Unban Stiffler & Crab
Ingame Name: Demi Lovato's Heroin Spoon, Stiffler's Mom, Nathaniel Higgers

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172738985

Who Banned You: Noire

Reason For Ban: Being the propkill king

Length of Ban: Permanent

Reason for Admins to Unban: Nobody is going to dethrone me from my spot

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/tttbans/...1573787389

 Wasn't an RDM, just ban for saying [Image: 0689544083016_a1c1_1200.png] for like 3 days.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxtBvsuJ...e=youtu.be 8:50
+0 for reduction
ofc didn't wanna ban you in the first place, but you did mass.
[Image: 76561198079899620.png]
Dad Joke Connoisseur
Vinyl & Blu-Ray Collector Man 
A-1 Saxophonist
Challenger Eve, Cass & Singed Player
Ex-TTT & Discord Moderator
While a reduction is likely, I will point out the fact that you were notorious for bending the rules and trolling. How long after the unban will it be before you're banned again? Why unban you when you clearly don't care about why you were banned and will likely continue to troll and bend the rules?
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Define trolling and rule-bending.

Most of the time it was either a silly name, saying the name of a brand of Greek yogurt, or pushing people with props. As far as I know, this was my first ever ban and punishment for killing a group of players. Maybe it was because I told someone they were acting like a real "Nicol" and was gagged/muted for that. I played for months originally without a ban and the yogurt ban was the worst offense until this one. Idk id guess a notorious rule-bender and troll would be punished much more than this.
This guy had the name Nate Higgers for like a year before anyone said anything
(05-14-2020, 06:16 PM)Foxka oops Wrote: This guy had the name Nate Higgers for like a year before anyone said anything
 A year, a few minutes of a single round before an admin says something it's all the same. I'm 90% positive I barely even played this server longer than a year, and if I did, most people knew the name Stiffler's Mom and Demi Lovato's Heroin Spoon than the other one.
+1 for reduction. Perma ban is pretty harsh for someone who really isen't that malicious of a person, in fact pretty entertaining 90% of the time. Trolls? Yes. So does a handful of regulars? Yes.
[Image: 76561197993157530.png]
-1, Nicol actually has a point when you can't even resist trolling in your ban appeal.
[Image: QrOFTLS.jpeg]
Quote:Stiffler, who is very unlucky, will be also getting permabanned for Mass RDM.              

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I don't even have to play to see how much of a troll you really are. I'd say a reduce but you clearly don't care in general from the way you are handling this. Your signature says it all. -1 Go find somewhere else to troll. Also how is this mans getting away with having a penis signature when we have kids here lol?
This unban request has been denied. I do encourage at least a minimum amount of effort made into making an unban request, something you failed to do. Your general trolly attitude makes me believe you don't care whatsoever about the reason you were banned to begin with anyway and that unbanning you
now would just cause more issues.

You may reapply in 1 month.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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