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Mello Appeal
Steam Name: Mello

Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:581164205

Who banned you: Super Milk Chan

Reason for ban: Time Farming

Reason for Admins to unban you: I literally did not realize I could get banned for doing nothing. I have 2 kids and work a full-time job and did not pay attention to making sure my tab was closed and logged out. 

Extra details/information: Just being straight honestly I think the punishment is really harsh and whatever you get from "Time Farming" can literally be taken I dont even care. Hopefully yall unban me im just tryna play some PH tn.
4. Do Not Sit in Unassigned/AFK
When you join the server, you are expected to pick a team to play on, whether that be hunters or props, and stick with it.
Unassigned is for players that have just joined the server.
AFK is counted as no game play or movement or chat for a long period of time.
Type status into console, you can see the players connection time, and the status of their connection. It'll say connected, connecting, or similar.

5. No Time Farming
The server is for playing on and enjoying a bit of fun, not sitting around and doing nothing. If you wish to farm, purchase a watering can, tomato seeds, and some garden soil.

I know that life happens, but if you really have other things going on in the background, I would suggest that you don't even connect. The reason that we have these rules in effect is to prevent the server getting full and a staff member having to get on to deal with an issue. I know it seems harsh, but my point still stands.

Also, here is the procedure for players sitting in unassigned (timefarming). This comes from the staff guidelines section of the forums.
Situation 5-
Timefarming: players will sit on a team being inactive or on the server to get their time up. Some have tried doing this for a staff position or a rank (like regular) on the server to get free points or random drops.

-24 hour ban
-1 week ban

With as many times you have been kicked for timefarming, i'm surprised you have only a day ban. I say just serve out your ban and the next time you get on the server, actually play the game.
[Image: The_Fiend_2.jpg]
It's a 24 hour ban I believe so honestly by the time this is answered you're probably gonna be unbanned, unless the admins answer this fast of course.
Neutral because of what I said.
Oh also just close the game when your done, its better for your pc anyways.
[Image: image.png]
This seems pretty harsh but the fact that this is a ban implies this is a repeat offense. While yes a ban is rough, you phrase it as this was a one-time accident yet there have been at least 2 previous kicks to get you here. As such I would say just tank the 1-day ban and if it is an honest accident then well, I bet this won't happen again. I am 100% in agreement with mattquake.
[Image: lDo6UQl.png]
[Image: fkzTG3C.jpeg]
I am going to agree with everyone else, just serve out the ban. I have played on the Prop Hunt server quite a bit in the past few days and almost every day there was a time where you would be just AFK for over an hour doing nothing. .
-1 serve your ban

I've seen you online for hours and then just stay AFK for a whole map or more
Hello Mello.

Thank you for making a ban appeal like I suggested in discord DMs if you were unhappy with my response to you.

So for a start wen you are kick/ban you get a message on screen informing you the information I leave for you I had kick you 1-4 times for being (AFK too long) the next 2 times you AFK on the server I kick you for (Time Farming) before the third resulting in a day ban I understand that you have a lot going on in your life we all do however I am already quite lenient in the matter giving you more time then I need to respond performing my duty as staff.

If I let people get away with things for any excuse under the sun the server would be in chaos.

I need to take the time out to get the videos of the 1st 2 kicks so I will post what I have on hand now & look for the 1st 2 wen I got a bit more time on my hand as my day has become full I am sure you understand that

Kick 1
For context in this one the point are low for time played since they were afk on the server
[Image: image.png]

Kick 2
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]

Day ban
with link to video
[Image: image.png]
after join to check
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: image.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

As I said before I have the videos for the 1st 2 kick there buried in much greater chaos so I will need some time to provide the video sides for them but there basically the same I ask you to join a team several times then I kick long pass the 15 mint mark I am required to follow.

All so I should add one time wen I wen to join the server to take care of troublemakers the server was full & I was unable to join for the time finally get on you were one of the people taking up the server slots just AFK for hours it actively got in the way of staffing witch was a 1st for me.

-1 server your ban I made no mistake in this action.

All so in DMs you mentioned you did not have your label & I had no clue what you meant by that but I think I do now can one of the upper staff give Mello his donor role in the forums please.

-Fixed broken link
-Added Video for kick 2
[Image: i43gHnI.png]
Hello Mello.

Thank you for your unban request. We understand your frustration and I would like to do some explaining. (yes some might be a bit repetitive but please bare with me).

You have only received a 24 hour ban. It is our procedure that after a certain amount of kicks and other punishments a temp ban is to be given out. we have theses rules and regs to try to keep the server running smoothly and when people repeat behavior that hinders the server in any way it has to be dealt with. Being afk or sitting in unassigned for too long can take up precious space. We have one of the most popular Prop Hunt servers and we reach max compacity most every day. If someone goes AFK over and over again it keeps others from being able to join and use that space.
People have also "Time farmed" to use that time to make others think they have been around long enough to apply for staff or to be someone to listen to and respect. new people join the server and they can see how long others have played and might ask them questions expecting them to know more bc they have so much time in the game. Now to be clear I am NOT suggesting or implying this is why you were AFK. Im just giving as much info as I can.

Now for the future I suggest if you need to go AFK when your playing and youre not sure if youll be back within 15-20 mins that you leave the game and rejoin when you return. You can also let other players or staff know that you have to go AFK and that youll be back when you can.

We are choosing to let this 24hr ban ride out. your negging on here and your attitude towards Milk via the dms they have shared tell us you may need some time to relax. If you choose to return please come back to have fun and with a good attitude.

Have a lovely night and hooray to tomorrow being Friday.
[Image: drunk-possum.jpg]

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