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DR Rules
Dinkleberg's Deathrun Rules

1. Do not trap spam
Trap spam is considered pressing multiple traps with NO ONE at the pressed taps. Using the traps to force a Freerun is also not allowed and can lead to harsher punishment as it can also be False freerun
-It is not Trap spam if there is a person at the trap, and it's not targeting.

Warning 1: verbal / chat Notification
Warning 2: slap (if able)
Punishment 1: slay
Punishment 2: kick
Punishment 3: 12-hour ban

2. Do not avoid Death
This involves going frequently AFK as the death, purposely going into kill zones, leaving the game

Warning 1: Verbal/ Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/ Chat Notification
Punishment 1: Kick, this will force them to have a death round.
Punishment 2: 12-hour ban

3. Do not ghost or false ghost
Ghosting in Deathrun is sharing information to people who are alive while you are dead, no matter the team you are on. False ghosting is ghosting but giving out incorrect information. Some examples of this are
  • Saying where the other team is.

  • Saying what door is the correct one EVEN IF YOU WENT THROUGH ONE AND DIED.

  • What traps have been activated and not.
Saying which minigame was picked is not considered ghosting.

Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification + Mute/Gag for round
Warning 3: Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for map
Punishment 1: Kick
Punishment 2: 12 Hour Ban

4. Do not hack, exploit, or abuse mechanics that were otherwise not intended within the game.
Do not try to escape the map bounds or exploit map bugs that provide an unfair advantage to gameplay. Most exploits will automatically SLAY you if you attempt them. Abusing stuck is also exploiting.

Exploiting maps:
Warning 1: Verbal/chat warning + Teleport (if not autoslayed)
Punishment 1: Autoslay or Slay
Punishment 2: Autoslay or Slay
Punishment 3: 24-hour ban
Punishment 4: 7-day ban
Note: If the exploit involves anyone getting guns when they are not supposed to will result in instant slay.

All offenses will result in an instant permanent ban

5. Do not Mic spam or chat spam.
Making noises into the mic, singing, repeating the same phrase over and over again are some examples of mic / chat spam. Just because it wasn't listed here doesn't mean it's not mic spam

Warning 1: Verbal/chat Warning
Warning 2: Verbal/ chat Warning + round Gag / mute
Warning 3: Map Gag / Mute
Punishment 1: kick
Punishment 2: 12-hour ban.

6. Do not Disrespect/Harass Staff or players
Disrespecting and/or harassing staff or our players is not allowed.
Some examples, but not all, are:
  • Making fun of them, like their race, gender, age, mental and/or physical conditions, etc.
  -This includes the use of Racial slurs.
  • Spamming players trade requests or in private message

  • References to suicide or rape

  • Constant vape usage when told to stop
Warning 1: Verbal/chat warning
Warning 2: round gag/mute
Warning 3: Map gag/mute
Punishment 1: kick
Punishment 2: Ban based on the situation.

7. Do not delay

Delaying is being the last runner alive and not progressing meaning you are staying at a single trap for too long. Staying at one trap for over a minute will be considered delaying after which you'll have 30 seconds to pass the trap, 30 seconds to pass the next one, and 30 to pass the one after that one, till you either dead or you finish the map. It is also delaying to not pick a minigame or not attempting to kill the deaths in the minigame. It is never delaying if there is more than one runner alive. Using props to block walkway, ladders, doors, etc is also considered delaying

Warning 1: Verbal / Chat warning.
Warning 2: Verbal / chat Warning + slap (if able), After which the last runner has 30 seconds to pass the trap they're at
Punishment 1: Slay
Punishment 2: kick
Punishment 3: 6-hour ban

8. Do not argue with staff

Arguing with staff can lead to problems down the line. They have the final say. If you don't like how they handle the situation you can always take it to the forums.

Warning 1: Verbal/chat warning
Warning 2: Round gag/mute
Warning 3: Map gag/mute
Punishment 1: kick
Punishment 2: Ban based on the situation

9. Do not evade punishment.

Leaving the game to get ungagged/unmuted will only get you regagged/remuted. Continuously doing so will eventually lead to a ban.

Warning 1: Verbal /  Chat notification
Punishment 1: Regag/remute
Punishment 2: kick + regag/remute (depending on the situation)
Punishment 3: 12-24 hour ban depending on the situation.
Making Alt accounts to evade a ban is permanent, this includes all accounts used.

10. Do not call a false freerun

A false freerun is announcing a freerun then activating traps. Once a trap is activated and it has killed someone, you cannot call a freerun. If a runner asks for a trap to be press you can press the trap that they requested. If there are multiple deaths ALL deaths must call out a Freerun in order for it to be considered a Freerun.

Warning 1: Verbal/chat warning
Punishment 1: Slay
Punishment 2: Kick
Punishment 3: 6-hour ban

11. You cannot target any of the runners, or team with them.

Targeting is letting any number of players pass but then killing ONE person.
It isn't targeting if you kill more than one person.
Purposefully getting yourself killed with the person being targeted will get you and the death both punished (I.e No loophole.)

Warning 1: Verbal/chat warning
Punishment 1: Slay
Punishment 2: Kick
Punishment 3: 6-hour ban

12. Do not have an inappropriate Name, picture, or sprays.

Any advertisement links, Racism, sexism, suicide, Overly sexual phrases, harassment, and other various names/picture whether it be a spray or a Profile picture, we would ask you to change it. Note: Sprays do not change until the spray owner leaves the server and comes back or the map changes.

Warning 1: Verbal/chat warning
Punishment 1: Verbal/chat warning, if not changed kick.
Punishment 2: kick
Punishment 3: 24-hour ban

13. No Advertising

A general rule of thumb for chat, is it a link to the Dinkleberg forums? No? Don't post it. The same rule of thumb can be applied to the voice chat.
Examples of advertising:
  • Getting people to join another server

  • NSFW links

  • hack links

  • Excessive YouTube advertising

  • Excessive twitch advertising
Warning 1: Verbal/chat warning
Punishment 1: Round Gag / Mute
Punishment 2: Map Gag/ Mute
Punishment 3: 12-hour ban

Special thanks to the people who created the old Rules: Christan, Kenny, and Queef commando
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]

>RDM is not allowed
Random Deathmatch (abbreviated to "RDM") is a term used to denote when a player randomly kills other players without valid reasons. The only accepted reasons are the following:
-Crossfire - when a player accidentally hits another player whilst attempting to kill a murderer.
-End of rounds - after the scoreboard has appeared upon the end of a round.
-KOS - The player was KOSed by another player
If you kill an innocent bystander and your reason isn't listed above, you will receive a warning. The same is true for killing a murderer without knowing if they were a murderer or a bystander.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notifications
Punishment 1: Slay
Punishment 2: 24-hour ban 
Punishment 3: 1 week ban

>False KOS targeting is not allowed      
False KOS is lying about who the murderer is to get someone killed. It’s not cool and it’s not allowed. 
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notifications
Punishment 1: Slay
Punishment 2: Kick
Punishment 3: 24 hour ban

>No chat/mic spamming
Use your common sense here. Screaming, singing, whistling, humming, and otherwise making noises in your mic is not allowed. Do not play music, use soundboards, or share background noises via the mic excessively either. Do not repeatedly type or say the same thing either (spam) through text or voice chat. If your grade school teacher wouldn’t have allowed it, don’t do it here either. 
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for Round
Warning 3: Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for Map
Punishment 1: Kick
Punishment 2: 12 Hour Ban

>Do not disrespect/harass players or staff
Harassing or disrespecting other players, including staff members, is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Examples of prohibited behavior include being rude to other players based on their race, gender, age, voice, mental/physical abilities, and/or asking them to do inappropriate things. Spamming players with trade requests or private messages is considered a form of harassment, as is instigating issues. Bounties are also considered a form of harassment.
Warning 1Verbal/Chat Notifications
Warning 2: Mute/Gag for the round
Warning 3: Mute/Gag for the map
Punishment 1: Kick
Punishment 2: Ban based on severity of situation (24hr+)
Punishment 2: Ban based on severity of situation (Week ban to permanent ban)

>Limit and/or avoid discussing sensitive topics
We don’t mind you chatting and talking with others, but, when it starts to offend people or interfere with gameplay, then there is a problem. As a player, inform staff if a conversation is bothering you. Our rules are relaxed, but we don’t want anyone to feel unwelcome or offended on our server. If it’s edgy, don’t do it. 
-Discussions involving racism, sexism, homophobia, rape references, and/or pedophilia will not be permitted. 
-Discussions involving politics, religion, suicide, or overly sexual topics should generally be limited. 
Warning 1Verbal/Chat Notifications
Warning 2: Mute/Gag for the round
Warning 3: Mute/Gag for the map
Punishment 1: Kick
Punishment 2: Ban based on severity of situation (24hr+)
Punishment 2: Ban based on severity of situation (Week ban to permanent ban)

>Body/door/prop blocking is not allowed
Using your character's body to block doors, spamming E on doors to prevent other people from passing through them, and using props to prevent other players from attacking you is not permitted.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1Slap
Punishment 2Slay
Punishment 3Kick
Punishment 424 hour ban

>Ghosting is not allowed
Ghosting is when a dead player tells another living player information they aren't supposed to know. Example: Player one has died to player two. Player one has messaged player three that player two is a murderer.
Warning 1Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for round
Warning 2: Final Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for map
Punishment 1: 24 hour ban
Punishment 2One week ban

>Teaming and/or Sparing is not allowed
Teaming is when a murderer and a sheriff both decide to allow each other to live. As a murderer, you are not allowed to spare other players continuously — therefore delaying the round. This delays and defeats the object of the game. The individual able to kill will be the one punished here (detective or murderer).
Warning 1Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1Slay
Punishment 2Kick
Punishment 312 hour ban

>No Trolling
Trolling is the act of breaking multiple rules purposefully/ blatantly doing the opposite of what is told of them. Situations involving serious trolling will be handled through reasonable staff discretion, alongside the prescribed punishments. Impersonating staff members or players without their permission is considered a form of trolling. 
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for round
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for map
Punishment 1: Kick
Punishment 21-3 day ban
Punishment 32 week ban
Punishment 4Permanent ban

>Listen to staff members 
Do not leave to avoid punishment, (i.e. Leaving right after a staff member mutes/gags you just to be ungagged on return). If you disagree with the rules of our server, you are welcome to go to our forums and make rule change suggestions - Forums Link. 
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1: Mute/Gag/Kick (Depending on the situation.)
Punishment 2: Ban based on situation.

>No time farming
Time farming is when you remain on the server, but are not actively playing. This includes staying on the server for long periods of time with no one else on. 
Punishment 1: Kick 
Punishment 2: Kick
Punishment 324 Hour Ban
Punishment 43 Day Ban

>No advertising 
Examples of advertising include linking to other servers, Youtube channels, and other streaming platforms. Advertising hacks or illegal content will be treated differently, resulting in you receiving a permaban and an advertisement of our forums where you can appeal. 
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1Mute/Gag for round
Punishment 2: Mute/Gag for map
Punishment 3: 1-3 day ban

>Do not hack, exploit, or otherwise avoid the game's intended limits
This includes hacking, and exploiting maps. Do not try to escape the map bounds or exploit map bugs that provide an unfair advantage to gameplay. Do not intentionally crash the server. Do not abuse console commands to exploit the way ingame items work. Do not attempt to hide or go into spots which are unreachable for normal players. Hacking/Intentionally crashing the server will result in a permanent ban.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification and teleport if needed.
Punishment 1Kick
Punishment 2: 24 hour ban
Punishment 3: Week ban
Punishment 4: Permanent Ban

>Do not delay
Delaying is when the murderer intentionally doesn’t kill for longer than 2 minutes. No one likes waiting an entire round for nothing to happen.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification/csay message
Punishment 1Slay
Punishment 2Kick
Punishment 3: 12 hour ban
Punishment 424 hour ban

>Do not gun camp
Gun camping is when a murderer sits on the gun dropped from a dead sheriff. Murderers are permitted to hide a gun if they do so quickly. Do not throw a gun out of the map.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification/csay message
Punishment 1Slap
Punishment 2Teleport
Punishment 3: Slay
Punishment 4Kick
Punishment 524 hour ban

>Do not Murder Bait 
Murder baiting is lying to make it appear that you are the murderer in order to cause RDM. The person who kills the murder baiter will not be punished, only the baiter will. 
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification/csay message 
Punishment 1Slay
Punishment 2Kick
Punishment 3: Ban based on situation (12-36 hours ban)

Special thanks to Blurgh, Burb, Nicky, Norm, and Penguin for helping write and revise these rules. Last edited 12/27/2020.

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About Us
    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.