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Nothing Happened.
Sometimes its so hard to turn that staffing switch off in your brain. Especially when you are getting back into the staffing mindset with an open app, there is a mixed perspective of staff and player that can be hard to separate. I have had Foxka question a decision I made (the coco warn), but that just lead to a few PMs back in forth where we discussed the warn. That discussion was opinion based, but I never got the feeling that Foxka had the tone of "Staff are all doing it wrong," it was more of a productive debate on a single topic.

Seeing as I havent personally seen any evidence of the above happening, Im going to +1. I dont see Foxka getting trusted as a risk of any sort, and its an opportunity for him to show what he's really about this time around. Worst case scenario (from what Saylor has said) is that he overpunishes and gets corrected or removed. Give him a shot.
There’s a lot to reply to and explain so I'm gonna do it in sections.
Hackusations: personally I've seen one or two hackusations and none of them have been acted upon. In one of these instances, it has been around a month since I first saw the accusation against a specific player and anytime these two are on together I now expect to see foxka claim they are hacking. To my knowledge, this player hasn't been banned, that's why I included it in my reasoning for a -1.
Spamming admin chat: this is mainly coming from the gagging example. I believe I was the only staff/donor+ on so nobody else would have seen it. Pretty much was spamming a message claiming a player was mic spamming. When I got a chance to catch the mic spam (which wasn't that loud or disruptive imo) I asked the player to stop, and they did. After that, the player started talking normally on their mic and foxka gagged them mid-sentence. I was considering warning for donor abuse but decided not to since the player had been mic spamming previously, I had previously not seen any donor abuse from foxka, and my clip didn't have any sound for some reason. Ended up just sending him a pm saying to let staff handle it.
Lying in reports: I've got two examples that have a little bit of evidence. The first one isn't that bad. I like to think I don't have much bias but the first report also includes me as the victim so take it with a grain of salt. I’ll start off by saying if I’m RDMed, 9/10 times I’m not going to report. In the rare occurrence when I do report, I usually forgive unless the players response isn’t factual. Again, this one isn't that bad and could potentially be chalked up to a misunderstanding. Screenshot of the logs. Basically he killed me after my T buddy had shot him, then claimed it was an unintentional headshot. Damagelogs show they sprayed me down
The second example has to do with false kos. To sum up what happened: foxka kos'd somebody who was on the other side of the wall. The player then kos'd him back and ended up killing foxka. The other player was then killed for his actions. Ultimately foxka's kos lead to this players death and they reported him. At first, foxka claimed he wasn't the one to kos first. He did this in the report and in vc which unfortunately I do not have I clip of. I checked the damagelogs and watched a clip in order to determine who kos'd first and determined it was foxka. Sent them a pm (screenshot here) asking why they kos'd which is when they came back with a different story about the other player shooting a wall with claims that they were t-baiting (screenshot 1 and screenshot 2). Told them shooting a wall isn't t-baiting which is stated in the rules. The player was on the other side of a wall and not shooting through it. Clip of what happened

My final thoughts: I didn't clip a lot stuff mentioned here since they weren't major situations and if I clipped and saved every small situation/incident on the server I wouldn't have any storage left. I don't expect anyone to take what I said at face value without evidence, these are just my personal experiences with them and the reasoning behind my -1. I do have a screenshot of the hacking accusation but don't want to post it since it contains the other players name. I said it in the other message but before his previous application was denied I did not have a single negative experience with foxka and thought he would have done well as trusted. All of these situations have occurred since then and have changed my opinion.
[Image: FZxEbKr.gif]
(03-13-2024, 03:39 PM)Saylor Twift Wrote: There’s a lot to reply to and explain so I'm gonna do it in sections.
Hackusations: personally I've seen one or two hackusations and none of them have been acted upon. In one of these instances, it has been around a month since I first saw the accusation against a specific player and anytime these two are on together I now expect to see foxka claim they are hacking. To my knowledge, this player hasn't been banned, that's why I included it in my reasoning for a -1.

Spamming admin chat: this is mainly coming from the gagging example. I believe I was the only staff/donor+ on so nobody else would have seen it. Pretty much was spamming a message claiming a player was mic spamming. When I got a chance to catch the mic spam (which wasn't that loud or disruptive imo) I asked the player to stop, and they did. After that, the player started talking normally on their mic and foxka gagged them mid-sentence. I was considering warning for donor abuse but decided not to since the player had been mic spamming previously, I had previously not seen any donor abuse from foxka, and my clip didn't have any sound for some reason. Ended up just sending him a pm saying to let staff handle it.
Lying in reports: I've got two examples that have a little bit of evidence. The first one isn't that bad. I like to think I don't have much bias but the first report also includes me as the victim so take it with a grain of salt. I’ll start off by saying if I’m RDMed, 9/10 times I’m not going to report. In the rare occurrence when I do report, I usually forgive unless the players response isn’t factual. Again, this one isn't that bad and could potentially be chalked up to a misunderstanding. Screenshot of the logs. Basically he killed me after my T buddy had shot him, then claimed it was an unintentional headshot. Damagelogs show they sprayed me down

The second example has to do with false kos. To sum up what happened: foxka kos'd somebody who was on the other side of the wall. The player then kos'd him back and ended up killing foxka. The other player was then killed for his actions. Ultimately foxka's kos lead to this players death and they reported him. At first, foxka claimed he wasn't the one to kos first. He did this in the report and in vc which unfortunately I do not have I clip of. I checked the damagelogs and watched a clip in order to determine who kos'd first and determined it was foxka. Sent them a pm (screenshot here) asking why they kos'd which is when they came back with a different story about the other player shooting a wall with claims that they were t-baiting (screenshot 1 and screenshot 2). Told them shooting a wall isn't t-baiting which is stated in the rules. The player was on the other side of a wall and not shooting through it. Clip of what happened

My final thoughts: I didn't clip a lot stuff mentioned here since they weren't major situations and if I clipped and saved every small situation/incident on the server I wouldn't have any storage left. I don't expect anyone to take what I said at face value without evidence, these are just my personal experiences with them and the reasoning behind my -1. I do have a screenshot of the hacking accusation but don't want to post it since it contains the other players name. I said it in the other message but before his previous application was denied I did not have a single negative experience with foxka and thought he would have done well as trusted. All of these situations have occurred since then and have changed my opinion.
I will respond in color

 The only player I've wrongfully accused of hacking was a one time thing of me saying that their aim was sus and that i thought they were hacking. Epicguy himself can confirm that players I've accused of hacking did in fact end up getting banned or the claim was dropped.

I'm not sure what you mean by spamming admin chat but if I did then I apologize. IIRC you were alive and the player had died and then mic spammed after. Of course, i could be remembering this part wrong, but I stand by my call on the player did continue to mic spam. I do not abuse gag commands. You then sent me a PM telling me to let staff do their jobs which I obliged and didn't reply.

You walked in front of my line of fire and rather than me stop shooting to avoid you I decided to keep on shooting in an effort to kill my original target which was your T buddy that had started shooting at me. It was not out of spite or anything I was just playing the game and being a sweat that round. This just seems a little bit biased to me.

This is the only thing that you can attribute to lying in reports. Kessler and I were in VC and I will admit i was trying to mess with him and accidental hit my T bind, to which he then rightfully KOS'd me on. My reply saying he was T baiting was just to mess with him and I was trying to get out of the slay because he started flaming another staff member who was handling the slay at that time. I'll admit this was wrong of me to do, but it was just one incident of my trying to cause a little bit of mischief out of spite and I apologize for that.

You are entitled to how you feel about these situations but I do not think you are being fair with your accusations other than the one incident with Kessler. I am hoping to be given the opportunity to prove to you, and everyone else that I can handle the position correctly. Again, thank you for bringing this up, and I will take note of it going forward.
Just gonna reply in the order of your statements

Hacking thing: This is not the situation I'm referring too. The one I'm thinking of spans over the course of 2-3 weeks with you making accusations against one specific player on multiple different days during that time period.

Gagging thing: This is pretty much he said/she said at this point. I remember it differently with the player being gagged when he was still alive having a conversation with me and being cut off mid-sentence.

My rdm report thing: Again, he said/she said. 100% disagree with being bias. T buddy was off in a different direction and I don't remember being in the way but I could be wrong, idk. What you said in the report didn't make sense to me so I kept it, not much else to say. Might have to ask the person who handled it what they think but that seems a little extreme for a rdm report. 

False kos thing: I don't remember any flaming going on, and I'm pretty sure I was the first staff member to start handling that report so not really sure what that's about, unless you are referring to the other report they made against the player who killed them which I did not handle since I was still alive.
[Image: FZxEbKr.gif]
+1, Foxka has staffed like 3 different TTT communities I've been in over the years and I don't think there has ever been an issue, he knows his stuff
To be honest the accusations that were brought up have no proof related to them. Also, there are no warns or anything else to proof he has been an issue. Foxka has always been cool when I have been on and I believe he can bring a lot to the staff team. I am +1ing this application as of now unless evidence is brought forward.
I’m a +1 for you. I honestly thought you were going to get it the first time. I personally have not had experienced any instances of you doing what the criticisms mentioned. While I’m on that subject, I really do like how you responded to those. If they are accurate (idk if they are or aren’t) I think that’s something easily manageable and trainable. You have a good heart and your head is in the right place. Do you get a little excited for staffing issues? Sure but that isn’t a bad thing. All in all I think you 100% deserve a chance to show what you can do. They’ll never know unless they give ya a shot.
Most of the issues Sailor brought up should be able to be located by the TTT admins via the administrator relay, if that's still functioning as it used to. I'd like to see that addressed a bit more openly before giving a final opinion.

I have some reservations of a higher staff role but trusted is fine.

Assuming Sailor's issues are proven a non issue, +1
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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A lot of what I would have to say has already been said. My opinion from your last app hasn't changed. +1, former admin with a lot of experience I'm sure he'll do just fine as trusted lol.
former admin2
+1, With what Foxka is applying for, I don’t think it should be too much trouble. I’m sure it can be ironed out if he gets accepted.

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