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Incredibly Hostile & Possibly Abusive Trial Mod
Offender's Name: Jerald

Offender's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43755279

Offender's Rank: Trial Mod

What They Did: I was possessing an explosive barrel and Jerald said over chat: "You depossess that barrel right now or I'm kicking you." He then gave a five second countdown, and in this period I depossessed the barrel as he asked. Then he proceeded to kick me anyway and when I questioned why he did so after returning, he denied that I ever depossessed the prop. He then gagged me for... questioning a mod I guess? Getting mad at him? He never gave a reason.

EDIT: Upon combing through the server rules, he also possibly did two other things. One was muting me for the duration of a round without giving warning or a temp mute. The second is that I can't find ANYTHING in your rules that discuss which props can be possessed--or any possession rules for that matter. So how can he say it warrants a kick if it's not even a listed rule?

When They Did It: Approx 10:30am EST on 8/14/17

Potential Witnesses: 
#      1 "cbeck20"           STEAM_0:1:99689472
#      2 "futurebound"       STEAM_0:1:76123347
#      3 "SpongeGod" STEAM_0:1:79593367
#      4 "SirBittamin"       STEAM_0:1:41032853
#      5 "Excell"            STEAM_0:0:175896697
#      6 "xXGiraffe_GamingXx" STEAM_0:0:33229511
#      7 "Everyjuan"         STEAM_0:0:58810849
#      8 "isntlifeawesome"   STEAM_0:1:97095849
#      9 "Kirito"            STEAM_0:1:81596177
#     10 "Zekken"            STEAM_0:0:88229023
#     11 "WaffleIndustries"  STEAM_0:0:152427882
#     12 "Noble Jade Falcon" STEAM_0:0:45070829
#     13 "The Boy Who Cried Anus" STEAM_0:1:125419316
#     14 "Rox5tar01"         STEAM_0:0:219519159
#     15 "Hidden Wolfe"      STEAM_0:1:54341061
#     16 "[GFL]Senpai ?"   STEAM_0:0:98223676
#     17 "Dhanny"            STEAM_0:1:63119280
#     18 "TJ"                STEAM_0:0:217367721
#     19 "AssEaterAlex"      STEAM_0:0:124284758

Proof: While I don't have a recording of the initial barrel incident, I do have a recording of Jerald stating that he is always recording, and that he agreed to provide a demo of the incident for the purpose of this report.

Other: Overall, this guy has just been really rude to everyone playing. Constantly flaunting rank, constantly mentioning that he has 'recordings' of people doing things that break the rules, and whenever someone questions this, he tells them to "Enjoy the ban request." Even if somehow it turns out he's not abusing his power, he's still making the whole server toxic with his behavior.

Honestly? In the end it was just a kick. Big deal. But to see someone so blatantly parade their moderator privileges as if they are to be feared by everyone else playing? It's really sickening. Mod and staff should be around to make sure everyone is having a fun time playing and to incentivize people to keep playing on your servers, they shouldn't be in the position to stroke their own ego and act like they're above everyone else. If this is what the staff are like in this community I don't think I'll be sticking around.
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
Also, don't want to spam with reports so I'll just leave a comment on this existing one:
Same map, same mod, different instance of possible abuse.

There was a guy named Kirito who killed Jerald in a previous round, saying that he saw him pick up a T knife and that it was a KOS'able offense. I'm not sure if it is or isn't, this interaction didn't involve me, but Jerald slayed Kirito for RDM and accused him of ghosting, and it seems like he may have done it just because he was mad about getting killed. Like I said, this one didn't involve me, but I did record it (I started keeping demos after Jerald said that he was recording everything).
I absolutely love how the only 'evidence' you could pull was a video where I explain to you that no one on the server will back you up.

For some reason my mic was not recording during my recording so I will manually explain it.

I had kicked him because he was interfering with the live game as a barrel and was attempting to kill someone who was near death and afk. I do not have video evidence of this, however he did not actually leave this prop before I kicked him, my screen clearly showed him possessing it and ramming it into the afk.
And I did infact warn him not to cut me off or yell over other people, he ignored it. Tell the truth not lies.
I had then gagged him due to the fact that he was yelling and continually interrupted me and other people; I was not going to gag him for that, except he then immediatly cut me off mid sentence and yell and chant:
"Second of all" "Second of all" "Second of all"
I ungagged him at the end of the round.

And I had video proof (I say had because every single last one of them recorded a black screen and static for whatever reason) of them ghosting and talking to each other via outside game means (One of them forgot to unVRecord in game). Take that to another report.


As for the video of me talking to Kurito and the other guy, I admit I was a bit flamboyant with how I let him know I thought I had recordings, see my earlier post in where I say I fucked up on saving them.
(08-14-2017, 12:10 PM)ECHtoplasm Wrote: Also, don't want to spam with reports so I'll just leave a comment on this existing one:
Same map, same mod, different instance of possible abuse.

There was a guy named Kirito who killed Jerald in a previous round, saying that he saw him pick up a T knife and that it was a KOS'able offense. I'm not sure if it is or isn't, this interaction didn't involve me, but Jerald slayed Kirito for RDM and accused him of ghosting, and it seems like he may have done it just because he was mad about getting killed. Like I said, this one didn't involve me, but I did record it (I started keeping demos after Jerald said that he was recording everything).

Generally staff members should not be doing their own reports, unless they are the only staff member on. I suspect Everyjuan was AFK (only other staff member on, in spectator), so Jerald was alone. However, in my belief, a staff member should not be slaying for when they get personally RDMed, unless it's an extremely obvious case of RDM. An extremely obvious case would be if you get shotgun blasted in the face within the first 15 seconds of the game. A contentious and heavily disputed presence of a knife killing would not be an obvious case. With both sides arguing back and forth about it, I believe that the staff member should be the bigger person and drop the issue and accept what may or may not have been an RDM with them as a victim. As a staff member, we have to offer the server some sacrifices, and sometimes vindicating ones claims is that sacrifice.
(08-14-2017, 12:52 PM)Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca Wrote: - snip -
I had handled my own report due to the fact that the detective himself, Zekken, said I was not kosed and I should not have been killed.
This video shows nothing besides the mute. So if this is your only video, are you saying you don't have any recording of the barrel incident either?

You threatened to kick me over a rule that doesn't even exist, then you act like you're talking to a child by giving a countdown for me to stop. And after all that, even after going along with what you asked, you still kicked me anyway. So please Jerald, since you record everything, why don't you produce the footage of:
a) you giving me any warnings to stop talking on mic, because you never did.
b) me attempting to hit someone as a barrel.
c) me refusing to depossess the barrel after you asked that I stop.
d) On an unrelated note, please show me where in the rules it says you can and can't possess certain props.

The four things just listed are what is currently in contention, and you said over mic that you had recordings of all of it. So please, show what you've got.
(08-14-2017, 12:57 PM)ECHtoplasm Wrote: This video shows nothing besides the mute. So if this is your only video, are you saying you don't have any recording of the barrel incident either?

You threatened to kick me over a rule that doesn't even exist, then you act like you're talking to a child by giving a countdown for me to stop. And after all that, even after going along with what you asked, you still kicked me anyway. So please Jerald, since you record everything, why don't you produce the footage of:
a) you giving me any warnings to stop talking on mic, because you never did.
b) me attempting to hit someone as a barrel.
c) me refusing to depossess the barrel after you asked that I stop.
d) On an unrelated note, please show me where in the rules it says you can and can't possess certain props.

The four things just listed are what is currently in contention, and you said over mic that you had recordings of all of it. So please, show what you've got.

 A. I gave you a warning in the video link I had posted, but as I had said my mic did not get recorded.
 B. Anyone on that list you gave, primarily concerning Zekken, TJ, or even Kurito can confirm you were indeed doing.
 C. I cannot provide a video for that for reasons stated earlier.
 D. 5. Do Not Exploit, Hack, Metagame or Otherwise Avoid the Game's Intended Limits
     You were avoided the intended limit of not being able to damage people once dead except by projectiles tossed before one's death.

Also, why are you changing your story. Did you possess that barrel or not? Because in the video I posted it clearly shows you saying you were indeed possessing it.
(08-14-2017, 01:01 PM)Jerald Wrote:
(08-14-2017, 12:57 PM)ECHtoplasm Wrote: This video shows nothing besides the mute. So if this is your only video, are you saying you don't have any recording of the barrel incident either?

You threatened to kick me over a rule that doesn't even exist, then you act like you're talking to a child by giving a countdown for me to stop. And after all that, even after going along with what you asked, you still kicked me anyway. So please Jerald, since you record everything, why don't you produce the footage of:
a) you giving me any warnings to stop talking on mic, because you never did.
b) me attempting to hit someone as a barrel.
c) me refusing to depossess the barrel after you asked that I stop.
d) On an unrelated note, please show me where in the rules it says you can and can't possess certain props.

The four things just listed are what is currently in contention, and you said over mic that you had recordings of all of it. So please, show what you've got.

 A. I gave you a warning in the video link I had posted, but as I had said my mic did not get recorded.
 B. Anyone on that list you gave, primarily concerning Zekken, TJ, or even Kurito can confirm you were indeed doing.
 C. I cannot provide a video for that for reasons stated earlier.
 D. 5. Do Not Exploit, Hack, Metagame or Otherwise Avoid the Game's Intended Limits
     You were avoided the intended limit of not being able to damage people once dead except by projectiles tossed before one's death.

Also, why are you changing your story. Did you possess that barrel or not? Because in the video I posted it clearly shows you saying you were indeed possessing it.
a) So you don't have proof of that.
b) So you don't have proof of that.
c) So you don't have proof of that.
d) Are you seriously calling possessing a prop an exploit? It's literally one of the built in functions of the TTT gamemode.

I'm not changing my story, I did possess the barrel. What I was questioning is you seem very insistent that I was trying to use it malevolently, saying I was trying to kill someone with it. THAT'S one of the things I'm disputing, because that certainly never happened.
I've presented all my facts in this case as have you, let the lawyers finish this.

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