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coco goes loco - Printable Version

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coco goes loco - coco - 07-10-2022

Ingame Name: coco??

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88878083
Discord Tag: coco#2163

Time Played: 229 hours

When First Joined: October 15, 2020, but didn’t start playing consistently until December of 2021

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): EST, weekdays I’m available after 4pm, weekends anytime

Rank Desired: Tmod

Current Rank: Trusted

What can you do to help the community: I feel I’ve been doing my part to help the server as Trusted, but there are limits to that rank and I have found myself in many situations where my ability to help is hindered by not having access to !bring, karma ban, and fspec. There’s not much I can do in the moment about mass RDM currently, I’d really like to be able to help with that. I've also been reading the staff guidelines religiously and referring back to them whenever I am unsure about something, so I feel I have a good understanding of the rules and how to handle those breaking the rules.

Why you want to help the community: I have made so many amazing friends on dinks, I really want to further help make the community an enjoyable place for everyone. I feel like my method of staffing, while it may be more relaxed than others, helps allow players on the server to have fun but also punishes those who deliberately try to ruin the fun of others.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): No

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): Trusted application - https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/showthread.php?tid=16261

How did you find us?: Server list

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes

Other: I’d like to address what I’m sure will be a point of concern for some, which is my activity for the month of June. I had a hospital visit, two car accidents, and a broken headset (among other things) going on in the past month, so my activity was definitely very spotty. I would like to point out that I have 80 more hours than I did during my last staff application, which was the beginning of May. Given that I only played a handful of times in June, my activity for May (let’s just say 70 hours) reflects my normal activity on the server when I don’t have extenuating circumstances. I’ve been back to regular activity ever since I got my headset situation fixed (about 10 days ago), and life has definitely calmed down so it should stay that way. 

I considered holding off on this application another week or two, but since I’ve been back I’ve just run into so many situations where tmod abilities are needed that I thought I would give it a shot. I understand if this gets denied because of my activity, I was just hoping that maybe the fact that I’ve been a semi well known (I hope at least lol) member of the community for the past couple months would work in my favor. Additionally, I was still active on the discord while I was unable to be on the server, so hopefully that shows I didn’t completely abandon the community for the time I was unable to play. Thanks for reading my essay :)

RE: coco goes loco - HONG - 07-10-2022

+1 had a great reason for inactivity, otherwise has proven to be a solid staff member and part of the community

RE: coco goes loco - lacer - 07-10-2022

+1, activity shouldn't play into the decision here given the circumstances, one of the best trusted we currently have, etc

also really nice even in situations where it would be warranted to be a dick

RE: coco goes loco - Quantum - 07-10-2022

+1 overall a good staff member that is actually fun to be on the server with and does a great job when playing.

Coco knows that it’s just a game and knows when to be serious at times and when to not overstaff.

RE: coco goes loco - Salty - 07-10-2022

Coco always asks questions when she isn't sure of something and is willing to learn when an opportunity arises.

I cannot think of any legitimate reason to deny coco. Should she have waited a bit due to her legitimate reasons to have inactivity?  Should she have more ban requests up on the forums?

Sure, but I think the staff team and community have all seen the caliber of staffing that she always brings to the team; these are minor issues that can be improved upon over time.

She is someone I can fully support, as she is easy to work with and the community has a good opinion of her.  She knows when to intervene and when it's okay to just let things go.

+1; best of luck to you on your app.

RE: coco goes loco - Damien1579 - 07-10-2022

Parroting what everyone else has said, the dip in activity is a moot point considering the circumstances. coco has been excellent as a Trusted so far so denying this would be an L. I would also like to say that she also genuinely likes playing the game when she's on so I don't think it'd be that burnout would be a concern. +1.

RE: coco goes loco - Grump - 07-10-2022

Been doing great as trusted

RE: coco goes loco - ⋆ Fx ⋆ - 07-11-2022

Always have a positive experience with coco +1

RE: coco goes loco - daeganislegit - 07-11-2022

I Probably dont get much say on this since i only speant one day with you because i just got back but what i have seen you have the qualities of someone who can grow and grow im so happy to see these new generations of staff so i would be happy to have you as tmod but as i said i just came back so i cant really say anything +0

RE: coco goes loco - chibill - 07-11-2022

Personally having staffed the server multiple times with coco lately, I think she is ready for the step up to T-Mod. +1

She has been able to handle reports and other issues (mic spam / slurs) well and her inactivity wasn't by choice so I wouldn't hold that against here.