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Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - Printable Version

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Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - GuyBieri - 01-17-2018

Ingame Name: Milk Man

Time Played: 103 hours

When First Joined: August of 2017 but I have played occasionally before then

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 5:30 pm - 11 pm PST (Monday - Thursday) and anytime Friday - Sunday but I usually get on in the mornings 8 am - 12 and at night.

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community: I have loved this server ever since I joined. I have never had a problem with any of the staff and I ask questions when they are needed. If I messed up on my part (questions why someone would kill me if I didn't think they had reason or before killing someone) I always make sure to do right before jumping to any conclusions. I ask questions frequently to be more knowledgeable on the rules and such. I am on pretty frequently (not the past few days because I am in the process of moving) But even being a donor I try to help when I can.

Why you want to help the community: I joined this server back in August and played a little before that just joining random servers. I love the staff and community here and would love to be able to help out more in a bigger way. I see how close everyone is and I have enjoyed becoming friends with a lot of you and playing with such a close community. I knew that I wanted to apply for staff when the time came because I would love to give back to the community that I've grown so close to. This community has shown me so much, just meeting a diverse group of people that just like playing and talking crap all the time. There's nothing more I would rather do than to help out with the community.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): No

Have you previously applied for staff (Link Relevant Posts): No

How did you find us?: Just joining servers on TTT

Other: Right now, as I stated, I am in the process of moving but I still join as much as possible. My move in date for the house is Feb. 8 and when that comes up I will be back to my regular schedule of playing actively. I'm open to anyone's opinion and criticism, it never hurts. If I need to improve, which there's always room to do so, I would love to hear how I can. 

Also those 103 hours is not just on Milk Man they are also under the name of "Milk Man Santas Bitch" "Whole Milk" "Skim Milk" "Santas Milk Man" "2% Milk" (2% milk shows up as "2 Milk" in game)

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - ItzSnipes - 01-17-2018

Milk mans trustworthy enough for the role i believe. Through my times playing with him on TTT he was always helpful and a decent humanoid and has a full understanding of the rules! 1+ from me :)

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - Stupid Fucking Dragon - 01-18-2018

While I'm not really on at the same time as Milk Man, you're definitely somebody that stands out. You've got skill when it's needed, you listen to staff for the most part, and you're not serious when it's not required. That's pretty much everything that I look for in a staff member. However, as I said the same for Mysteryguy, I would wait a little longer to make a staff application, maybe until around 120 hours played. I also haven't seen you around the forum too much, but that could just be me. Since you stand out, I'll give you a +1, but just work on those things.

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - GuyBieri - 01-18-2018

(01-18-2018, 10:53 AM)AmazingCrimsonDragon Wrote: While I'm not really on at the same time as Milk Man, you're definitely somebody that stands out. You've got skill when it's needed, you listen to staff for the most part, and you're not serious when it's not required. That's pretty much everything that I look for in a staff member. However, as I said the same for Mysteryguy, I would wait a little longer to make a staff application, maybe until around 120 hours played. I also haven't seen you around the forum too much, but that could just be me. Since you stand out, I'll give you a +1, but just work on those things.

Definitely gonna be working on more time, I am on the forums regularly but I’ll try to stand out a little more on here

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - Yeezy Jeezy - 01-18-2018

One thing I hate that people do here is say "too soon to apply" or "get your hours up in game" for people with over 100 hours. I don't think that should be a reason for people to -1 an app, as they are meeting the requirement. However, a valid reason to give an app a -1 would be with not enough community involvement (posting on forums/talking on the discord), but you are very active in both. While you made your account in August, your first post was in mid-December and since then you have 77 posts and 14 threads in a little over a month. On top of that, the few times I played with on TTT, you have never been a problem. +1

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - Deadpoolz - 01-18-2018

I believe you meet all the qualifications. You are active on the server and community and you know the rules well. Also no red flags. +1.

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - Avocado Toast - 01-18-2018

This is gonna be a +1 from me, active in the community and the server, and is an overall good dood.

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 01-18-2018

Definitely have interacted with you. You are active and trusted does usually start at little above 100 hours so not too soon there. The only rule issue I've seen with you would pertain to your job as staff so please make sure to thoroughly read those as staff need to know them like the back of their hand
Otherwise +1

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - kev222 - 01-18-2018

Milk you always fun to play with, you are able to handle situations. You be a great staff member +1

RE: Milk Man is doing a thing (Trusted) - queef commando - 01-18-2018

(01-18-2018, 03:58 PM)DJ Diamond Bear > Wrote: -1 called me satan, na jk (+1)

Post deleted as per https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/showthread.php?tid=2116