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Since it seems to be Dink’s dirty laundry day
First, to start this off, this isn’t a resignation (for now, I can’t really keep that promise) but there’s just been so much toxicity in the server and community and nothing is being done about it unless it’s the extreme cases. I feel as if there’s a lot of poor behavior from players and staff alike, and it’s come to a point where I, personally, no longer enjoy being in voice channels with my friends because of the rudeness that comes out of their mouths. I’ve been told several times to “take a joke” and I feel like that’s such a shitty excuse to treat people poorly, not even thinking about the emotions and reactions that are going to come of those words, and I know I’m not perfect and that I’m guilty of this too but it was only recently that I’ve taken a step back and realized just how bad it’s gotten with everybody, and the fact that it’s been sitting there and boiling over for so long and nobody wants to stand up and do something about it is really bad, and those who do speak up get shut down and overlooked and get thrown back into the cycle of tossing around insults and rude comments and racial slurs that are said so casually that you’d think this community were run on the energy of deep seeded hatred, racism and animosity towards others.  Allowing this behavior makes the overall experience here just awful and unenjoyable when you really want to have fun, for a long time staffing felt more like a chore than anything else because of the continued harassment and berating comments constantly thrown my way, and if I were to ask for help the only response I’d get is “ignore it” unless it was just one of those extreme cases, but it’s not easy to ignore the constant comments coming from voice chat, chat, admin chat and the discord. Why do we let these people continue to act in such a toxic way with no punishment because they’re not acting in an extreme way?  Their behavior is still  harmful to others. Why do we let staff, especially those in the higher ranks, act the way they do without so much of a peep from anybody else?  Just because they’re good staff and generally have good behavior doesn’t mean they can’t be rude and toxic. Hell we’ve driven people out of this community, good and bad, then get upset when they find a community that treats them better. We need to change and reevaluate something, because this isn’t right, I don’t want to see this community fall apart but it’s honestly on its way there. Please take my words into consideration,  that’s all I ask of any of you, please take this seriously because it’s becoming a huge issue. 

Sorry about the formatting again, I copy pasted this from the notes in my phone and there’s no way to fix the font issue 

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Well I am sorry you feel this way Helen and I am personally sorry if I have done or said anything that bothers you just know that most of it is not truthful to the way I actually am and is more just jokes among friends but I can definitely see where it can go to far.
Dalek, you’re fine, you’ve never been super bad
[Image: giphy.gif]
I've tried helping as much as I can about the toxicity issue but in the end it's only made me more cynical and toxic myself because I can't do anything about it anyways. I'm sorry you feel like this Helen, I hope things will start to improve.
I'm sure Dink will cover this when he forms up some type of announcement later on. It's why I've taken a break for awhile till things tone down a notch. It's an issue I wanted to bring up myself, but I never considered myself one to taking the step in creating a movement. Which is one place I feel like I failed in being Admin, nonetheless it's an issue that needs to be addressed. And with a majority of PH players departing for their own reasons, I think it would be a good time to address the issue.
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
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I've been gone from the community for a bit in the last year, and I never use Discord (voice chat) because I feel like it's a strange format for this community/I only imagine ghosting occurring.....but this is really troubling to here. I'm unsure of what to say since this is a new issue to myself, but I hope this can be sorted out. We shouldn't pass off "jokes" that actually hurt people without addressing the fact that these jokes could be more sinister than what they are.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Best of luck on your future endeavors Helen.

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