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Killahsasasin Staff Application
Ingame Name: Killahsasasin

SteamID: 76561198138975428

Discord Tag: CReZed#6762

Time Played: 823+ Hours

When First Joined: 2016

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Any time of the week

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community: I can be on frequently and help monitor the server

Why you want to help the community: I am just tired of seeing staff not on when we have people doxing, harassing players, rdming, and just overall ruining the game for other players

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Yes

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): once and this gon be my last no cap
I'm a little bit concerned considering you do have a relatively recent AWarn for slurring. That being said I feel you are an excellent player overall and a fine member of the community.

Do you really want to be staff? I guess i'd ask that. I feel that you would probably enjoy more of being a regular member.
As far as you being staff, I just don't know if the trolling has really subisded to a level acceptable for a staff member. Don't get me wrong, I love playing on the server with you, as you are usually a shit ton of fun. But IDK about staff.

I'm neutral
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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As the person who gave the warning jammins mentioned I fully trust and acknowledge that it won't be an issue again and I endorse this application +1
The recent slur warns concern me a bit but not too much I feel like it will help you being staff to go away from that, On the better side of things you are super Fun to play with and super nice to everyone So Im a big Fat +1 Good luck friend and I wish you the best :D
[Image: D6E0C93A-D285-4C99-B7AB-C616869240B2.jpg...2d0fbf6a9&][Image: 86DBE62D-5EE5-47F0-9E4C-DE5FA0541D5B.jpg...d2ef8e0e3&]
Ex- TTT Mod
Dong's Favorite Tmod

Killah has been around a very long time and knows the rules well. He is liked on the server and I can see him being a positive link between the regulars and staff. I do hope that you are able to use the trusted commands in a correct way and when needed! Good luck my friend!

I am neutral because the recent awarn for slur. However, barring that, PLUS FREAKIN ONE. Killa knows what he is doing in terms of TTT, and he is pretty amicable in general. I don't see a huge problem as Killa seems sensible enough to not do that going forwards.

*--neutral because awarn (technical answer), real answer is plus one. people can change, and I think Killa can and will for the better.

plus one my dude. Good luck!
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

People make mistakes, as we're not robots that lack emotion or a sense of humor; if the person who gave the warn says it won't happen again (I trust this person as it's Foxka), I would say that it's completely worth looking over.

Killah is somebody who I feel I can trust with handling reports/administering slays and gagging micspammers. Killah, my advice to you is don't let a title/being in a leadership position get in the way of having fun on the server; you may have more responsibility when you get on the server but it doesn't mean you cannot physically have any fun at all.

+1. Best of luck to you on this app!
still a +1 same as the last app, a solid member of the community that’s been around too long
Assassins Creed Black Flag sea shanties can be heard coming from down the dim-light hallway. There’s a door made of dark mahogany wood and a shiny brass door handle standing alone at the end of the hallway. I can see the light moving around in the room as it eclipses under the inch of space at the bottom of the door. A voice speaks. It’s elegance, one of great stature, too grand to be replicated in this anecdote booms from behind the door, the walls vibrating from the bellowing yells. A painting falls to the floor and shatters. The pieces of glass slide all over the floor like a puck at the Winter Olympics. I can hear the creature behind the door question if He heard the shattering over the constant mic spamming and slur throwing in the game. It seems like down in His gut He knows something requires His delicate attention beyond the door, but the sheer amount of RDM reports prohibits Him from gaining the courage to investigate. Oh my god. The energy. I can feel it. Like Goku. He’s powering up. The hairs on my body begin to stand and the sense of something immaculate to happen sends chills down my spine. The creature screams. The most blood curdling scream one could ever hear in their lifetime. Suddenly, He starts typing, so fast that the sounds of the keys clicking all begin to merge into one single constant wave of vibrational noise. In what seemed like 7 seconds, He gagged every player that was mic spamming, muted the random who joined not even 48 seconds ago only to start spamming slurs in the chat, banned the 3 randoms whose names were that of a closely mound friend group and quite obviously occurred to the creature they were ghosting, handed out 14 slays from the 19 outstanding RDM reports including a prop kill report from the previous map. How the creature was able to view the death scene from the previous map is beyond me, but I do not dare question its ability to moderate the server, for I value most my life. I knew that the one who sat at the desk on the other side of this olden door, was not man, woman, nor creature, like I was mistaken, but rather, dare I say, a God. 

+1 give the god Trusted.
reckless moron with a motorcycle
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I have never had a problem with Killah and he's a really fun person to be around. +1

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