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Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - Printable Version

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RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - TheUltraFish - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 02:17 PM)dong Wrote:
(08-13-2021, 02:11 PM)Noire Wrote: However,  

Dong, you were a solo admin for a hot minute there I'd like to see what you and Nicol can do if you're a part of a team larger than yourselves. @bryanbrr and @Battons have completely eclipsed you and Nicol in server updates and a general feeling of newness and revitalization on the server. 

What could you possibly do to continue this upward trend on the TTT server? What can you do when you are on this team?
Admittedly I have never been one to do back end things such as weapon changes, hitbox issues with playermodels, lua, all of that jazz. I have and will always be more focused on the community engagement aspect. Having face and listening to community issues was the one thing I was best at. I worked on staff related things such as redoing committees (they got deleted rip), even reworked the rules before I left, but that never saw the light of day. I would strive in a team setting because Battons and Nicol are more technically orientated, whereas I feel like Bryan and I could do very well on the community aspect.

I want to comment on something discussed here as well. Being a solo admin sucks a good portion of the time and to put it plainly you do not have time to do everything. Yes, you can rely on other staff to handle some things but extra things like maps, playermodels, basically anything extra can seem exhausting after dealing with the community. Not to mention, you have to given final okays on such extra things in most situations. You have to keep the community in line while also keeping them happy while also keeping a decently active staff team while not handicapping or hindering them from doing their jobs. That on its own can either be easy or difficult, it depends on the day. Some days, nothing happens which is a good thing. Others days, it can be one or two things, and on different days, things can be purely chaotic with the server(s), discord, and forums. (You all know those chaotic days.) Tagged with that, everyone looking to you and taking everything you say in certain ways and you can be exhausted rapidly.

Yes, unresigning can and has been very bad in this community (I hate myself for jokingly making that term a thing when I did something similar). However, if we are going to focus on what basically one admin did during their tenure I ask that things be looked at other than what the changelogs say. How was the community at the time? Did the staff team get stronger/better? Did the server improve and at what and/or why?

Different admins also do different things. Like I can handle community issues as well as test maps and player models but the moment you ask me to edit a map or hand me some lua code, I am pretty much screwed (I am better than when I first joined the community but it's still bad).


I guess my vote, for what it is worth, is that I am fine with whatever happens. I do not play TTT so I do not know how he staffs on the server but if he was bad at it, I would have seen it on the forums and various discords. If he is applying for the rank again and has proven to be a good staff member with moderator duties, it would not hurt to have another admin around. It would suck if TTT had an admin go inactive and it be stuck on 1 maybe 2 admins to deal with everything. I doubt the TTT community would want something ignored or overlooked since that has been an issue for years. so +1 on that regard unless he sucks serverside.

Some of you may go like, "wait Fish, you do not play TTT so why are you voting at all."

Well, I commented on here twice already and have had to work with Dong in Dinkleberg's gmod on plenty of occasions before and since his return. So mine would be more of a discord/forum character vote more than anything else. It is up to TTT to decide for the server section that I cannot.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - dong - 08-13-2021

To clarify, this is an application of sorts not an un-resignation. I'm not guaranteed anything from posting this, it is purely for input on the matter. I have been in a trial period for over a month. Ideally this was to be a yes ur good or a no ur dumb, not rant about un-resignations. I was offered Admin back by Dink yes, but my rebuttal was let me have Mod for a month and get the community input. Me applying for it does not constitute as an un-resignation.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 08-13-2021

Well when you put it like then sure. I would like for you to become admin again. I believe you will be able to help the community a lot more now. So 1+ from me then.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - Scoovie - 08-13-2021

Un-resigning isn't a new concept and if they were good staff then there isn't any reason to deny it but this isn't an un-resignation its an admin app so leave the argument of un-resigning out of it. +1 to being promoted to admin since this is an APPLICATION.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - HONG - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 02:17 PM)dong Wrote:
(08-13-2021, 02:11 PM)Noire Wrote: However,  

Dong, you were a solo admin for a hot minute there I'd like to see what you and Nicol can do if you're a part of a team larger than yourselves. @bryanbrr and @Battons have completely eclipsed you and Nicol in server updates and a general feeling of newness and revitalization on the server. 

What could you possibly do to continue this upward trend on the TTT server? What can you do when you are on this team?
Admittedly I have never been one to do back end things such as weapon changes, hitbox issues with playermodels, lua, all of that jazz. I have and will always be more focused on the community engagement aspect. Having face and listening to community issues was the one thing I was best at. I worked on staff related things such as redoing committees (they got deleted rip), even reworked the rules before I left, but that never saw the light of day. I would strive in a team setting because Battons and Nicol are more technically orientated, whereas I feel like Bryan and I could do very well on the community aspect.
Honestly, I was probably only okay with having Nicol back as admin due to the fact that he's been extremely helpful in preparing content for the server. I really don't feel we have a need for another community-oriented admin, as both Battons and Bryan (and even Nicol) have been doing an increasingly better job on that front, and this has extended to all of the dev team being more receptive to community feedback for server changes, as well. I also don't feel we have a technical need anymore, either, with again both Battons and Nicol providing this. We are doing well on all fronts, and I tend to agree with both Noire and Laced in terms of the dislike for unresignation as a procedure in general.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - Kizzy - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 01:55 PM)Caribou Wrote: we already have 3 great admins (nicol) (battons) (hong) so +1 to what laced said
I'm going to rdm you for putting battons over my name. See you in Dinks TTT.

As far as your concern dong. I havent been in the community long enough to really have an opinion.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - lacer - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 03:24 PM)Scoovie Wrote: Un-resigning isn't a new concept and if they were good staff then there isn't any reason to deny it but this isn't an un-resignation its an admin app so leave the argument of un-resigning out of it. +1 to being promoted to admin since this is an APPLICATION.
If this is an app, it belongs in the staff application section with the proper format. It's not there and it doesn't have the format, so it's not an app. 

Unresigning certainly isn't a new concept, but that doesn't really change what anybody here has said about it. It's still stupid.

and huge +1 to what hong said, going back to my original comment that this really isn't needed.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - La Flama Blanca - 08-13-2021

I have some concerns about the pretty dismal playtime. If this is actually intended as an application, then 10 days of gameplay within a 30 day period with a 15 day gap does not look good. The playtime, with two exceptions, also appears to be for less than an hour. So I'm looking at around ~10-12 hours in a 4 week period. The previous definition of an active admin was a 10 hour per every 2 week gameplay, if I remember correctly. So you would be categorized as an inactive admin. If this was an application for someone applying for a staff position, either Trusted, Test Mod, or Moderator, then this level of activity would be cause for denial. 

[Image: unknown.png]

I also think the admin staff team generally works better with odd numbers or with two. When there are too many admins, you encounter the "too many cooks in the kitchen" problem. Too many varying viewpoints and waiting for people to vote on how to handle with issues slows things down. And then you might have inactive admins voting on things they aren't fully apprised to. That's not good. I don't remember a time where we actually ever had five or six admins, even if you were to count the ghost of Drew. 

I am completely on board with you having the Moderator rank, because there is always a need for extra staff, especially those that have the ability to ban. I do not, however, believe that there is a necessity for you to rejoin the admin team at this point. I believe that Bryan and Battons are doing a great job, and Nicol has been able to provide additional assistance with his ability to work on technical-side issues. I believe that the temporal difference in time from your resignation is also an issue - 8 months is a very long time. 

I'm not opposed to you ever rejoining the admin team. I would like to see more initiative, however. The admins are supposed to be the best of the best. People with bright ideas and can contribute to making the server run more smoothly. I appreciate that you have put forth some good ideas in the past, but those need to continue. I found the fact that you scrapped the rules rewrite that you have often mentioned pretty frustrating. As I remember, rather than share the rule rewrite with the staff team before your December resignation, you decided to just permanently delete it. With the exception of maybe Nicol and Dink, no one else saw this rule rewrite. This should have been preserved if you really put a lot of effort into it rather than deleted. 

At this point, and I'm sorry, I don't see how bringing you back into the admin team would be a net positive. Keep working at it as a Moderator and contribute ideas/assistance/etc. and that could certainly change.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - dong - 08-13-2021

My playtime from my resignation up until current time was made over this last month. I explained the gap and time discrepancies in my post and said it will continue to go up as this will remain open for a bit. I have also been involved for over a handful of months in backend discussions since leaving. A dismal 18 hours yes, but it was to continue going up considering I am more available after taking the vacation. If I hadn't taken the vacation I'd be at about 30-40 hours, which is going to be what my gt looks like going forward. I deleted the rules rework because nobody wanted it and it felt like a waste of my time. I still have it in my mind, so I don't see how that is an issue. I've been contributing ideas and trying to be "the best of the best" for the last 4 years. I have participated in discussions and brought up ideas since my departure in December. Thanks for your reply and criticism.

RE: Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong - HONG - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 03:59 PM)Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca Wrote: words words words
follow-up on my original thought and to what nicky said because im retarded and dont put it all in 1 original message

I definitely agree you've shown very little community engagement, which doesn't inspire confidence when you want to be a community-oriented admin. 
What you could do to improve this, besides actually play on the servers, is contribute more towards talks about unban requests/staff apps/etc. I really don't think the lack of activity on the server stems from whatever you have going on IRL as much as it does a general lack of community engagement.