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[Black]God The Rabbit Mod App.
Ingame Name: [Black]God The Rabbit

Steam ID: (STEAM_0:0:142619342)

Time Played: 6 Days 5 Hours 39 Minutes.

When First Joined: May 21, 2017 2:00 PM.

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Im Available Any Time. My Time Zone Is Eastern Daylight Time GMT-04:00.

Rank Desired: Moderator.

Current Rank: T-Mod.

What can you do to help the community?: I Can Help Other Players Learn The Rules. And Get Rid Of Any Ghosters That Dont Seem Suspisious To Other Players.

Why do you want to help the community?: The Reason I Want To Help The Community Is Because I Am Always Online And I See Ghosters That Always Find Me And Other Players.
Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): I Have On Other Servers Due To My Admins On My Servers That Over-Threw My Place As Owner But I Haven't On The Dinkleburgs Servers.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Yes But This Is My First Time In For Years.

How did you find us?: I Dont Really Remember I Think I Found It While I Was Looking For A Server That Has A Fast Download Time.

Other:I Was A Garrys Mod DarkRP Server On Several Servers And A Garrys Mod Prop Hunt Server Admin On Several Ocasions Aswell. My Old Username Was: The Real 41Koolkid
Nothing here
Imma give you a +1 because when I’m on the server I see you do a good job. When I forget to give someone their punishment you do it for me. You do amazing at your job and I think your ready for moderator.
[Image: giphy.gif]
+1 Whenever im on (everyday) Your very active you always abide by the server rules and do your job.I think you will make an amazing mod.

I'd like to start off by noting a couple of things about you.

1]I admire you, way more than I may perceive.

2]Ive seen how you are with t-mod, and I'm impressed. I am, I won't lie (nor would I ever). You are always on top of things. Whenever someone breaks a rule, either on purpose, or by accident, you always step in, and offer kind, friendly, and undivided attention/help to those who need it. 

3]It's a +1 from me

4]Not really sure what else to put here. I had something but forgot :p

5]"Eyo ma' gimmie that noodle"
Although I think he is a good staff member I believe that he has not had nearly enough experience. also you have a tendency to not give people any warnings neither before or after giving a punishment
I've just returned three days ago, and I've been noticing a lot of things. 
God you are a great player. Although for the promotion, I think this is too soon. 
You have a habit of punishing people before warning, and you still don't know your binds. 
I think with some more time and maybe some training, you could be an amazing staff member.
I know my word doesn't count for much right now, but I would say -1
[Image: Disney-Princess-Gifs-Princess-Moana-disn...70-365.gif]
God the Rabbit, through the few talks we have had I've seen that you are a good person with potential. I am going to give a -1 for now and put the app on hold, because you lack training and need to be appropriately taught everything, with my return that is what I will be here for. Wait get more time and experience and my vote will change.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.