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what the fuck - Printable Version

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RE: what the fuck - Damien1579 - 05-11-2022

If calling someone a "Dick Rider" is warn-able than half of the server should have autaja strikes for things that are MUCH worse being said.

RE: what the fuck - HONG - 05-11-2022

holy cringe did i just read

+1 for reduction, its just discord for a gmod community just chill out

RE: what the fuck - Battons - 05-11-2022

While I don’t personally agree with the warn and subsequent ban I will say I think you’ve become very aggressive and spontaneous in what you say or do. Much like me getting upset for you metagaming in VC. I don’t know your personal situation but I hope you can find a passion or hobby that can ease some of this pressure your feeling. I think a reduction would be good.

RE: what the fuck - BIIG_SAD - 05-11-2022

(05-10-2022, 11:25 PM)(j)ax Wrote:
(05-10-2022, 11:02 PM)BIIG_SAD Wrote: -1/0

just like, ride the ban out. I think it would help you cool your jets a bit. 

personally, last time I played with you, you aggro'd towards me out of the gate, insulting me based on me being prophunt staff. I was just trying to play some TTT and relax, and I got "eWWwW pRoPhUnT StAfF gO BaCk tO pRoPhUnT" but meaner, from you. I cannot speak towards claims of inciting drama with Foxka nor your four previous warns, but this seems like this is not your first run-in with trouble.

if you are unbanned, you should seriously consider how what you say, even if its a "ha ha, funni" comment, can have big impacts. Also, being mad/angry 24/7 is how you hate the whole world and also a speedrun to digging to early heart failure. 

-1, needs to chill out a bit.

"eWWwW pRoPhUnT StAfF gO BaCk tO pRoPhUnT" is an extremely low bar for toxicity - have you considered maybe not being so sensitive

Staff should seriously reconsider their standard for what warrants as actual toxicity instead of always conceding to thin skinned individuals who take any negative comment directed as them, as an attack on their whole being. It's a speed run to an early heart failure.

Trying to create a 'proper' and 'tactful' atmosphere in GMOD, where 90% of the community is between the ages of 15-20 is impossible and only lends itself to creating more unnecessary drama and complaints against the moderation process. The reason a good majority of TTT players have this negative preconception about PH players, and the reason you get told "eWWwW pRoPhUnT StAfF gO BaCk tO pRoPhUnT" is because more often than not, it's the PH Staff or players who are complaining about how "toxic" players from TTT are. No one wants to play with someone who gets Big Sad over light trolling.

to address some of your points,
I am talking as a regular of TTT. I do not staff TTT currently.
I summarized it as that, because I am pretty sure that is what Bambi meant. I downplayed it all, because you cannot convey a full scenario including voice tone over text without long-winding.  That being said, Hanlon's razor dictates that whether or not it was intended, incompetence/non-intention can be the same as malice.

 But because I wasn't clear, I will elaborate. 

I didn't get just that, it was more in the vein of outright hostility than it was trolling. The tone and delivery were outright hostile, and other things were said as well that I cannot remember right now verbatim. I just remember that it was out of the gate hostility, and not the usual "haha, prophunt staff strict" I get from TTT. with the tone and everything else said, it felt more in line with a "go off yourself" kind of vibe, and not some light trolling.

Consider. you visit a different server you normally play on, and you immediately start getting hate from one or two people, who make it their job to remind you of why you are not the same as everyone else, even though you find that you are. You become discriminated because you play something else other than that game. When you try to make it stop, it gets worse, and the tone shifts from light to serious, and the hate continues. Then, nobody defends you because its seen as a joke to others, and you decide not to raise the issue as the people eventually leave.

I don't think you would like it, nor is it something the server should encourage. stuff like this leads to bullying and hate. I will agree that I did try and resolve it in a light tone and discuss it simply, because that seems to work sometimes to get people to forget a thing.

Also, I am not using this as a main justification, but as an example of why I am voting -1 and my reasoning to why.

2.everyone plays TTT, and everyone plays PH and Murder (deathrun not as much, but yeah). PH players are now trying murder, and lots of PH players play TTT, for example. Age-gating the communities is outright hostile and only ends poorly. I have seen literal children playing TTT in the TTT server, so you cannot categorically call it an "adult" community.

3. I never complained that "all TTT players are toxic." I am simply stating why this kind of behavior, even if it could be "funny" really isn't funny for the person receiving it. Joking "hurr hurr, prophunt staff, go staff prophunt", is that. a joke. Saying in a hostile tone something like "eww, its fucking biig_sad. Fucking prophunt staff :( , keep yourself safe" is not (I do not remember exactly what was said, but this is an approximation of it). So no. I am not categorizing TTT players. I am describing one person's behavior. Not making a generalization.

if you want to argue semantics about this, do it somewhere else. I am going to only talk further about the unban appeal.

RE: what the fuck - Damien1579 - 05-11-2022

(05-11-2022, 12:22 AM)BIIG_SAD Wrote: to address some of your points,
I am talking as a regular of TTT. I do not staff TTT currently.
I summarized it as that, because I am pretty sure that is what Bambi meant. I downplayed it all, because you cannot convey a full scenario including voice tone over text without long-winding.  That being said, Hanlon's razor dictates that whether or not it was intended, incompetence/non-intention can be the same as malice.

 But because I wasn't clear, I will elaborate. 

I didn't get just that, it was more in the vein of outright hostility than it was trolling. The tone and delivery were outright hostile, and other things were said as well that I cannot remember right now verbatim. I just remember that it was out of the gate hostility, and not the usual "haha, prophunt staff strict" I get from TTT. with the tone and everything else said, it felt more in line with a "go off yourself" kind of vibe, and not some light trolling.

The joke will always stay a joke. If anyone uses it for harassment that's an entirely different Issue. I started this joke when you joined the call and shaye said it like I did, Jokingly. I understood that shaye was being sarcastic like I was, but there's no way tone can bring "you play on a different server" to "kill yourself"

Consider. you visit a different server you normally play on, and you immediately start getting hate from one or two people, who make it their job to remind you of why you are not the same as everyone else, even though you find that you are. You become discriminated because you play something else other than that game. When you try to make it stop, it gets worse, and the tone shifts from light to serious, and the hate continues. Then, nobody defends you because its seen as a joke to others, and you decide not to raise the issue as the people eventually leave.

I don't think you would like it, nor is it something the server should encourage. stuff like this leads to bullying and hate. I will agree that I did try and resolve it in a light tone and discuss it simply, because that seems to work sometimes to get people to forget a thing.

It's seriously not that deep. It's a harmless joke done on both sides and you know it. If you get offended by it that's on you for deciding to be offended by it.

Also, I am not using this as a main justification, but as an example of why I am voting -1 and my reasoning to why.

2.everyone plays TTT, and everyone plays PH and Murder (deathrun not as much, but yeah). PH players are now trying murder, and lots of PH players play TTT, for example. Age-gating the communities is outright hostile and only ends poorly. I have seen literal children playing TTT in the TTT server, so you cannot categorically call it an "adult" community.

TTT is an adult community. More adult topics are allowed on it than PH and a lot of things that would get you gagged on PH can be said on TTT. This is probably why the whole "Strict PH Staff" joke came from since... yeah the PH server is more strict than TTT in most categories.

3. I never complained that "all TTT players are toxic." I am simply stating why this kind of behavior, even if it could be "funny" really isn't funny for the person receiving it. Joking "hurr hurr, prophunt staff, go staff prophunt", is that. a joke. Saying in a hostile tone something like "eww, its fucking biig_sad. Fucking prophunt staff :( , keep yourself safe" is not (I do not remember exactly what was said, but this is an approximation of it). So no. I am not categorizing TTT players. I am describing one person's behavior. Not making a generalization.

Shaye did NOT say anything close to this. Granted, I left for a bit right after you joined to go get food but I know for a fact shaye did not tell you to commit suicide. Shaye could've and would've been perma banned then and there since you could've reported to a discord staff member.

if you want to argue semantics about this, do it somewhere else. I am going to only talk further about the unban appeal.
Guess my responses and you get free bobux.

RE: what the fuck - Salty - 05-11-2022

Good God this thread devolved a bit since I last read it. 

So, what had happened is that there was something else that was considered on top of the "dick rider" or whatever comment was made. That's what resulted in the strike being administered. I had figured that this was strike ban rather than an outright because there wasn't anyone from the discord team who came in and was like "okay shaye, I have to ban you now." 

I have looked at the "inciting drama towards Foxka" that is being talked about: Here's  of the screenshots of the conversation in case you did not see it. This happened on May 5th, 2022.

For context, Shaye was banned on TTT on my birthday, as you all probably are aware of; she was inebriated when sending these messages, so naturally the emotions are going to be very expressive... in a bad way. I'm not going to attempt saying that alcohol is a valid excuse for this, rather that it explains this sort of tirade where she was thinking less logically and more emotionally due to frustration. I've been there myself (without the alcohol though; see here). 

I'm not going to go as far as to what Jax said to BIG Sad, but I do have to say that there is a little bit of merit behind what was said; I am not going to say that staff need to be robots, but you shouldn't let any little thing said towards you get under your skin; this kind of argument could have been avoided very easily had Foxka chosen to ignore it; I would say that both sides are guilty in that argument; Shaye shouldn't have incited it, but Foxka should not have responded. It's very clear these two players DO NOT like each other. 

If you look up anything Shaye has said that refers to Foxka in the discord, there is no history of constantly harassment or targeting, at least from what I have read; just this singular argument. Although Shaye took a minute to move on, she did not bring it back up after that conversation had happened. Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, we would've just put the individuals who argued on the watchlist rather than give a warning.

Of course, I staffed Discord in 2020; things have probably changed since that time since we actually have a discord admin now.

Even with factoring in Shaye's warns/ban history, I still feel that this kind of thing was not a warranted warning that preceded a strike, and here's why: I just simply do not agree with the verdict on the warning; this wasn't inciting drama to me, this was more of a frustrated player taking it out on the person she felt was responsible. Is that justifiable? To an extent, yes; however, it is still a rule violation. According to the discord rules, it actually doesn't say if inciting an argument is a major or minor offense (unless I missed it). 

Here are the messages that got Shaye the week ban.
"icey is a dick rider
cum swallowing
staff riding
piece of garb
-1 -1 -1"

Personally, I feel that this argument that  because it mentions "cum" it's inappropriate is... well, I just find it asinine to be completely honest. I don't want to throw accusations out there, but this strike seemed a bit... personal. Something that is infuriating about the Auttaja bot is that sometimes it isn't clear as to why you get banned, or who banned you. According to Shaye, when shaye made this request, she had no idea why she was even banned because Auttaja did not inform her of a reason; because of this, Noire told her why she was banned but not who, as you all want to keep the who private so they don't get flamed/targeted/etc. I get it; what is unacceptable is the bot glitching and not sending the reason to the banned individual. Not much you all can do about that, unfortunately.
Again, this is my personal opinion so if you disagree with my take, that's perfectly fine. I'm not saying you all are incompetent by any means, I am just simply showing why I disagree.

My final vote is that Shaye gets a reduction to this ban. What she was banned for is not worthy of a week by any means. I would say 3 days is enough time.

I hope to see you back in the Dink's Discord soon.  

RE: what the fuck - TheUltraFish - 05-11-2022

This thread is about Shaye so lets keep it about Shaye. If you want to talk about staff behaviors we can have the hundredth thread about it.

I do not know you personally Shaye but I do know about your reputation. I know that this ban comes from a culmination of issues and strikes. I do not care if you get a reduction but you clearly need a break from the discord for a little bit seeing as how this is a continuous issue. However, Icey also stated that they did not care so now it comes to discord staff or Jammin to decide how to fully proceed since no one was harassed/hurt. I guess I am against a full unban seeing as how this has been an issue in the past. For a reduction, that would ultimately be up to Jammin.

RE: what the fuck - shaye - 05-11-2022

(05-11-2022, 06:22 AM)TheUltraFish Wrote: This thread is about Shaye so lets keep it about Shaye. If you want to talk about staff behaviors we can have the hundredth thread about it.

I do not know you personally Shaye but I do know about your reputation. I know that this ban comes from a culmination of issues and strikes. I do not care if you get a reduction but you clearly need a break from the discord for a little bit seeing as how this is a continuous issue. However, Icey also stated that they did not care so now it comes to discord staff or Jammin to decide how to fully proceed since no one was harassed/hurt. I guess I am against a full unban seeing as how this has been an issue in the past. For a reduction, that would ultimately be up to Jammin.
me and nuru had a good long talk last night, and I'm done with it I know people don't change overnight but I also know a few of these select people do shit to provoke me in the discord, no names need to be said, just know I am no longer going to give in to it anymore, I got a mom to impress........

RE: what the fuck - reinaberg - 05-11-2022

Discord bans are usually done automatically based on cumulative infractions, regardless of how much time there is between each infraction or the severity of any of them. I think a person should be allowed to retroactively appeal strikes when they've been banned, effectively allowing them to remove the ban if enough appeals are accepted to bring them below the ban threshold. So, instead of speculating about why Shaye should or should not have been banned, I think it's more productive to just decide whether or not this specific strike is justified. If this strike is deemed unjustified/unnecessary, then it should be removed and Shaye's ban should be lifted solely because she no longer has enough strikes to warrant it. 

Just my two cents.

RE: what the fuck - RussEfarmer - 05-11-2022

idk wtf is going on in here buttttt I was under the impression those messages were a joke, based on iceys response they didn't really think so that much, and considering the ban was based on strikes, ehhhh maybe a little bit of an epic fail for the banned player this time around