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Staff Abuse Report
im not gonna pick sides here but if you dont like someone u can just shut up and ignore it, or.....stop playing gmod w them. its a very simple concept, i dont think it necessitates an 18 page thesis about why tiefling is bad, i mean im not a big fan of her but like.......this is next level hating. if i cared more i would write my own dissertation on why this is bad but i think its been summed up already as to why this is a colossal waste of time, there are other gmod servers, u are not bound here
I’ve only skimmed thru most of this stuff but I see no abuse here, looks like the majority of those screenshots have been taken out of context and apparently some was leaked from staff chat. Oh and there’s nothing wrong with staffing two communities, it’s just a gmod server. Just because you have a staff rank doesn’t mean you sold your soul and can’t do anything else in life.

I think you’re just trying to make us burn the place down. Genuinely, please stop.
[Image: 955ef7a32696f2e506ea3319fcb5017a.png][Image: Banned-Gravity-Small.jpg]
Resigned prop hunt trusted 4/16/2021 - 1/1/2022 <3
Apologies to everybody in the betting pool. So many of you put wagers on "3 days or less" being the maximum time before someone made another stupid drama post, that nobody will be winning anything. I will refund your bets shortly. Congratulations to the few that placed a side bet that the drama thread would "pretend to be against making more drama/stirring the pot while being absolutely intended to make more drama/stir the pot"

Thaye/anybody else who has aspirations of making a TTT community, now is the time to act because I'd be shocked if Dinks lasted another year
The two-server thing is up to Mr Dinks how he'd like to handle it.

I don't really know what to think of Tiefling, when she was running for admin I imagined she'd be trigger-happy with bans since she promised changes to the rules to make them less vague and a promise to clear up harassment and other shit, but it seems very one-sided on who gets punished and who doesn't and its all around who plays with her off server and who doesn't. 

It's all mostly suspicions based on bad communication, but Tiefling is guilty of being awful to talk to or get anything out of. 

I've tried talking to multiple people on why some people get punished for small things and others get zero punishment or something small for big things and the name I do get back a lot is "Tiefling", which bothers me purely because you can't advocate to end harassment and help victims but then turn a blind eye or roll your eyes to other victims. 

Also, being involved in Witch Hunts shouldn't be ignored, others were punished for their involvement. 

tldr; staff should police equally regardless of friendships, and I don't think Tief can do that (nor can some others).

EDIT: most my beliefs come from being on the outside looking in and can change on knowing the truth, its having an opinion without knowing things 100% but here we are.
[Image: Rmvvz8x.gif]
This community is falling the landslide and at a very fast pace with all this dumb shit, when will we all grow up and put these things behind us?
(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: "The "two" accounts you're referring to are the same account." They are not 
Thank you for once again demonstrating that your arguments are baseless and uninformed. Yes, they are

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: Also, the reason that specific account has not shown up among my other alts is because I now know how to get around the alt checker and that account was one of the first to test if it worked, it did.
So you made an alt specifically to look like a ban evading alt, went out of your way to circumvent the alt checker, and were even on your main account at the same time as the alt account, but are upset that I didn't take your word for it? Literally the only evidence you used to claim I should have unbanned the account turned out to not support your story, which you knew since you were intentionally evading the alt checker. Wonder why you would do that, btw?

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: "I said it was a bad look for potential staff to not mention rule breaking that they were directly informed about, and that reporting it would have been an easy way to build trust and show that they can be unbiased" "If you leak private discords to me I'll trust you more and if you don't that's a bad look for you!"
Concealing information that was directly shared with you about your friends breaking the rules is a bad quality for staff and makes you difficult to trust, what a crazy concept! You can keep trying to intentionally misconstrue what I said, but the full conversation is there for anyone to read. At no point did I go asking them to leak your discord (which I was still in at the time, mind you), and they could have mentioned the rule breaking to any other admin besides me as well.

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: You also repeatedly DM'd anyone you could reaching out to find more information on the topic.
No, I didn't. If you had any evidence of this happening, you would have made a 19th page about it.

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: It is utterly devoid of evidence
Full stop.

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: The Wall of Shame might have started as a way for victims to come forward about their actions but apparently it did not stay that way forever. It was not barred to only women. The difference between you and I is that I only asked for evidence and clarification from various parties to make this post, you were just generally collecting it -- Purposefully asking people to gather. The only evidence I personally sought out was for the existence of this Wall of Shame.
Still waiting for you to provide any evidence to your claims.

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: If I recall correctly, there were three active discord staff members, one of which being you. All of you refused to stop the actively devolving situation. Slow mode takes less effort than making small talk. Again, you're an admin. We are supposed to hold you in a higher regard.
"As for the April 11th stuff, I was handling multiple different staff issues at once, while also dealing with unrelated personal issues, and I was, in fact, still deleting and warning for what I could while struggling to fully keep up with everything. I'm also not the only staff member, and half of those messages I sent were before everything blew up, and another admin was talking more at the time than I was."

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: "I'm struggling to see how this is at all relevant or anything other than you reaching for any semblance of "evidence" you can possibly fabricate." You're an admin, you should know how your server works.
One minor command that nobody uses is not relevant to knowing how the server works. So yeah, this is you reaching.

(04-29-2024, 01:54 AM)tiefling lesbian Wrote: [Image: rjoORx3.png]

In yet another instance of you being wildly hypocritical, this is not only another staff chat leak by you, but taken vastly out of context. This comment is specifically about coco's warn being kept due to her using a slur. Weird that you edited the date out of this one specific screenshot?
Hey btw can you please explain why you went out of your way to edit the date out of this screenshot?

(04-29-2024, 01:43 PM)Jawa Wrote: I've tried talking to multiple people on why some people get punished for small things and others get zero punishment or something small for big things and the name I do get back a lot is "Tiefling", which bothers me purely because you can't advocate to end harassment and help victims but then turn a blind eye or roll your eyes to other victims. 

Also, being involved in Witch Hunts shouldn't be ignored, others were punished for their involvement.
If you have evidence of this happening, please post it.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
(04-29-2024, 01:55 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote:
(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: "The "two" accounts you're referring to are the same account." They are not 
Thank you for once again demonstrating that your arguments are baseless and uninformed. Yes, they are

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: Also, the reason that specific account has not shown up among my other alts is because I now know how to get around the alt checker and that account was one of the first to test if it worked, it did.
So you made an alt specifically to look like a ban evading alt, went out of your way to circumvent the alt checker, and were even on your main account at the same time as the alt account, but are upset that I didn't take your word for it? Literally the only evidence you used to claim I should have unbanned the account turned out to not support your story, which you knew since you were intentionally evading the alt checker. Wonder why you would do that, btw?

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: "I said it was a bad look for potential staff to not mention rule breaking that they were directly informed about, and that reporting it would have been an easy way to build trust and show that they can be unbiased" "If you leak private discords to me I'll trust you more and if you don't that's a bad look for you!"
Concealing information that was directly shared with you about your friends breaking the rules is a bad quality for staff and makes you difficult to trust, what a crazy concept! You can keep trying to intentionally misconstrue what I said, but the full conversation is there for anyone to read. At no point did I go asking them to leak your discord (which I was still in at the time, mind you), and they could have mentioned the rule breaking to any other admin besides me as well.

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: The Wall of Shame might have started as a way for victims to come forward about their actions but apparently it did not stay that way forever. It was not barred to only women. The difference between you and I is that I only asked for evidence and clarification from various parties to make this post, you were just generally collecting it -- Purposefully asking people to gather. The only evidence I personally sought out was for the existence of this Wall of Shame.
Still waiting for you to provide any evidence to your claims.

(04-29-2024, 09:11 AM)Noire ♜ Wrote: "I'm struggling to see how this is at all relevant or anything other than you reaching for any semblance of "evidence" you can possibly fabricate." You're an admin, you should know how your server works.
One minor command that nobody uses is not relevant to knowing how the server works. So yeah, this is you reaching.

(04-29-2024, 01:54 AM)tiefling lesbian Wrote: [Image: rjoORx3.png]

In yet another instance of you being wildly hypocritical, this is not only another staff chat leak by you, but taken vastly out of context. This comment is specifically about coco's warn being kept due to her using a slur. Weird that you edited the date out of this one specific screenshot?
Hey btw can you please explain why you went out of your way to edit the date out of this screenshot?
[Image: aa8559fb400e537082de7fc107ba5b45.png]
that's crazy so you banned my alt based on just false evidence then

but hell yeah I tried circumventing the alt checker, because I wanted to understand how invasive it was as well as just generally how it worked. I won't go into details about how it works, however, yes I wanted to make sure that even on the same internet connection, connected at the same time it wouldn't pick it up. Funnily enough, the one round that both accounts were on at the same time I was T on both. In no way was this done with malicious intent. I personally really enjoy playing on alt accounts because it allows you to just play on your own, completely unbothered. Playing on an alt also allows me to play my steam deck on my main account while also sitting in spectator waiting for something to do. With that being said, at the same time, it is just fun messing with people who can't actually figure out who you are.

secondly, I'm done with this whole argument of me misconstruing your words. At the end of the day, you will trust players more if they leak out bad actors from private discords, which you still stand by. You've made that evident with the screenshots you've made alongside the ones I've given. All I'm asking you to do is to stop using evidence from outside discords to try and get people banned! Don't act like I didn't see that leaked admin chat you put out earlier, that's damning enough. The last time people were recording others without their consent in private discords didn't go well either btw.

I can't prove what I don't have. I do not have access to discords I am not in, nor do I have anyone to leak that information to me. The only way I can tell you that this exists is based on the comments on it on this thread alongside me reaching out questioning individuals whom I thought were in it. 

There are more, but I didn't want to leak more admin chat. While I do not currently have the evidence in front of me, there are other cases where you did not understand the rules properly enough to enforce them as well. 

also what's your deal with the lack of a date and time on that its a meme, I didn't even make it

at the end of the day, making an 18-page thread is totally overkill for this whole thing. However, I wanted to show a pattern of behavior over the past few years, of course some of the points aren't ban-worthy. I'm not trying to get you banned.
I did not know how to approach trying to get this evidence out there and I will be the first to admit that I overcomplicated the process and unintentionally made the evidence I was trying to present more of a mess than anything. I just have a problem with you attempting to police outside discords, participate/help kick-start another community as current acting admin as well as just allowing certain things to occur while at the same time being overly critical of other groups.
[Image: 76561198079899620.png]
Dad Joke Connoisseur
Vinyl & Blu-Ray Collector Man 
A-1 Saxophonist
Challenger Eve, Cass & Singed Player
Ex-TTT & Discord Moderator
I will give my comments to Tiefling and Noire directly out of respect for not making this more of a shit show, once I get time to review.
I'm only commenting to indicate that while I was asked to preview this document, as Noire wanted my viewpoint before posting, I didn't get time before he posted last night.
Since this rivals my own in terms of long winded essays, I want to clarify that I am not involved with the making of this document.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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(04-29-2024, 01:43 PM)Jawa Wrote: others were punished for their involvement.
yeah but they shouldn't have been punished as harshly as they were, especially considering that certain people got bans that were way shorter for way worse stuff
[Image: fBz8ezO.png]   
(04-29-2024, 02:20 PM)Noire ♜ Wrote: that's crazy so you banned my alt based on just false evidence then
I didn't ban it until someone from your group who was in a call with grasse said that it was a grasse alt.

(04-29-2024, 02:20 PM)Noire ♜ Wrote: secondly, I'm done with this whole argument of me misconstruing your words. At the end of the day, you will trust players more if they leak out bad actors from private discords, which you still stand by. You've made that evident with the screenshots you've made alongside the ones I've given. All I'm asking you to do is to stop using evidence from outside discords to try and get people banned! Don't act like I didn't see that leaked admin chat you put out earlier, that's damning enough. The last time people were recording others without their consent in private discords didn't go well either btw.
"Concealing information that was directly shared with you about your friends breaking the rules is a bad quality for staff and makes you difficult to trust, what a crazy concept! You can keep trying to intentionally misconstrue what I said, but the full conversation is there for anyone to read. At no point did I go asking them to leak your discord (which I was still in at the time, mind you), and they could have mentioned the rule breaking to any other admin besides me as well."

(04-29-2024, 02:20 PM)Noire ♜ Wrote: alongside me reaching out questioning individuals whom I thought were in it.
Thank you for once again admitting to the exact behavior you're accusing me of!

(04-29-2024, 02:20 PM)Noire ♜ Wrote: I do not currently have the evidence
Full stop.

(04-29-2024, 02:20 PM)Noire ♜ Wrote: also what's your deal with the lack of a date and time on that its a meme, I didn't even make it
No no no, you're not backpedaling out of this one. You accused me of altering evidence to paint something in a different light, then actually did exactly that yourself. You (or whoever you included it in your doc from) went out of your/their way to edit out the date to hide the context of the comment and tried to paint it as a completely different statement than what it was.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]

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