prophunt had been through hell recently, and as you all can tell the blame was put on me. I WILL take blame for my wrong doings and move on. But things need to be dealt with, and we at PH need to settle our differences, or a course of action will need to take place. We as a community need to work together, because if we don't the server will completely collapse.. With the way things are happening the days seem numbered and we are lucky to have the amount of people we do. If we don't work together nothing can happen.. I would like to ask everyone to move on and allow the server to repair itself it is a community it will take time but, without a staff group helping the community it will never be cleansed of its toxicity. Everything that has been happening recently is all a build up of events that I will not lay out here because it isn't needed.

Major things that need to be addressed:
  People bringing up the past...(ETHICAL ISSUES)
  Staff not working together because they only argue or disagree with each other completely.(Not having proper communication)
  Disagreeing, causing arguments that aren't needed. (Communication issues.)

I know moving on is easier said then done, but I need to ask every one to move on. That being said we are all here for the same reasons we care for the server, the growing community, and keeping it functioning. We do this because we enjoy the server and have many fun times on it.. Look at it this way.. Bikes have a chain.. Chains need to work together to function. The server and growing community is the frame of the bike.. We as staff are the chain. If the chain is a cluster fuck of issues and etc, the bike will come to a halt. We need to keep order and move on together.

Staff not working together, I will take blame for the in game things, and etc.. The communication issues are what is holding back this issue.. If we cant work together we can't move on.. I as the co-owner might make decisions you don't like, and may reject ideas on certain topics but it is nothing against you. I am not here for personal gain. I want to make it clear that I care for the server and want to let it grow. The way I see this being done, is by working together not against each other.

The issue with staff not agreeing is okay, but you can't argue or fight over EVERY little disagreement we need a more defined system of how things work, voting for things as a community and helping each other.. The more we work as a community and not against each other, the better we will understand each other... Remember think as a user, think as one not multiple people fighting.. If we work together we could aim towards goals together, and not towards our own individual wants. 

As you can see I stressed "move on" because that is what will be needed. If we can't move on then nothing will ever change. All I want is peace and let the drama die because no one deserves to deal with this. Now disagreeing, not liking an idea, or just not wanting a specific thing as a whole is okay. But we all need to work together, cut the shit and move on. The faster we can do that the faster the server can progress.

(Sorry for being repetitive but it needs to be said.)
I agree.
I have messed up quite a bit within the PH server itself and out of it, and I have apologized for it to everybody.
Moving on is the key to healing PH, though it will be difficult.
It needs to be done.
Starky has kept his shit together for a good amount of time, and I am very proud of that. 

I am moving on, and I will work on a new relationship with everybody.
I am continuing to do my job within the PH server itself. 
This forum post should not be just "any other post."
It really needs to be looked at and understood.
It's time to move on.
It's going to be difficult for many, but it needs to be done.
I have been quite wishy-washy with the server lately, and I apologize.
I am just afraid that the server will take a turn for it's worst.
I have now made my mind up completely whether or not people agree with it.
I am just going to try.
I thank Starky for writing all of this out, 
He's addressing this situation maturely.
Many others are not, including me.
Though I am changing that, it still doesn't wipe away what I did.
Anyways, yeah. This all needed to be said, 

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=18294926]

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