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Staff Abuse Report
[Image: JLhEUYX.png]

Yes, I used to make some edgy jokes before I was staff. Punching up in terms of sexuality and gender is a pretty common form of humor in gay and women's spaces. You've also left out context to some of these jokes that were in response to others making similarly edgy comments about gay people and women. These types of jokes were part of the reason my first few trusted applications were denied. I took that criticism and stopped making those jokes, which was noted in my later applications that were accepted.

[Image: t7cJaBv.png]

Still haven't seen evidence of the supposed harassment you keep mentioning. As for the April 11th stuff, I was handling multiple different staff issues at once, while also dealing with unrelated personal issues, and I was, in fact, still deleting and warning for what I could while struggling to fully keep up with everything. I'm also not the only staff member, and half of those messages I sent were before everything blew up, and another admin was talking more at the time than I was.

[Image: 7AOIf5i.png]

Weird how it's illegal to associate anyone in your clique with each other despite constantly encouraging, enabling, and participating in rule breaking together within your server, yet anyone you dislike are a hive mind responsible for every single action of anyone they remotely associate with. How exactly did I "allow" anything that does not apply to any other admin who also did not do whatever it is you're saying should have been done? Also, I'm not even associated whatsoever with the person that made the initial accusation after the screenshot was posted, we actively dislike each other and I supported their ban.

[Image: iYrByjK.png]

Force respond only shows up in the menu between someone making a report and the reported player responding, meaning you likely will not see it unless you're looking at reports mid round (which you're not supposed to do). It's not a crucial function, is not mentioned in the guidelines or similar staff resources, and was not mentioned to me during any stage of staff training. I'm struggling to see how this is at all relevant or anything other than you reaching for any semblance of "evidence" you can possibly fabricate.

[Image: tqDDaQ7.png]

I wasn't involved in either of those whatsoever lol? I'm also not associated with hong whatsoever, neither of us like each other and I literally had him blocked for a month because he annoys me.

[Image: ztPVEe4.png]

That's... literally... me calling him out for that behavior??? And I wasn't staff at that time??? And I have warned him for those behaviors both on the server and in discord AND in BB (which he left shortly after)??? I am utterly, genuinely baffled by this.

[Image: 3kakRTS.png]

Okay... and? There is no rule against being staff in multiple communities. I brought it up with dink of my own accord and he has not expressed any issue with it so far. The only reason so many people know about the server is because your clique won't stop bringing it up. No one is poaching players, the only invites have been to people that are friends outside of dinks, and it's explicitly forbidden by thaye for anyone to advertise the server within dinks. You have also once again demonstrated that you have no issue with sending someone from your clique to another server for the purposes of spying and leaking.

[Image: rjoORx3.png]

In yet another instance of you being wildly hypocritical, this is not only another staff chat leak by you, but taken vastly out of context. This comment is specifically about coco's warn being kept due to her using a slur. Weird that you edited the date out of this one specific screenshot?
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
Yo wtf is this. Why are my dms with you being leaked??? Couldn't be bothered to message me first.

"It wont be posted outside admin chat" my ass. You leaking admin chat then here????

To my knowledge I have never leaked our dms except for me asking around for information FOR YOU; despite you throwing shade at me in a post a couple days ago. I have been overly cordial with you and gone to bat for you so many times with people who very much dislike you (multiple times) this actually hurts.

And to be clear since I have to post on this cursed thread. Up to this point the only issue I had with tiefling was being admin on Thaye's server which I was told and believe is still a public TTT and disc server. (Mainly because I got frustrated reviving the TTT server these last two weeks and see half the staff team/former staff team over there.)

I seriously considered doing the more responsible thing and talking this out, but you did not do me the favor I don't really feel compelled.

Oh and for the record none of the claims in this thread were made or written by me.
It is not okay to literally tell people their opinions are wrong because they disagree.
(04-29-2024, 02:33 AM)TDawg4 Wrote: Yo wtf is this. Why are my dms with you being leaked??? Couldn't be bothered to message me first.
Apologies again. I was focused on airing out everything I was being accused of as transparently as possible, but you're right that it would have been better to talk to you first.

(04-29-2024, 02:33 AM)TDawg4 Wrote: And to be clear since I have to post on this cursed thread. Up to this point the only issue I had with tiefling was being admin on Thaye's server which I was told and believe is still a public TTT and disc server. (Mainly because I got frustrated reviving the TTT server these last two weeks and see half the staff team/former staff team over there.)
Regarding this, thaye's server has only been active on a couple occasions so far, I don't think it's a leading factor in dinks being dead lately.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
I mean, if you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?
I respect that sort of initiative, I would also admire someone that staffs two servers.
I don't really see the problem here, seems like just an excuse to ignite the pot after said pot had heated down.
6. it seems like multiple pages of this google doc were based on the assumption that everyone who's been calling out bad behavior since march 24th is doing it because tiefling was giving them sorosbux/illuminati points/friendship dollars
7. it seems like the people who posted this google doc are in fact the closest thing we have to a clique being heavily involved in dinkledrama
8. it seems like the clique that is heavily involved in this dinkledrama has a history dating back at least to march 24th of blowing relatively innocuous messages and actions way out of proportion, to the detriment of the emotional state of their friends and to the people who have to deal with their actions being misconstrued in the worst way possible
9. i hate puppies and kittens
↊. cause i'm my own right hand girl
[Image: fBz8ezO.png]   
-1 instead of making this garbage in ur freetime, you should try videogames or better yet going outside
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: iDkHnew.png]

hey, look !! that's me !!

As others have stated in this thread, Thaye's server is almost entirely made up of people she's friends with outside of Dinkleberg's and has explicitly ruled against any of it being advertised or even mentioned at all by the people in it who are still part of Dink's to avoid issues and poaching.

The only mention of this server in any capacity in Dink's has been by people outside of her friend group who have done so on multiple occasions after being explicitly asked not to by her.

Also for the record, I've played the server a total of 3 times, for about an hour at most each time, and have contributed virtually nothing. Why you thought to include me in your "gotcha!" moment after I have already resigned is incredibly beyond me. 

You've also admitted to partaking in some of the issues you bring up regarding Tiefling in this document?? Please look inside yourselves for once and for the love of god have some semblance of self-awareness.

This entire 18-page document reads as incredibly childish and unnecessarily petty. It seemingly only serves to further drama that has just started to die down as most of the situations mentioned have already been handled, years ago or are out of context/not true and are also almost completely irrelevant to expected behavior from an Admin, except for the ones that you don't have any actual proof of.
[Image: ac7pbrI.png]
- courtesy of coco <333
(04-28-2024, 11:17 PM)BIIG_SAD Wrote: I think that alone is enough evidence to warrant a public review, if not demotion.

-1 this thread is a waste of everyones time except those who formulated it as they have nothing better to do
(04-29-2024, 04:27 AM)bab Wrote: [Image: iDkHnew.png]

hey, look !! that's me !!

The only mention of this server in any capacity in Dink's has been by people outside of her friend group who have done so on multiple occasions after being explicitly asked not to by her.

Also for the record, I've played the server a total of 3 times, for about an hour at most each time, and have contributed virtually nothing.

really this right here bc im not sure why i got included, i havent even been on gmod lately bc of work, i had a friend ask for some help with her server and i said sure, which is why im in there

honestly i would really like my name not to be included in the next wave please
[Image: giphy.gif]
Thank you, Noire, for coming forward about being one of the main issues in the issues this community is having with cliques and drama.

The only real evidence you have provided against Tiefling is her gathering information from a Discord server that is not affiliated with Dinkleberg's TTT beyond sharing community members. While this would normally be something I consider outside of a staff member's jurisdiction, when it comes to community members who have proven time and again to only want to stir the pot, I'm honestly perfectly fine with it.

What you essentially have created is a long winded word vomit covered document that only serves to air out your personnel complaints against an admin that you dislike for reasons outside of how she staffs the server.

Please grow up, go outside, and (preferably) go to a different server in the future.

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