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this is technically a web staff application
Steam/Forum Name: Ryan722

Discord Username: @Ryan722

When did you first join the Web Staff Team?: January 2023

What do you plan to do as a Web Admin?: I think one of the biggest things I bring to the table currently as a Web Mod is the ability and initiative to make changes/improvements to the forums. As Web Admin, I would continue this and potentially be able to take it a step further with enhanced access to forum plugins and settings. I'd like to find and address more pain points in the forum user experience, as well as gather feedback for desired features and quality of life improvements.

Of course I would also lend a hand with general maintenance, overseeing Web Mods, mediating forum drama, etc. etc. etc.

How can you help the community beyond Forums as an Admin?: First and foremost I would help with discussing and making decisions about broader community affairs (admin applications, general community improvements, all that fun stuff). I'm impartial, level-headed, and generally just care about people's well-being and the betterment of the community, all of which I hope make me someone community members would trust to help run things.

I've also helped with development for both the TTT server and the forums at this point, and would be happy to assist in other areas of the community if the need arises. This wouldn't necessarily just be coding stuff (though I do like that), but things like working with server admins to better leverage the forums for their respective gamemodes (e.g. temporary sub-forums for special events, server-specific roles, whatever else the admins can think of). I know Discord is all that these days, but the forum is still a widely used space and could likely be enhanced even further to enrich the community.

What made you decide to apply?: I've had the thought that I'd like to help in this capacity for a while. At this point I don't necessarily have the time to commit to actively moderating a server, but I am routinely active on the forums and somewhat so on Discord, and could dedicate the time to the things I've mentioned above. Gabe does a phenomenal job, and I think he could use an extra pair of hands to specialize in the maintenance/improvement and help bear the load of the day-to-day. As shown in the last couple weeks things can get a bit hectic.

Anything else you would like to add?: soo... let's talk about activity. It won't surprise anyone to hear I haven't been as active in the community at large as I once was, in particular before pretty recently. Since my resignation from TTT Mod I've been making an effort to be more involved on the forums and Discords, and with backend work for TTT and the forums. Time spent debugging addons and deleting shitposts probably doesn't count much in the way of community presence, but I do dedicate a reasonable amount of time to it, and would continue to as an Admin.

I hope my history as TTT Mod and time with the community will have shed light on my character, and that my work on the server and the forums will speak to my technical ability, but I recognize that community members want to see and know their Admins. If the recent activity is a concern for you, definitely say so. Obviously if you have other concerns mention those too

For transparency, I'm applying with the consent and at the suggestion of @Gabe, and want to gauge if you all would be interested or opposed to me entering this role. If the consensus is a no, I'll spend some more time solidifying my presence and maybe we can revisit in the future. Leave some honest feedback and feel free to reach out to me privately with questions/whatever
+1 i believe in your ability to staff the forums and make a change you've been helping behind the scenes with ttt things and helped improve the forums as well , with admin position i can just imagine how much more you could do , hope you get it and continue to keep the community safe , you are an awesome and helpful person!
[Image: crimson.gif]

Carson sweats too much.

[Image: 1V8jMf6.png]
+1 I dont know a whole lot about Ryan personally but he has been incredibly helpful for things behind the scenes and is a smart person who I have no doubt would do amazing as not only web admin but also be an excellent addition to the admin team overall.

Good luck! :D
I don't think we have ever talked, but everything I have heard about you and what you do for the community has been super positive. Recent activity is really important, but I do see you doing the type of stuff I would want an admin to be doing. I think the technical side behind the server is super underappreciated most of the time.

Also I know most people pull from things outside of what you actually wrote, but if someone's take the time to read it your perspective seems really developed. You identify the specific areas that you think you are in a spot to handle especially well outside of general "admin" im going to fix the community stuff.

I really can't speak to personal interactions, but again the people who talk about you are excited when your name comes up. +1

Also if you get Admin I request that you remove the 7 negative rep i have from banned members like 7 years ago. I was totally right and don't deserve any of those -1s 100%. (Make sure to leave any +1s received from those same members ty).

@RyanHighman see post below...
It is not okay to literally tell people their opinions are wrong because they disagree.
+1 ryan (the cool one) continues to be a huge help on ttt and is generally level headed and reasonable
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
+1 ryan is more than qualified, give him his rank now
don't staff unless you plan to hate playing garry's mod 
also known previously as "yeat"
I can't take an L, they just don't exist.
queue more yeat
No brainer.

Ryan is more than qualified and I trust that he wouldn’t throw his weight around because he has “web admin.”

Ryan also is quite good at managing disputes and knowing when to intervene or if it’s okay to let it fester. He is the physical embodiment of “I let my actions speak for me” rather than talking a big game.

+1, I had advocated behind the scenes for Ryan to get TTT admin some time back. If he is willing to take on the role then let him aboard!
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord:
I think that Ryan would do a great job as web staff. Levelheaded, fair, impartial, knows how to operate a computer, has done front-end support (staffing on TTT), and currently does back-end support for TTT. With these traits, I have no doubt in my mind that Ryan would do well as a web staff member and have no qualms entrusting him with that responsibility.

Ryan would do an amazing job. Prior to his resignation as TTT mod, he played an pivotal role and was very great at it.

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