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make melee knife 2-hit - Printable Version

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RE: make melee knife 2-hit - Cryptic Salsa - 07-26-2021

if you nerf the knife then people will be screaming about the awp it will be exactly like last time late 2019 - early 2020. because "the awp needs no skill just point and shoot" i heard those words so many times and ive disagreed every time. yes its not fun to get knifed is it worth making the knife near unused like last time no solid -1

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 07-26-2021

I said this in the discord so I might as well said it on here. There really is no good solution to this. If you do make the knife backstab only there is a chance the hitreg will fuck up.

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - MiniMe - 07-26-2021

The harpoon is still in the game too. A two hit knife and one hit harpoon would be nice

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - HONG - 07-26-2021

(07-26-2021, 06:36 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote: Taking away 1 hit knife kind of defeats the point but if it's a "backstab" mechanic I think that would be really cool
While backstabs would probably be a bit janky, anything to at least alleviate the currently shitty and near-impossible to react to "oh im dead now" knife would be great.

(07-26-2021, 08:29 PM)MiniMe2001 Wrote: The harpoon is still in the game too. A two hit knife and one hit harpoon would be nice
Also agreed with this. People use trident in the same exact fashion as the knife anyways. If we remove 1 hit knife, they'll just flock to trident, which isn't necessarily a bad thing since trident is slightly easier to react to, has better visibility/audio, and is slightly less braindead.

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - bunniey - 07-26-2021

since the tryhard peeps are angerying my no, i'll elaborate or sumn

1. less damage knife = no one buys knife because there's no point in having a weapon, which will tell everyone around that you're a T, that doesn't kill, it would be easier to just deag them in the face since you're already telling them and people around that you're a T since you won't get the kill off anyway, just remove it at that point

2. the real issue here is targeting, which needs to be addressed more, since some staff have a very lax view on targeting, and even take part in it because they're not as good as the /good/ players
when someone, every time they're a T, knifes you, or drops a sentry at your feet no matter who's around them and guns you down, or tridents you, or whatever, right when they see you, and you go to staff or whatever and they're just like "wow this is really minor" or some shit, yeah, that's going to make people mad

if i get knifed right away by the same person even two of their t rounds in a row or two or three times in the same map, that's definitely targeting, especially with how many cliques are in this game, it's easy to just say "hey friend i can't target this person this round pls go knife him for me thx", and yes that does happen

do i have a solution for clique based targeting? no, no i don't

but making targeting a bit higher on the punishment priority list is a good step

edit: back stab thing good i like that if it can be implemented

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - Wrong - 07-26-2021

(07-26-2021, 08:58 PM)NotRand Wrote: asdf
I completely agree. The problem is that it's also hard to enforce targeting, even though I (and others) definitely DO get targeted, because at the end of the day the objective of the game for a T is to kill innocents and win. And it's logical for T's to use the best available weapons to eliminate the best available players, to increase their chances of winning. It's within the game, I'm not mad at them for that. It's just that while there are several other "one-hit" items in the game, such as tridents, AWPs, even SLAMs, body bombs, c4s, jihad, etc, those are not nearly as uncounterable as a knife. You can dodge a trident, since it's thrown at a distance. You have to aim with the AWP, people can miss. You can hear SLAMs being put down and see them. You can hear body bombs being put down and exercise judgment on identifying/viewing a body. You can hear c4's and react accordingly based on loudness and frequency of beeps. You have several seconds to kill someone who is jihading near you, or you can try to take cover and abuse the fact that the jihad is easily obstructed.

But a knife? What the fuck are you supposed to do against a knife? Kill them for being near you? That's RDM. Kill someone who's following you and obviously wants to knife you? No proof, and you need to give three warnings, separated by three seconds each. Somehow kill them in the 0.3 seconds you have to react to knife someone? Again, not possible. Totally in human. (Which reminds me, there could be a possible fix by keeping the knife as a 1 hit but allowing it to have a longer pulling-out animation before it can be used. This might be the best possible idea, let me know in a reply).

It feels awful to die to a knife, because there is no counterplay. Some people might argue that getting 1 deaged is the same. I wouldn't argue this because the person using the deagle has to aim. The person in the process of getting deaged can easily move and dodge/jump/etc. There is no skill to using a knife, and there is no possible skill defense to playing against a knife. 

I fully understand that this item may not be changed whatsoever. It's a staple of pretty much all custom servers, and even most vanilla ones, to have the original 2-Hit knife be a 1-Hit knife. I get that. It's part of the game at this point. It's just really annoying to constantly be knifed by the same people, repeatedly, to the point where 1/3 or 1/2 your rounds are immediately removed. Just food for thought.

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - HONG - 07-26-2021

(07-26-2021, 09:06 PM)Rich Kids on LSD Wrote:
(07-26-2021, 08:58 PM)NotRand Wrote: asdf
(Which reminds me, there could be a possible fix by keeping the knife as a 1 hit but allowing it to have a longer pulling-out animation before it can be used. This might be the best possible idea, let me know in a reply).
Awesome fix idea, this would definitely make knife counterplay way more possible and bearable. Not sure if it's possible in the limitations of GMod, but +1 if it is.

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - J@CK XDDD - 07-26-2021

You know its been awhile since a new knife thread kudos everyone this was long overdue but im glad it took awhie

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - lacer - 07-27-2021

(07-26-2021, 10:45 PM)J@CK XDDD Wrote: You know its been awhile since a new knife thread kudos everyone this was long overdue but im glad it took awhie
thanks to that insightful comment, the server and community as a whole is 100% better, thank you for your service

RE: make melee knife 2-hit - Damien1579 - 07-27-2021

As far as I know, it's being tested on the TTS. It works just fine in my opinion.