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Silencing Marginalized Voices
I must say, your elaborate “serious” shitposts are quite impressive
i love you mad pooper.

edit so comment doesn’t get deleted: I completely agree or congrats on that.
Hi poop maniac, 
Such elegant and tasteful word choice. I am unsure if this is another obscure shit posting or just a masterfully planned essay that you somehow managed to find the time to do. Either way, I think allowing people to continue to thrive and spread extreme opinions or hateful comments that may lead to harassment, sexual harassment, doxing, racism, targeting and any other warnable offense would drive the main community members, such as our admins, staff team, and regulars from playing on our servers. It would also allow for rules and guidelines to have no meaning as well which would, in turn, allow players that are discriminatory and hateful, or "toxic", to come into the server and ruin the community's reputation for a safe, welcoming place, but also, lead into the destruction of the community overall. Another point to bring up is "considering the other player's view points." I can see this being useful, if it's beneficial for the community and doesn't rely on hate or discrimination, but it can also be detrimental if we were to push this concept of "look at the other person's viewpoint and see where they are coming from," with the offender sending malice to whatever the receiving end may be. It's a lose-lose situation for community and for the players to permit these type of actions and statements to be loose. That is my stance on it and I agree with other individuals such as, @Ryan722,  @Foxka, @"Vrilly, ze floofy derg uwu", @dong, and @chelllman that this would not be acceptable. Thank you for providing some food for thought though and a debatable thread that can let players chime in on their thoughts for the community. I think that this thread would have most, if not all, of the community agree that this would be a bad concept to have. Pleasure to read your crazed and formulated thread. 

(10-27-2022, 11:07 AM)Foxka Wrote: I do not think it is a good idea to leave people who post inflammatory and offensive things to remain in the community regardless of the kind of "healing" that can be brought about by looking back on these posts. I think it's better to get them out of here and bring the community back to a safer place for these marginalized players.
(10-27-2022, 11:16 AM)Dildo Shwaggins Wrote: I would like to share the concept of Popper’s Tolerance Paradox here. This recent situation was willful and intentional intolerance and as a community by being intolerant to such intolerance it makes it a better community for all

(10-27-2022, 11:32 AM)Ryan722 Wrote: I really can't tell if shitpost, but just in case?

I don't think it's in the community's best interest to meet people who express hateful/discriminatory views where they're at and try to make them see reason. This isn't a correctional facility, or /r/ChangeMyView. We want a welcoming environment for people to come and have a good time hanging out and playing games, and tolerating hate towards others on the basis of their identity isn't conducive to that imo. Maliciously invalidating someone's identity isn't an "opinion". Asking people on the receiving end of targeted harassment "well have you considered that their views may just be different from yours?" just adds insult to injury.
(10-27-2022, 11:43 AM)Vrilly, ze floofy derg uwu Wrote: Whatever you're smoking or injecting, I need a hit of that too.
"Tolerating" the behaviour we saw from Fanta and try to reason with them while they double down on shitty takes only ends up in setting a precedent that hate is allowed here. It brings more toxic figures in. You end up being taken over by toxic players and all the people who are sick of their behaviour just end up leaving
I think there are enough true gamer communities like that already for one to join if they really want to do a changemymind thing

(10-27-2022, 11:54 AM)dong Wrote: i’d agree with this if we were just talking about normal disagreements and whoever is on the minority opinion side… by that i mean like just general things like politics, economics, crime, etc like real stuff not hateful comments. but with the recent event i don’t think doing something like this is in the server’s best interest just because of how bad that precedent is. depending on who was around whenever someone said or did something it’ll still be brought up later on because stuff spreads here.
(10-27-2022, 12:19 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote: it's okay to say slurs because that's just my unique perspective and i'm the truly marginalized one because people are trying to force me to stop saying slurs (oppression) (censorship) (1984)

I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say. I'm not trying to assert that people whith wrong opinions or who say no good rotten things shouldn't be banned, quite the contrary! The points I am attempting to address are twofold: 1) Hate in all forms should never be tolerated; even hate which makes us feel righteous or justified. Hating the haters does nobody favors, it helps nobody and gets us nowhere but way down low. I'm not saying that we have a responsibility as individual people to help uplift our fellow humans in any way we can, that sort of thing is very hard and I don't think any of us feel like doing it. Rather, we should avoid a community tone that responds with hate, regardless of the subject. Disagreement perhaps (certainly in the case of that which we know by moral absolute to be wrong), and dismantling problematic ideas for sure, but disdain is never healthy. Remember, hate has no place in our community. 2) The staff have a practice of omitting certain portions of the conversation, almost always decreasing its scope and the scale of community involvement. Again, I'm not saying people with the incorrect views shouldn't be punished and banned and such, rather that by punishing and then removing their involvement in the discussion through the practice of deletion steals from the community often valuable pieces of context, and robs the offender from the chance to reread their statement and confront just exactly what they were thinking at the time. Introspection is not done in a vacuum, we can never learn from ourselves if we cannot remember ourselves, and I believe the health of the community depends on its ability to confront its own shortcomings and failures with open, honest discussion that can be viewed with transparency by all parties, for better or worse.

(10-27-2022, 11:09 AM)Reina Wrote: Honestly, i think the best thing to do is to just go to the store and buy a few things and then go back to the store to get the stuff you need to get it for the next day or two and then go back to the store for the next day or two to get it and then go back to the store again and get it for you and then you can just go back to the store and get it and then you can just get it for free and then you can just buy it for the next day or the next day and then you can just pay for it and then you can just have it for the next day or whatever you want to do it for the next day or you can just go back to the store and then you can just get it for the next day or something like that and then you can just go to the store or something like that and then you can just pay for the next day or the next day and then you can just go to the store for the next day or whatever you want to do the next day or two and then you can just go to the store and then you can just go to the store you can just buy the stuff and then you can just go to the store or whatever you want to do it for you and then you can go to the store for the next day or two or whatever you want to do it you can just go to the store and you can go to the store but you can go to your house and you can just go to the store you can go to my house and you can get the stuff you want to go to the store or whatever you want to do whatever you want to get the stuff that you want to do the stuff that you need to do the things that you want to do it you can do the stuff that you can do it you can do that you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can. 

I don’t think you can do it but i can do it and you can do it and i can do it for you and you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and then you can do it and you have a good job so i think that’s a great way of getting people into the game so that they don’t get into it too long or they don’t get to spend money and they don’t get bored of the games and they don’t want you getting into the hobby so you just want you can play with your money so they don’t get a free games you don’t get to do the games that they don’t want you to do the same as you get to do all of them and you get a lot more fun you can get more people to do it and you get more money you can get some friends and you get to get more friends you get to have a good time you just like to be a little more people to play games you get more friends that are like a little bit of fun you can play with you get more fun you can do that and you get a little more money you can get a little better people that are good friends that you want and you get to do all the stuff that you’re gonna want and then. 

In short, you can do it all the time and you can do it again and again and again and again you can do it again and you can do it again and you can do it again and you can do it again and you can do it again and you can do it again and you can do it again and you can do it again and you can do. 

Thank you.

Your'e welcome.

(10-27-2022, 11:39 AM)Toaduh Wrote: Got no fuckin' clue what this is referencing, but it was a pretty good read. 
I might start using the centered format for some of my posts.
Oh, I think you know.

(10-27-2022, 12:00 PM)chelllman Wrote: I don't understand how you have the time or energy to come up with such an impressive amount of word vomit for that which could be condensed down to about 1-2 sentences.
I'm rarely this critical, but your lengthy essays are the very definition of talking a lot, but saying very little.

However, to address what you've said, our community would be significantly smaller if we tolerated harassment, racism, sexism, etc.  The number of people that want to be in to this community, have fun, and not be toxic is significantly larger than those that want to be "turds in the punch bowl" like Fanta.  More importantly, allowing harassment, racism, sexism, etc. would de-facto mean that we condone such behavior.  If it ever got to the point where we as a community decided that such things are okay, then that would be my cue to leave the community.
As an admin, I feel the disrespectful tone in your post does yourself, your position, and the community you represent a disservice. I don't think insulting people's writing styles or dismissing them offhand is particularly productive for a layman, but in your shoes you are setting a poor example of vitriol and negativity for the people over which you administrate. I recall a thread about this topic recently, and I think if you spend some time considering what the people of prophunt had to say it might do you some good, and help you uphold the expectations that come with your place. Remember, you can always be better, no matter who you are, so I want to give you this positive message: Be better!

But as an individual, I agree that the important issue of racism and sexism in our gaming community is not something to be taken lightly, and should never be condoned. Silence is, after all, no better than cooperation. To reiterate what I already said, I don't think people with undesirable mindsets should be allowed in our community, rather that we should be mindful of our tone when making our condemnations. And we should hold these violations dear to our heart, as a reminder of what not to be, and how to rise above hate.

(10-27-2022, 12:22 PM)Gabe Wrote: I must say, your elaborate “serious” shitposts are quite impressive
I think that this post is unhelpful and reductive, but I appreciate that you had the opportunity to speak your mind.

(10-27-2022, 12:41 PM)icey Wrote: i love you mad pooper.

edit so comment doesn’t get deleted: I completely agree or congrats on that.
I love you too. I love all my friends, and I would like to think that everyone here, even if they don't know it yet, is my friend. Friends don't always get along, but remember: As long as we have friendship, we have each other. Some food for thought.
the only sneaven ill be sent to... iis when ill be snalone with you

[Image: 6db.jpg]
Bro really acts like he lives in Arkham city/ is Wallace breen.
(10-27-2022, 01:38 PM)slater Wrote:
Hi poop maniac, 
Such elegant and tasteful word choice. I am unsure if this is another obscure shit posting or just a masterfully planned essay that you somehow managed to find the time to do. Either way, I think allowing people to continue to thrive and spread extreme opinions or hateful comments that may lead to harassment, sexual harassment, doxing, racism, targeting and any other warnable offense would drive the main community members, such as our admins, staff team, and regulars from playing on our servers. It would also allow for rules and guidelines to have no meaning as well which would, in turn, allow players that are discriminatory and hateful, or "toxic", to come into the server and ruin the community's reputation for a safe, welcoming place, but also, lead into the destruction of the community overall. Another point to bring up is "considering the other player's view points." I can see this being useful, if it's beneficial for the community and doesn't rely on hate or discrimination, but it can also be detrimental if we were to push this concept of "look at the other person's viewpoint and see where they are coming from," with the offender sending malice to whatever the receiving end may be. It's a lose-lose situation for community and for the players to permit these type of actions and statements to be loose. That is my stance on it and I agree with other individuals such as, @Ryan722,  @Foxka, @"Vrilly, ze floofy derg uwu", @dong, and @chelllman that this would not be acceptable. Thank you for providing some food for thought though and a debatable thread that can let players chime in on their thoughts for the community. I think that this thread would have most, if not all, of the community agree that this would be a bad concept to have. Pleasure to read your crazed and formulated thread. 

Hi salter, great to hear from you! I don't want to dismiss what you said in your reply, but a lot of the points you addressed were addressed in my above mass reply. I'm glad you considered "walking in someone else's shoes," but I disagree that understanding a point of malice would be detrimental. Considering an unhealthy point of view gives us as individuals the opportunity to understand the source of a person's hate and, by extension, each other. Like I said, I don't think it is our responsibility as people to understand, nurture, guide and uplift our fellow human beings experiencing with us this most human of conditions, but we should leave the path open should some brave soul ever choose to take it, and perhaps even encourage ourselves to perhaps take that path more often than we otherwise wood.
Thank you for coming to my web post!

(10-27-2022, 01:56 PM)Battons Wrote: Bro really acts like he lives in Arkham city/ is Wallace breen.
I would think that with your personal history in the community you might sympathize with this, but I understand and respect you if you do not!
the only sneaven ill be sent to... iis when ill be snalone with you

[Image: 6db.jpg]
I would quote but I’m on my phone so editing it down would be a nightmare.
My role now is different than it was back then so my priorities are different, back then I really didn’t care what people say or how they acted but my responsibility is to keep the forums as accessible as possible and promoting actual real hate is not achieving that goal. Personally I don’t care what you say or do and you can say whatever you what but that doesn’t mean I can’t delete whatever falls in that category. Gabe and I have been very relaxed about what flys compared to years ago please don’t take advantage of that by shitposting everywhere with the equivalent of a first year college course of an English class that you like to pass as pseudo intellectualism.
Guys, this is a serious post. Please try to keep it civil, there’s no need to insult Mr. Shitter for his style of writing; that’s just immature. 

To add to my earlier point, the only reason why the majority is against it was that the majority was not a minority in their party or the people who were against the government in general is that the government was not a majority in the government and the majority was not the majority in the parliament and the majority in the legislature was the majority in the majority in parliament and the people who voted.
(10-27-2022, 02:09 PM)Battons Wrote: I would quote but I’m on my phone so editing it down would be a nightmare.
My role now is different than it was back then so my priorities are different, back then I really didn’t care what people say or how they acted but my responsibility is to keep the forums as accessible as possible and promoting actual real hate is not achieving that goal. Personally I don’t care what you say or do and you can say whatever you what but that doesn’t mean I can’t delete whatever falls in that category. Gabe and I have been very relaxed about what flies compared to years ago please don’t take advantage of that by shitposting everywhere with the equivalent of a first year college course of an English class that you like to pass as pseudo intellectualism.
I think you are willfully choosing not to understand what I am saying, but as an individual, you have every right to do so.

As an administrator, however, I can't help but think that this again sets a poor example for the community at large. I don't think what you said here is too terribly respectful, rather in your exalted position you have chosen to dismiss and demean me and what I have to say yet again. In the past this has not been quite so problematic, but as I said you have a position in the administration that means you represent the community, in this case the community on the forums, and you should think carefully before you disrespect members of that community, no matter how much you disagree with them, or personally dislike them. In my opinion, I think you have shown in this response some room to mature, and I know that as a sane, moral, prudent citizen of this web zone you have the potential to do just that!

I know you can be better, we all can, we just have to work hard at it!

(10-27-2022, 02:13 PM)Reina Wrote: Guys, this is a serious post. Please try to keep it civil, there’s no need to insult _ for his style of writing; that’s just immature. 

To add to my earlier point, the only reason why the majority is against it was that the majority was not a minority in their party or the people who were against the government in general is that the government was not a majority in the government and the majority was not the majority in the parliament and the majority in the legislature was the majority in the majority in parliament and the people who voted.
I agree, very well put, but I would respectfully ask that you please refer to me by my preferred name. Thank you.
the only sneaven ill be sent to... iis when ill be snalone with you

[Image: 6db.jpg]
(10-27-2022, 02:00 PM)poop MANIAC(fecal frenzy!!!!!!!! Wrote: Hi salter, great to hear from you! I don't want to dismiss what you said in your reply, but a lot of the points you addressed were addressed in my above mass reply. I'm glad you considered "walking in someone else's shoes," but I disagree that understanding a point of malice would be detrimental. Considering an unhealthy point of view gives us as individuals the opportunity to understand the source of a person's hate and, by extension, each other. Like I said, I don't think it is our responsibility as people to understand, nurture, guide and uplift our fellow human beings experiencing with us this most human of conditions, but we should leave the path open should some brave soul ever choose to take it, and perhaps even encourage ourselves to perhaps take that path more often than we otherwise wood.
Thank you for coming to my web post!
I totally understand where you are coming from and I encourage others to challenge other's opinions and viewpoints on certain topics. As such, I would be on the other side of the fence or maybe "on the fence" of what you stated as seeing another individuals perspective and disagreeing with the opposing sides point being malicious and detrimental. I could see that being a beneficial factor to considering a "unhealthy point," as you described but there would be certain situations, for example, sending hate to another player saying, "youre this and that and it originates to this and that I would be allowed to say this to you, etc." I'm not sure if I am phrasing that right or if it makes any cohesive sense, but just that, in my eyes, see it as a detriment for that type of situation and wouldn't be somewhat considered. I probably am contradicting my own points that I made previously but, I could see your perspective of it being beneficial and a learning experience for others in getting these types of statements and opinions and also encouraging others to take the same concept. I am glad to be able to talk about this with you and hopefully get more statements from you and consider one's side.

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