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Lets keep this resignation train going.
First off, Yes this is my complete resignation, and Yes, for the most part, this is a goodbye, I might be around sometimes to talk to certain people, but for the most part, this is it.

Honestly, I haven't really enjoyed being a part of this community since around October-November (Oh boy my 1 year anniversary at dinks)

It was around then that the toxicity of the community really started to show, I was ridiculed for everything from my server to my friends, I really don't know why I stayed as long as I did.

But I did stay, and I slogged through the months leading up to DarkRP's eventual closing.

During the end months of DarkRP, I got into Prophunt, it was great, like an entirely different community altogether, everyone was super nice, the staff was super organized and it was the least toxic server I've ever had the pleasure of playing on.

Eventually, I bought TMod (Didn't earn it on TTT, not gonna earn it here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) and joined the ranks, made some friends and overall it was pretty good.

I ended up quitting GMod altogether for a while after DarkRP's closing, didn't want anything to do with that wretched game again, kept in touch with everyone for the most part.

And now we're here.

Honestly, I feel there are a lot of issues in the community, Starky sums up some of it pretty well:

Quote:I also don't like the fact, someone who is a higher up, can go out of their way on a already decided issue, and make a different outcome happen by simply talking to Dink. No one person should have that much power and control over the community outside of the owner. This level of bias, picking and choosing, makes the community tear itself down bit by bit as everyone it affects want to leave.

To add on to Starky's point, why is a singular TTT admin able to overrule the decision of a Co-Owner on their own server?

What irks me the most is the lack of care and attention, Dink is the only person who can do anything for the servers, yet getting a response from him can take anywhere from days to months.

This community had and still has a lot of potentials, yet it's pissed away by neglect and people's inability to do anything without the proper permissions.

Out of what, 7 or 8 servers? We've had two be successful, one riding on the base of 2015, and one only succeeding because of Starky and the Prophunt team's efforts.

What about the other 5 or 6? Neglected, thrown away to try and survive without any sort of attention given to them. How long was Deathrun broken for? Half a year? More?

Even with my best efforts DarkRP barely managed to stay in the top 25% of servers.

At the end of DarkRP? All development was me. Dink? He had 11 hours at the end of the 7 months DarkRP was up for.

Whenever any attention is given to a server, it's almost always given solely to TTT, and ever that's pretty rare. An odd map update here, a small bugfix there, but broken maps and game-breaking glitches and bugs still stay around for months.

And then there's the community divide, TTT comes first over anything and everything. The staff comes first, The server comes first, The management comes first. In every situation, TTT gets the say over all the rest.

It's also given a superiority complex, "TTT is better than the rest" in simpler terms, little jokes that undermine and belittle, mostly towards Prophunt, hell, when I first joined TTT I took part in it. It's complete animosity, it's "monkey see monkey do".

Earlier I mentioned Prophunt being like an "entirely different community altogether". That's not a good thing. Prophunt was so ridiculed and detached from the rest of the community that they essentially formed their own subcommunity, complete with separate discords and all, and they thrived away from the rest of the community. They kept everything in private and in secret, to keep everything from the rest of the community, to try and keep the toxicity out, which is really saying something about the state of the community.

To wrap things up, some serious changes need to be made. It's too late for me and a lot of people but maybe it's not too late for the rest. Maybe Dinks can rise to what it was and should be. Maybe things can be fixed. It's going to take a lot of effort from everybody, and I do mean EVERYBODY.

It's been fun, but this is goodbye.

Yeet Yeet - Moderate 2018.

To add on, I'd like to thank a few people.

@DaKody You were always great, always fun to play with and helped me a lot during the early times of DarkRP, you'll always be my Tunneldad.

@Scoovie #1 gay man, Legendary RDM fights and abuse, We'll always have Dominoes stories at 4am.

@Obi Juan Canblowme Bye dad, I'll remember you whenever someone locks me in a closet or other small dark space.

@"[Red]Starky" You welcomed me into prophunt with open arms, made me feel like I was welcome, thank you and the rest of the staff team for that. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

@Penguinslayer4 Much like Starky, you too welcomed me into prophunt with open arms, playing Fortnite with you and Starky is always great.

@[Yellow] Travis1421 At this point I should just be tagging everyone from prophunt, but nonetheless, you'll always be a great meme and I'll be reminded of you whenever I'm fueling my Orange Tic Tac addiction or eating dry ramen.

@Yeezy Jeezy Here's your shoutout you fuckin hangman playing meme.

Please don't be offended if I didn't mention you, these were just little remarks that popped into my head, I enjoyed almost all my time with everyone in the communtity.
Man everyone's leaving / resigning. Well, you were one of the many Mods we've had that have shown greatness under every category that I look for in a Staff Member. Apart from this, You were always a great friend. You tried your absolute best every time I would see you on the server. And though DarkRP did not go so well towards the end, you kept trying. Whether if you stay or go, I thank you for being apart of the community and all you've done for it.

Wherever you go, take care Moderate!
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
Why didn't I get a shout out?
(03-26-2018, 09:04 PM)Yeezy Jeezy Wrote: Why didn't I get a shout out?

It's ok I didn't either don't feel bad

Goodbye moderate, safe travels. Feel free to hit me up if you need anything.
Wow moderate I didn't get a shoutout? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm kidding! Anyways, I'm posting on here because I know that since I've come back to this community, you were one of the people I was closest to while I was staff. If someone was feeling bad because of another, you would try to help them. You always cared a lot about your job, and you gave so much to the community. TTT mod or Dark-RP co-owner, you always tried your best, and I admire that. 

In late January of 2017, I came back to the community after a year-long break. Mari, Christian, you, and some others were the people I became friends with very quickly. When I was insulted for my voice or anything else, you were the staff member that stepped in and I still appreciate that so much. I miss those first couple months I was back because everything felt right, but as time went on, drama ensued, and a divide was created within the staff team, where people felt like they couldn't voice their opinions without being ridiculed.

I'm sad that you're resigning.. It feels like the generation of staff that were present when I came back is lessening, like us as a community are fizzling away. However, I don't think that anyone resigning with the community in the state it is currently is in the wrong, and I'll continue to support you and those others moving forward.

Thank you for being such an amazing staff member, you made Dinks a brighter place with your memes that you never let be dreams.  Heart
==================== L i l y =====================
[Image: tumblr_ne6mgl5MRJ1s3ci0uo1_500.gif]
"Nah, google it up, shitlord."
The world is but a treat, when you're on easy street
Well Moderate, "I didn't see this coming". Thanks for everything you have done, always been a really fun guy. always enjoy my time with you...fortnite we can use some work there..but outside of crashing and dying on start while blaming me its all fun. DarkRP was very enjoyable to me. Granted PH, Murder, then starting TTT I didn't have much time for the other two servers that I very much enjoyed. Even if DarkRP was 12+ hours of alone, believe me when I say I enjoyed having a media player blast 10 hour ear rape remix with no control over the tv outside of turning it off(idk if I could delete it or whatever Idk how) and my addiction to have the meme side of me fed required me not turning it off.. It was truly beautiful. The trumpet doot weapon was also amazing.. sitting there making sounds while spastically spam clicking my mouse until it broke..aha. not a joke. Was before I got my new one. I would've added you to my post, but I think that one needs to die.

@[red]Moderate_ always praise the tunnelbear gods.
(03-27-2018, 11:09 AM)[Red]Starky Wrote: Well Moderate, "I didn't see this coming". Thanks for everything you have done, always been a really fun guy. always enjoy my time with you...fortnite we can use some work there..but outside of crashing and dying on start while blaming me its all fun. DarkRP was very enjoyable to me. Granted PH, Murder, then starting TTT I didn't have much time for the other two servers that I very much enjoyed. Even if DarkRP was 12+ hours of alone, believe me when I say I enjoyed having a media player blast 10 hour ear rape remix with no control over the tv outside of turning it off(idk if I could delete it or whatever Idk how) and my addiction to have the meme side of me fed required me not turning it off.. It was truly beautiful. The trumpet doot weapon was also amazing.. sitting there making sounds while spastically spam clicking my mouse until it broke..aha. not a joke. Was before I got my new one. I would've added you to my post, but I think that one needs to die.

@[red]Moderate_ always praise the tunnelbear gods.

Starky I crashed-- it's your fault! LOL
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[Image: tumblr_ne6mgl5MRJ1s3ci0uo1_500.gif]
"Nah, google it up, shitlord."
The world is but a treat, when you're on easy street
you stinky boy, I'm gonna spam you with tunnel bear until you go insane. Bye.
If there is anything you wanna get on, make sure it's not my bad side.

[Image: cool-wallpapers-25185-3585291.jpg]
NOOOOOOO, not you!

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.