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A Case of Salt... - Printable Version

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A Case of Salt... - Salty - 11-05-2020

Hello guys, 

This will be a rather lengthy post, so I will put some disclaimers before  I get started:


-I am NOT in any way going to pretend to be a victim, as most of what I am going to be talking about is self-inflicted
-I AM IN NO WAY ATTEMPTING TO START ANY SORT OF DRAMA/ISSUES/BULLSHITTERY with this thread; I am just getting my true reasoning out there.
-I will definitely appear to be hypocritical, and I will own up to my hypocrisy if I am in fact being hypocritical. 
-I do NOT care about my reputation in this community anymore; if you all lose respect for me for coming out with what I believe to be the truth, then I'm better off not associating with you anyways. 
-I no longer have any sort of issues with the people who I am speaking of, I am just explaining what led up to my choice because it is something I've been wanting to get off my chest for a bit now.

    As most of you know, on October 19th, I resigned from the staff team. When I made the initial forum thread, I avoided speaking ANY sort of specifics of why I made the decision, which I believe was the right call; I wanted no intent of causing any sort of drama with that post; all I wanted was to announce I quit from the staff team. I had people who never talked to me or hang out with me in any way in my DM's trying to fish for drama as to why I resigned; it was infuriating, disgusting, and sad to see to keep to it brief. I wanted to give myself some time to think of how I wanted to speak on these "incidents" that led to my resignation. Again, as stated on the disclaimers, most, if not ALL of these "incidents" were self inflicted and I am not going to pretend to be the victim. 


On September 16th, I made a Presentation for the staff team to look at and discuss called "A Salty Decree." (Cheesy I know).  Here's an imgur link to it if you're interested to see what I had to say that caused the controversy. Obviously, making a comment such as "stay in your line" was not well thought out, and I didn't process that people would misunderstand this. The notion that I had in mind was that you shouldn't scream at another staff member from a different server how to fix their problems on their respected servers, regardless of what staffing experience you have; however, it was incredibly misinterpreted due to terrible phrasing to "if you don't staff on the server, don't put any input on a situation." Staff Member A who first presented this issue was willing to hear me out as I clarified what I had meant, but Staff Member B was relentless with criticism, and even went as far as to say "I'm not going to download it because it'll take too much space up on my computer." To explain further as to how frustrating it was to hear that, the file size was 819 KILOBYTES. 819 KILOBYES is not going to fill up your computer. This is what initially started my path to resignation, as I thought to myself, "What's the point of staffing if nobody wants to try and improve the way we staff and moderate our community?" I then changed gears and decided to proceed with the idea of "I'll just focus on improving TTT and not worry about the other servers." I probably should've just thought of it that way to begin with, but I was optimistic that I could present ideas that might have changed the way people looked at staffing in this community. 

You're probably thinking "Salty, you're being one hell of a hypocrite for this because you did THIS.

I would argue that I am not being hypocritical with this, and here's why: What I was doing (although again, I didn't really put a serious effort into wording I was trying to say until 5 pages in the thread), I was making a suggestion. The reason for this presentation being made was because of the fact that we had Staff Member X screaming at TTT staff to ban three players when only one of them met the criteria to be banned. It's a matter of suggestion VS demanding; if I were demanding it (which intially with the shitpost format it definitely appeared as demanding), I would completely own up to being a hypocrite here. 

2A: This... was something that was incredibly disgusting. The comments were deleted, but I'll get straight to the point: a TTT player, Prophet, made the suggestion that Zuboba was "pretending to be black" after Zuboba posted a video on the thread expressing that he was legit about being sorry. Normally, this wouldn't contribute to me wanting to resign, but a STAFF member who I won't name tried suggesting the same thing (this will be relevant to ISSUE 2B.)

Issue 2B: Naturally, as someone who is close friends with Zuboba, I was infuriated with this, and decided to vent about it in a private discord. Another staff member (again, I won't name because I am not calling out individuals with this) leaked what I said to another group. How do I know this? Insert this evidence. This, for me, was the final straw as taking the job seriously, as someone inside my own staffing community made the choice to betray my trust. After that, the emergence of calling myself and Ape Gang "Bantz 2.0" emerged. As most of you active in the discord know, I started fucking around immensely and constantly making remarks about the previously mentioned nickname.

I could no longer take being staff seriously after I made the realization that someone who was also staff there was a rat; so after debating it for a couple days, I made the decision to resign. 

These two (kind of three) incidents are what led to my resignation; I needed to get this off my mind, and I am not trying to initiate any sort of bickering, drama, or any bullshit like that. 

I'd like to close this thread with a thank you to a couple of the Staff in this community.

Dong: Obviously, you were the one who trusted and believed in me enough to give me a shot at being staff on TTT. The experience I gained from doing this was extremely beneficial to my development as a leader. Thank you.

Jack: You have always been honest with me and never sugar coated a single thing when you spoke to me about things, and I always appreciated your feedback on any sort of situation.

Noire: Same as Jack; you always helped me see things under a different scope.

Travis: You and I may not have always agreed on everything we discussed while I was staff, but you and I always had civil discussion about it. I love you man.

B0T: Yeah I know I give you a lot of shit, but you truly are a great addition to Dink's staff team; PH is VERY very lucky to have you. 

And for the rest of the staff team, I appreciate the fact that all of you have an immense passion for this server; I may have not always agreed with what some of you have said before, but I understand that you all care about this server and (hopefully) want nothing more than to just keep it a safe, fun, and inclusive space anyone can enjoy. If we had issues before, it's all water under the bridge from my perspective.

Thank you for your time. ~Salty

RE: A Case of Salt... - Nate - 11-05-2020

David Chapman.

RE: A Case of Salt... - Gabe - 11-05-2020

I can see why no one read my long threads on the forums now

RE: A Case of Salt... - bryanbrr - 11-05-2020


RE: A Case of Salt... - Burb - 11-05-2020


RE: A Case of Salt... - KaptainLes - 11-05-2020

Whos this guy again?

RE: A Case of Salt... - PH - 11-05-2020

i love you man

RE: A Case of Salt... - Mana - 11-05-2020


RE: A Case of Salt... - dan - 11-05-2020

@Mana you know you love us ape deep down <3

RE: A Case of Salt... - MissPauling - 11-06-2020

"Pauling: for always being a brat"

Aw thank uuuu <3