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Caballs Deep
Without more proof I can't really say if this is abuse or not, but from the clips we do have there does seem like there could be an attitude problem that should be addressed at the very least.
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
After reviewing the videos, the first video is at the point where I Was gagged and the server jumped on him.

I love the quote "I have the right to gag the entire server if I want." And at the very beginning is proof that he was repeatedly calling me toxic for trying to speak calmly.  

The videos are out of order a bit but it follows 
#1 Which is the direct end of the initial conversation and following my gag ( Which sugar immediately removed as you can see. And the start of the situation to which enveloped server wide. ) 
#4 Following a small calm down after #1 ( 20-30 seconds ) 
#3 ( where as Kizzy gagged us all. ) "Report me, I dont care, like I dont have your history on fleek? seek?" 
#2 After he had unmuted himself after #3

What is not shown here is him threatening some shit to kizzy about doner abuse after he kept ungagging himself and kizzy stated not to ( presumably to calm everybody down. ) 

the entirety of these videos take place within 2-3 games which covers a good portion of the story I've provided.

His absolute toxic behavior for the next three quarters of an hour, his favorite thing stating 'Report me, report me, I dont care.' as you can see in the videos.

If he doesn't care to behave properly enough which is emphasised in his 'Report me, Report me, I dont care.'   Then he shouldn't be mod. 

I've commented on this, to not say he's abused his rank privileges as this report is about, but to give an insight into what happened during the hour of him being online. It was chaos, He wouldnt even let people ask him questions, 

And he has lied, he has lied throughout this post.  How many times he warned me, how he was punished for 'false reports made against him' ( to my knowledge the only punishments that came his way where; 0 warnings, around 3 gags which everyone received except the very last one. and a kick from the server which was literally an effort from kaptain to bring the server back to normacy as he really was just.. getting on everybodies nerves with his repeated bullshit ) 

The Abuses that I am now telling you he carried out during this hour:
-REPEATEDLY answer tickets directled against himself throughout the hour and dish out punishments for them, which I would request an investigation into, even when Kizzy, and suga suga where online ( yes, there was admins / mod / staff capable online. )
-Gagged myself for defending imagination bro when he started on him for 'talking over him' even after I made it clear I didn't want to talk to him ( even from the start, his tone of voice was -really- whiney and I could sense that he was just trouble. )  The question was asking my opinion some racist name or something, he actually said the word but in the form that the name took therefor doing what he potentially punished the guy for; Bypassing racial terms.
-He repeatedly ungagged himself and forced us all to listen to him, when for the majority of what we was hearing was 'I dont care, report me on the forums.
-Added 3 warnings to me to which was me trying to personally, without ALL the bullshit voice chat going on, one on one, trying to calm him down in the !Report function, one of which was a missclick onto dont forgive,   and 2 of them was entirely forgiven,    he refused to speak to me and gave me the schpielin his reply 'Do not false report.' ( straight up warned each and every time. ) 
-Warned multiple people, 
-Tried to lord over people with the fact he has the ability to look at their history.

you can see in the videos how many people where upset with his behaviour.

You can see by the fact that he outright refused to make comments on my last comment based on 'there is no evidance, dont know why you're posting.' When a) Several peices of what is being said was in the videos and screenshots already there.   b) My comment was an explanation more in depth to the situation of the hour that followed, including what had not been seen, and only had been seen by a total of 4-5 people. 

Coballs, you're deep man. 
If you had responded to my last comment with the appropriate measures instead of spouting 'You have no proof'  with the ONE thing you saying being 'I dIdNt ThReAtEn KiZzy' I would be gone now, but because of this; I am now invested.  I'll be watching.. 

Hope you get demoted. Because honestly? I've been playing video games, Player ran servers for the majority of my life, I'm 26, im a heck of a lot older then you. and you are.. the worst behaved, Most toxic, Aggravating trial moderator I have EVER seen.  

And from experience? Because you're only trial?  Yeaaah, you aint staying on as mod after this trial is over, Trials usually have a one strike system and this was worth atleast 3 strikes: One for clear abuse in answering !reports directed against yourself.    the second: Your behaviour in talking to people shows an utter disrespect.  3: your repeated comments stating "Report me, I dont care."    

Regarding 3? Imagine if I walked into work late going 'Report me, I don't care.' First off? I'd be a shit employee. Secondly? I'd get fired on the spot for gross misconduct. 

Hope this is resolved by the end of today, im genuinely invested in this.
This the guy that called me a retard because i told him you can't KoS off of location, and then refused to slay himself after attempting to RDM me for it.

I Don't even know who this guy is, But he's definitely not fit to staff in my honest opinion.
Yeah, I said it to bryan and dong the first day I saw him on, mans needs some massive amounts of retraining before he should be allowed to do any staffing. Without just spewing out anecdotal stories without true to form evidence, he's very loud with a very short fuse and doesn't really know the rules enough, or just tries to bend them to suit himself whenever he can. I'm 100% positive some of the people online egged him on. I'm also 100% positive that if it's that easy to egg someone on to where he server mutes everyone, or behaves like a pissbaby like he did to Ginger, and yells about how he's allowed to do whatever he wants basically, that's an issue either way. He 100% at every moment there had the opportunity to just start typing, did he not?

I just think he should need to reapply for staff like everyone else, most of the time peeps that bought tmod at least try to be halfway decent, but he's clearly a detriment to the server. Sure, it's not really how things have been done, and dink doesn't like demoting donostaff, but yeah. Just think that should be a consideration.
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
This is why we should demote inactive mods..
(09-12-2021, 01:38 AM)Cryptic Salsa Wrote:
(09-12-2021, 01:16 AM)Damien Wrote:
(09-12-2021, 01:13 AM)Sugga Sugga Wrote: Bruh what. Cryptic Salsa literally posted that he falsely warned me for something I didn't do because he was power tripping.
I cannot see the link for whatever reason. But if it did happen then yeah that's abuse.

(09-12-2021, 12:54 AM)Cryptic Salsa Wrote: sugga was warned for a false report for this report that deep filed himself
I feel like this alone should've been the main part of the donor abuse thread since you should never handle your own report.
not never if you are the only online staff its ok but this was a very wrong time to do so i was already on so was kizzy at one point and he was still saying that he was the only real staff that was on tho
in general this kind of behavior is legitimately embarrassing to see, and unbecoming of any staff member
(09-12-2021, 01:13 AM)Sugga Sugga Wrote:
(09-12-2021, 01:09 AM)Damien Wrote: There is no abuse here that I have seen. 

The only thing I see is a TMod getting talked over and forced into arguing with players (When arguing against staff members is AGAINST THE MOTD). It just seems like he was getting a little mad that he had to keep screaming over everyone but It's not like it is unjustifiable emotion.

The only abuse that I saw was him ungagging himself, and that is not in this thread and was mentioned by Kessler so...

Yeah, -1.
Bruh what. Cryptic Salsa literally posted that he falsely warned me for something I didn't do because he was power tripping.
You false reported me for rdm for no reason, which warrants a warn./

(09-12-2021, 12:51 AM)Sugga Sugga Wrote: Came on the server and falsely gagged many people after starting arguments with them. He then falsely warned me for "false reporting" after I responded to a rdm report he made on me. 

Outside of what he did tonight he constantly causes issues on the server and gets into arguments every time he plays. Donator T-Mod moment. After @KaptainLes logged on he started pretending to be drunk, got kicked by KaptainLes for continued bullshittery and then rejoined to continue his antics before finally being banned.
you false reported me for rdm when I /killed myelf, also never kicked. Banned without an initial kick,

(09-12-2021, 01:16 AM)Damien Wrote:
(09-12-2021, 01:13 AM)Sugga Sugga Wrote: Bruh what. Cryptic Salsa literally posted that he falsely warned me for something I didn't do because he was power tripping.
I cannot see the link for whatever reason. But if it did happen then yeah that's abuse.

(09-12-2021, 12:54 AM)Cryptic Salsa Wrote: sugga was warned for a false report for this report that deep filed himself
I feel like this alone should've been the main part of the donor abuse thread since you should never handle your own report.
No other staff had been online, and it was a 100% clear cut rdm case.

None of what you said in these responses is true. 

1. I did not report you, you reported me. You can see that clearly in the screenshot.

2. You were kicked (and then subsequently banned) by KaptainLes in an attempt to stop you from causing more issues for yourself.

3. There were MULTIPLE other staff on at the time, including @Kizzy and @Cryptic Salsa.

The fact that you are continueing to lie despite multiple eyewitnesses and evidence in your face is embarassing.
(09-12-2021, 01:28 PM)Sugga Sugga Wrote:
(09-12-2021, 01:13 AM)Sugga Sugga Wrote:
(09-12-2021, 01:09 AM)Damien Wrote: There is no abuse here that I have seen. 

The only thing I see is a TMod getting talked over and forced into arguing with players (When arguing against staff members is AGAINST THE MOTD). It just seems like he was getting a little mad that he had to keep screaming over everyone but It's not like it is unjustifiable emotion.

The only abuse that I saw was him ungagging himself, and that is not in this thread and was mentioned by Kessler so...

Yeah, -1.
Bruh what. Cryptic Salsa literally posted that he falsely warned me for something I didn't do because he was power tripping.
You false reported me for rdm for no reason, which warrants a warn./

(09-12-2021, 12:51 AM)Sugga Sugga Wrote: Came on the server and falsely gagged many people after starting arguments with them. He then falsely warned me for "false reporting" after I responded to a rdm report he made on me. 

Outside of what he did tonight he constantly causes issues on the server and gets into arguments every time he plays. Donator T-Mod moment. After @KaptainLes logged on he started pretending to be drunk, got kicked by KaptainLes for continued bullshittery and then rejoined to continue his antics before finally being banned.
you false reported me for rdm when I /killed myelf, also never kicked. Banned without an initial kick,

(09-12-2021, 01:16 AM)Damien Wrote:
(09-12-2021, 01:13 AM)Sugga Sugga Wrote: Bruh what. Cryptic Salsa literally posted that he falsely warned me for something I didn't do because he was power tripping.
I cannot see the link for whatever reason. But if it did happen then yeah that's abuse.

(09-12-2021, 12:54 AM)Cryptic Salsa Wrote: sugga was warned for a false report for this report that deep filed himself
I feel like this alone should've been the main part of the donor abuse thread since you should never handle your own report.
No other staff had been online, and it was a 100% clear cut rdm case.

None of what you said in these responses is true. 

1. I did not report you, you reported me. You can see that clearly in the screenshot.

2. You were kicked (and then subsequently banned) by KaptainLes in an attempt to stop you from causing more issues for yourself.

3. There were MULTIPLE other staff on at the time, including @Kizzy and @Cryptic Salsa.

The fact that you are continueing to lie despite multiple eyewitnesses and evidence in your face is embarassing.
check report logs, multiple people reported me with rdm manager for no reason. You're the only one lying.

(09-12-2021, 08:20 AM)GingerBeard95 Wrote: After reviewing the videos, the first video is at the point where I Was gagged and the server jumped on him.

I love the quote "I have the right to gag the entire server if I want." And at the very beginning is proof that he was repeatedly calling me toxic for trying to speak calmly.  

The videos are out of order a bit but it follows 
#1 Which is the direct end of the initial conversation and following my gag ( Which sugar immediately removed as you can see. And the start of the situation to which enveloped server wide. ) 
#4 Following a small calm down after #1 ( 20-30 seconds ) 
#3 ( where as Kizzy gagged us all. ) "Report me, I dont care, like I dont have your history on fleek? seek?" 
#2 After he had unmuted himself after #3

What is not shown here is him threatening some shit to kizzy about doner abuse after he kept ungagging himself and kizzy stated not to ( presumably to calm everybody down. ) 

the entirety of these videos take place within 2-3 games which covers a good portion of the story I've provided.

His absolute toxic behavior for the next three quarters of an hour, his favorite thing stating 'Report me, report me, I dont care.' as you can see in the videos.

If he doesn't care to behave properly enough which is emphasised in his 'Report me, Report me, I dont care.'   Then he shouldn't be mod. 

I've commented on this, to not say he's abused his rank privileges as this report is about, but to give an insight into what happened during the hour of him being online. It was chaos, He wouldnt even let people ask him questions, 

And he has lied, he has lied throughout this post.  How many times he warned me, how he was punished for 'false reports made against him' ( to my knowledge the only punishments that came his way where; 0 warnings, around 3 gags which everyone received except the very last one. and a kick from the server which was literally an effort from kaptain to bring the server back to normacy as he really was just.. getting on everybodies nerves with his repeated bullshit ) 

The Abuses that I am now telling you he carried out during this hour:
-REPEATEDLY answer tickets directled against himself throughout the hour and dish out punishments for them, which I would request an investigation into, even when Kizzy, and suga suga where online ( yes, there was admins / mod / staff capable online. )
-Gagged myself for defending imagination bro when he started on him for 'talking over him' even after I made it clear I didn't want to talk to him ( even from the start, his tone of voice was -really- whiney and I could sense that he was just trouble. )  The question was asking my opinion some racist name or something, he actually said the word but in the form that the name took therefor doing what he potentially punished the guy for; Bypassing racial terms.
-He repeatedly ungagged himself and forced us all to listen to him, when for the majority of what we was hearing was 'I dont care, report me on the forums.
-Added 3 warnings to me to which was me trying to personally, without ALL the bullshit voice chat going on, one on one, trying to calm him down in the !Report function, one of which was a missclick onto dont forgive,   and 2 of them was entirely forgiven,    he refused to speak to me and gave me the schpielin his reply 'Do not false report.' ( straight up warned each and every time. ) 
-Warned multiple people, 
-Tried to lord over people with the fact he has the ability to look at their history.

you can see in the videos how many people where upset with his behaviour.

You can see by the fact that he outright refused to make comments on my last comment based on 'there is no evidance, dont know why you're posting.' When a) Several peices of what is being said was in the videos and screenshots already there.   b) My comment was an explanation more in depth to the situation of the hour that followed, including what had not been seen, and only had been seen by a total of 4-5 people. 

Coballs, you're deep man. 
If you had responded to my last comment with the appropriate measures instead of spouting 'You have no proof'  with the ONE thing you saying being 'I dIdNt ThReAtEn KiZzy' I would be gone now, but because of this; I am now invested.  I'll be watching.. 

Hope you get demoted. Because honestly? I've been playing video games, Player ran servers for the majority of my life, I'm 26, im a heck of a lot older then you. and you are.. the worst behaved, Most toxic, Aggravating trial moderator I have EVER seen.  

And from experience? Because you're only trial?  Yeaaah, you aint staying on as mod after this trial is over, Trials usually have a one strike system and this was worth atleast 3 strikes: One for clear abuse in answering !reports directed against yourself.    the second: Your behaviour in talking to people shows an utter disrespect.  3: your repeated comments stating "Report me, I dont care."    

Regarding 3? Imagine if I walked into work late going 'Report me, I don't care.' First off? I'd be a shit employee. Secondly? I'd get fired on the spot for gross misconduct. 

Hope this is resolved by the end of today, im genuinely invested in this.
Post evidence, you cursed me out and yelled in mic multiple times while I was trying to do my job. I gagged, And ungagged you.
wtf is a report log
i made a thing
i made another thing
i made a new thing

former ttt mod
former dr admin
Staff 2017-2023
(09-12-2021, 02:27 PM)derp Wrote: wtf is a report log
staff can see old rdm reports and such. we have dated and timed logs.

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