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Great Idea Monday: Shorten Round Length - Printable Version

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RE: Great Idea Monday: Shorten Round Length - Jammin - 07-27-2021

Tbh the rule needs some buffing.
I can only slay for delay after 3 minutes of no action from the T.
This should be set to 2 minutes IMO.
Also clarify that we can slay after a DM warning, e.g. I DM the guy to stop delaying, 3 minutes of nothing later a timeout occurs. I should be able to slay for delay.
Unfortunately, the current guidelines entitle them to a warning first.

That being said idk about shortening the round length. Maybe it could be customized based on # of players in game?

RE: Great Idea Monday: Shorten Round Length - RussEfarmer - 07-27-2021

I have never had any problem with rounds being too long, I only rarely get frustrated that nothing is happening because even if it's one T left they're doing something and I can watch them. Even if they're not, I can interact in voice chat and have some fun. Knocking back the clock would negatively affect rounds on larger maps which wouldn't be very fun. If there is a way to dynamically change the round timer based on the number of people on the server when the round started, that would be really awesome.

RE: Great Idea Monday: Shorten Round Length - Noire ♜ - 07-27-2021

I think that shortening the time per kill isn't a terrible idea. Making it where rounds last a little shorter isn't a bad idea. I don't personally think that a TTT round should last longer than 10 minutes, but at the same time, when I play T, TTT is just a DM server.

As far as the issue of delaying goes, this should be a completely separate thread on the true meaning of delaying. As the rules currently stand, delaying can only be done by the T's, and sometimes it is accidental because dumbasses waste their credits and don't buy radars. Some people are also just generally bad at the game. I daresay that the current rules actually give a lot of value to delaying as an innocent and you can only be rewarded for doing this and wasting quite literally everyone's fucking time *cough* nick * cough*.

"Oh, but, Noire," you say, "How do the rules as they currently stand give these delayers such an edge?"

Well, look at the rules forehead. As I stated above, as it currently stands you can only 'delay' by the rules terms as a traitor, which I think is a crock of bullshit. To add on to this, it is incentivised for innocents to camp locations, via the claiming portion of the rules, leaving the dumbass traitor to wander around the map without a radar for about ten minutes only to open a random door and instantly die to four innocents packed into a small room like sardines waiting for someone to come through the door.  That's a problem and it promotes very unhealthy gameplay on both sides.

I'm not gonna type anymore because I'd probably just be reiterating points above me so, to sum this all up in a few sentences for those who don't read:


The idea of shortening rounds has been done before and I am on board with it. That being said, it might be in the community's favour to explore other options prior to shortening the length of rounds to promote healthier playing habits rather than avoiding the main issue, the rules, as they currently stand. So, yeah, that's it.

RE: Great Idea Monday: Shorten Round Length - La Flama Blanca - 07-28-2021

(07-26-2021, 10:57 PM)bryanbrr Wrote: I currently have 2 concerns with this idea. (I will update this as I ponder on the idea)

1. Big maps will suffer with this idea potentially with players getting lost and not finding the players before the clock expires.

2. What would be the most optimal time? The real solution we would need to look for is how long time is extended whenever a T kills an innocent and prolongs the round. I do not have that number off the top of my head but could be found. 

As you all know I'm open to new ideas to reinvent the game to make it better for the overall community so, if a solution can be made its worth arguing for. Just posting my concern for now. If anyone wants to test on main server to find out what the numbers look like, we can further the discussion.

One of the proposals that was mentioned was a 5-minute base round, with 8 seconds added for each kill by traitors. Those 8 seconds would accumulate into the overtime period. Therefore, with 32 players on the server (24 innocents/detectives and 8 traitors). 24 x 8 seconds = 192 seconds (3 minutes, 12 seconds). This would put a maximum round length at around 8 minutes. With fewer players, the round could last for like five and a half minutes.

Big maps do have the potential to suffer, but I like to think that maybe it could put a little drive into the players speed when they have an actual time limit. It may even help reduce the overdependence on short range weapons like the MP9. When you can't personally get across the Rooftops map in order to shotgun or SMG blast someone away from 2 feet away, you may have to pick up that sniper rifle and pop off a few shots from across the map.

RE: Great Idea Monday: Shorten Round Length - La Flama Blanca - 07-28-2021

(07-26-2021, 10:54 PM)J@CK XDDD Wrote: hey guys inactive staff member coming to say a few quick thoughts personally when I played alot it rarely ever felt like rounds would be to long and even if they did I didnt notice because i probably was either on my phone when I died or alive the whole time but I really honestly find it kind of pointless its not gonna gain anything we have the delay rule like people said. It would just make maps go by faster i guess? and that could be an issue meaning more of the same maps everyday which will probably get annoying. All in all its not a bad idea but it doesnt feel like it would solve anything either. Honestly feels like an out so staff dont have to do their job bc most of the points made involve staff having to do something but again im inactive so you guys can take this as you will. smile

My thoughts:

I agree that the staff guidelines regarding delaying should be more strictly enforced. That being said, I do not think that these need to be standalone topics - it doesn't need to be one or the other. Rather, it should be a combination of both. 

The problem with fixing the staff guidelines alone, is that it only solves 50% of the problem. The other 50% is when the staff are not even on and there are people delaying. The shorter rounds would fix this problem of delay during these times. 

The situation with the maps becoming overplayed - add in the improved map vote. That way you won't have the same maps being played again instantly. 

I don't think people should have to whip out their phone to do something else while they're already playing a game. It would be better if TTT was engaging enough so that multitasking would not be necessary.

RE: Great Idea Monday: Shorten Round Length - Beskar Baron - 08-11-2021

(07-26-2021, 06:39 PM)Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca Wrote: An accidental kill one minute into the round, damage by a fire grenade 6 minutes into the round, and another accidental RDM 13 minutes into the round. Memories might fade as to the kill count, resulting in someone making one too many whoopsies in a round. Then they are permanently banned. It is much more difficult to accidentally RDM three people in a 5-8 minute round than a 15 minute round.
You know, that sounds like you are pulling that example right from something that has happened to me in the past. As in I got banned for circumstances just like that.