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2 suggestions
First suggestion: 

A very loose scheduling for staff to ensure there is a minimal amount of "no staff no rules" hours.
Now obviously we don't make it all encompassing and demanded: people have lives
But on the flip side if your life doesn't suit consistent play don't volunteer your self for that shift, simple simple.

Break it down into 6 total 4 hour blocks a day; i'd be willing to make a small chart or something of the sort.
If you pick the shift for the day do your best to be there; if not a "call out" isn't mandatory as the schedule is a "template" for who will be on when. But a shoutbox or discord message to some one asking if they can cover would be appreciated. 
I'm sure the idea can be refined more than me typing this out between rounds of course. 

Second suggestion:
A minor wording fix of the claims rule. It seems a lot of newer players fail to or choose to ignore what "any non-detectives" encompasses. 
Suggest adding a (this includes Proven individuals) at the end for clarification and to end some silly arguments before they start.
" Owners of a claim may kill any non detectives that tries to enter or open the door to the claim (This includes Proven innocents: by tester and/or confirmed T kill.)"
It's not the hugest problem in the world but if a simple copy and paste text fix can save some time and stress for players and staff, why not?
                                                                                                TTT - Test Mod
                                                                                  PH - Just a guy who nukes rooms
For your first suggestion all I have to say is that it has been tried and tested. Back when we had four admins in place of a co owner there were groups who would take up certain hours and times of the day. This system did not work very well and I doubt it will work here though I'm not opposed to trying it out. But really I thank you for actively trying to improve the server. I and many other members are glad to see your suggestions and contributions which are always welcome. *cough signs of a good potential staff member cough*
Interested to hear how it managed to go down hill.
Could save some time trying what once failed if it's a lost cause, or be enough information to keep it from failing again if we tried to re-implement it.
The endorsement is very much appreciated as well! (Though between you and me, my rank doesn't display what it should currently :X. Haven't gotten around to posting about it on the missing rank thread yet since it's a non-issue compared to other things currently.)
We have people to handle the big stuff though. So I do my best to see what other things could use a tinkering, refining, or looking at.
If i'm not doing night staff stuff i'm nosing around the forums looking at things trying to get ideas.
Gives me something to do on weeks work is slow to be honest.
                                                                                                TTT - Test Mod
                                                                                  PH - Just a guy who nukes rooms
Just so we get this cleared, this is just my opinion and thoughts about this suggestions. So please don't think I'm just thinking negative, I'm just stating my opinion.

We used to have a tons of night staff. As Mari and I used to be one, there used to Avi, uh, tons of others that I forgot their names but I have a vague idea.
Time shift staff doesn't work well with personal life and business life. Especially if you have school and a job, as a matter of school. School is starting soon for a lot of people. And most of the staff member are still in school.

I do agree with this one though but let's say they were afk and came back asking who's proven. No one responds to him so he'll assume that anyone that comes in is suspicious enough for him to kill into his claimed room. It's really hard to determine if the person knew the other is proven or not. Is something that I personally think I can't do anything unless the player was the one that watched or the one that tested those proven. Or any video (stream) or screenshot evidence, that's the only way to do something.
If you never seen me before, then ignore me. Just focus on your job.
If you need to know why I'm here when I don't play the server, just ask.
If you want to know why Nicol is Nicole, then its because Nicole is secretly Nicol.
^ To clarify. I mean we should note that proven individuals do NOT get a free pass into claims. Because "Non-detectives" seems to be ignored and stretched constantly. So to avoid it I feel it needs to be more specific. As do a lot of the rules. Such as grappling. Which says "keeping them grappled" but apparently means "keeping or continuing to attempt to".

There's too many rules certain people read different ways and frankly it's causing a lot of needless fights lately :]
                                                                                                TTT - Test Mod
                                                                                  PH - Just a guy who nukes rooms
Though I agree that we need to minimize the "No mods no rules" times that occur on the server, I do have to agree with the staff that preset schedules have will not and would not work. Sometimes, staff members have to get off the server as they have plans or something came up that requres their attention more than the server. That's where donors can step in I believe, as I have seen some donors be on when no staff are on and when we got mass rdmers or spammers, they don't exercise the powers they have to help remove the nuisances from the server.

Two your second suggestions, it is an absolute must that the rules have to be clarified more, as it seems that some people take the rules and interpret them to their liking so that they can bend the rules. Though most of the rules are commonplace among a lot of TTT servers so additional clarification seems like it wouldn't be required, like you said Sus, sometimes newer players misread/misinterpret the rules.

Overall, these suggestions are really helpful, thank you for putting them forward for the community to discuss on.
Staffing is not a job nor an obligation and should not be treated as such
While i both agree and disagree with the whole "Staffing is not a job obligation" thing, the server still needs staff on, and for hours at a time there are not staff, yet there can still be a decent 4 to 8 people on, and sure at that time a little funrdm can happen and people won't care, but when it is constant it isn't. Really we just need to get some more people on the graveyard shift.
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(07-31-2017, 10:44 AM)Foxka Wrote: Staffing is not a job nor an obligation and should not be treated as such

I'm thinking less "obligatory hours" and more a "I voluntarily notify you that I am most likely to be available to handle serious situations at these hours" type thread. If people's lives don't suit that, or they just don't want the pressure of being the one called on at certain hours, it's voluntary and they don't have to post anything. As well it's not expected of you to be on at those times. It's just a good pre-set to know who is *most likely* to respond during certain times. But I must must must stress, make it non-compulsory.

(07-31-2017, 11:09 AM)~$$~ BlackCatTheGreat â™£â™£ Wrote: While i both agree and disagree with the whole "Staffing is not a job obligation" thing, the server still needs staff on, and for hours at a time there are not staff, yet there can still be a decent 4 to 8 people on, and sure at that time a little funrdm can happen and people won't care, but when it is constant it isn't. Really we just need to get some more people on the graveyard shift.

I'm not sure if you have me on steam. But graveyard shift is sort of when I live. So if not feel free to send me a request as i'm usually available to jump on during those weird hours. 
How ever it does seem that Lov, Matt, and Semper, do a great job with the night shift currently.
                                                                                                TTT - Test Mod
                                                                                  PH - Just a guy who nukes rooms
You already put that information in when you apply for staff to begin with

this whole idea is stupid

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