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foxka abuse of power
Shouldn’t there not be arguing on an abuse thread? That isn’t the purpose of the post....
==================== L i l y =====================
[Image: tumblr_ne6mgl5MRJ1s3ci0uo1_500.gif]
"Nah, google it up, shitlord."
The world is but a treat, when you're on easy street
Maybe I haven't had time to make a full response to the thread, it's been like a day and I've been mostly working. Gotta give me time for these things.

To the response I'll keep it short and sweet. As all of you know, Nopleez decided to Dox me (sure you could argue it wasn't doxing, but either way what he did was 100% NOT ok). Mallak then decided to do the same thing as his friend by posting pictures of my face and linking my twitch link in the general discord and called me out for banning nopleez for doing just that. Mallak has a history of harassment and toxic behavior towards me and I decided enough was enough. By posting those images he violated my privacy and then mocked me for trying to hide it. You should never post another persons image or social media without there permission let alone make memes out of a persons face on top of it. If defending myself against someone who has been targeting me for a while now Is abuse then I think you have different opinions on right and wrong.

Nopleez and Mallak are both just trying to get a rise out of me for their own delight, as they have been for a long while. and why should I have to deal with that drama?

And for the record, theres no such thing as a "perma" in discord, a ban is a ban.

Hopefully Any of my fellow admins can agree that my actions were not unwarranted.
If your twitch was not commonly known I'd agree. But, it was literally linked to your discord profile up until a few days ago. Meaning, if anyone even clicked your name they'd see it. Also you posted the twitch channel yourself to the discord, and mentioned it a few times, so it isn't really the same thing as someone finding a facebook profile and posting that out of the blue. I guess he's trying to get a rise out of you yeah, but I personally wouldn't call it doxxing. Also I think that escalation should exist. Going from no punishment at all to a complete ban doesn't make sense to me. As with basically all the rules on the servers, shouldn't it go warning>kick>temp ban>permaban or some variation?

P.S. I didnt actually witness this so idk what that is

P.P.S Your twitch url is also one of your recently used steam names and is publicly visible on your steam profile
[Image: iOq71ag.jpg]
On a general note, no, not all things have a tier system. Posting private info should not be one of them.
Now whether that info could be called private since it was made publicly on discord profile...
All that combined tho is rather .. unpleasant - that sounds like a more personal offense against foxka for his ban of nopleez, which is not ok in its nature.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
(06-26-2018, 10:49 PM)Foxka Wrote: Maybe I haven't had time to make a full response to the thread, it's been like a day and I've been mostly working. Gotta give me time for these things.

Thats funny because you looked at it last night and then played games for hours more, then did the same tonight and only responded after several people started commenting on it and you being tagged twice.

To the response I'll keep it short and sweet. As all of you know, Nopleez decided to Dox me (sure you could argue it wasn't doxing, but either way what he did was 100% NOT ok). Mallak then decided to do the same thing as his friend by posting pictures of my face and linking my twitch link in the general discord and called me out for banning nopleez for doing just that.

slang to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge. The key word here is identify and private. neither what i did or nopleez did was reveal any private information. I asked nopleez where he got the photo from and he said your twitch, so i googled 'foxka twitch' and sure enough the very first thing that pops up is you (also as i said before, you have linked your twitch on this same discord before). and there is a video of literally just your face with you talking. So i post the photo of that video and then the twitch video link and was going to ask you how it makes sense to ban nopleez on discord and then community ban him for posting a photo that he made a meme of without any warning at all. His unban request ignored and he was just banned off the site. But you deleted it all and banned me.
Fuck man there is literally an emoji on the discord of my face with googly eyes I've never given permission for that or said it was ok, my photo isn't even on the forums anymore. But I understood that by posting my face I open myself up to a little but of being made fun of. Linking someones twitch and puting a thinking emoji over someones face is not doxing or harassing them. To ban someone with no warning for doing it once, and then to ban them for making an unban request, that wasn't serious because he didn't think that there was anyway the ban could be serious is ridiculous.

Mallak has a history of harassment and toxic behavior towards me and I decided enough was enough.

What a fucking joke, you are the most toxic person I have ever seen on this server and what you see is me throwing it back at you. The literal first interaction with you is me saying I'm leaving and you being a toxic ass to me who you have never met.

[Image: a52e3ec0373a17ef12a700a236fe576f.png]

Next post is loco calling out people like you for being toxic AF on my thread and again you shine through going and attacking me for no reason
[Image: 7534b0578e6bc77b474e37656293f798.png]

At this point ive never said a word to foxka and he didnt know who i was, he was just trying to start shit because that's what he does.

At one point me and turner were talking about some shit and you decided the best course of action was to mute me because you and dakody wanted to talk about something. Another instance a year after star wars was released I said Han solos dies, and then you banned me for that, under no situation was that deserving of a ban, but you look for any reason to harass me since you've joined this server.

By posting those images he violated my privacy and then mocked me for trying to hide it.

What privacy? i posted a public image from a video on a twitch account named foxkatv. if i went to your facebook or your twitter I could understand, but i went to the most public thing possible, that is related and linked with your online profile. You have you full fucking name on your steam profile what kind of privacy was violated when you don't try to have any.
If you want to keep your personal image private then do so by all means. but posting your face on a twitch channel and linking stuff this including your gamer tag with your real name or your image takes away your right to your privacy on those things. 

You should never post another persons image or social media without there permission let alone make memes out of a persons face on top of it.

Like mine was? Is it only an issue if it's done to you? The only thing that was posting was your twitch which you have linked and a video and a photo from the video. You posted the image, you put it out there, you made it public. Again there is a divide between the real world, your image, your name, and your online persona, that YOU tore down across several sites and platforms. How can you sit there and say someone doxed you and violated your privacy when your entire life is on public display right from your twitch and steam profile.
[Image: 284d665464a20efddfe0a51db4ef2404.png] 

Im going to blur out your name just to not give you a reason to delete my post.

If defending myself against someone who has been targeting me for a while now Is abuse then I think you have different opinions on right and wrong

I guess you dont understand that nopleez and many others feel they are defending themselves against you by doing this? You are toxic and rude to them and many others constantly making them feel unwelcome and further dividing people on the server discord and forums. But they dont have the power to just ban people they dont like, like you do. Many times i sit in discord with other playing games ignoring you because you are an ass to me and you just sit there insulting me. You sit there and poke and prod people and as soon as they fight back you say look how horrible this person is BAN.

Nopleez and Mallak are both just trying to get a rise out of me for their own delight, as they have been for a long while. and why should I have to deal with that drama?

Again look above, from the moment I had no idea who you were, you were trying to start shit with me for no reason. Nopleez was on your last TTT server with you and said you were a major part of why he left. He then tried to be friends with you here, because he wanted to move on but you were still an ass to him.

And for the record, theres no such thing as a "perma" in discord, a ban is a ban.

Hopefully Any of my fellow admins can agree that my actions were not unwarranted.

The only person I've seen take your side is scoovie, anyone who was there when it happened thought what u were doing was retarded.
Traitor reports this post is now fucked! Please delete
[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-27-2018, 01:18 AM)Traitor Wrote: Traitor reports this post is now fucked! Please delete

Denied. You may appeal again in 30 days.
Look, I don't really know the backstory about this feud, which appears longstanding. I'm not sure I really care either.

Mallakk and Nopleez are not incorrect in their assertion that your Twitch and real name have been shared with the community in a very open manner. You had your full name on your steam profile until recently. It appears you posted your twitch account on the public discord as well. That's just pretty careless on your part. In a few seconds and with very little effort, I was able to find your real name, your twitch, and a social media account of yours.

I pride myself on keeping my real life quite separate from my online life. If someone managed to find out who I was and decided to share pictures of me or my significant other from any social media account that I have, then I would be reasonably upset.

I think nopleez and Mallakk probably shouldn't have made memes of your face. Definitely a bit of trolling on their part.

I definitely think that you shouldn't have been naive enough to essentially open yourself up to attacks like that. I'm pretty sure you are aware that these kinds of shenanigans have happened before and you should have tried to better secure your accounts if you didn't want to open yourself up to crap like this.

When I heard that nopleez had doxxed you, I quickly agreed with the ban on him. I know other people that have been doxxing victims, and it's definitely not fun for them. Seeing more evidence come to light, I definitely can't agree with the bans on nopleez and Mallakk.

I've played with nopleez and Mallakk for at least a couple years now. They aren't the friendliest fellows but I think a permanent ban on them is just far too much.

I really think nopleez and Mallakk should either be unbanned or have their bans reduced on discord/forums/server. I think the best possible thing after that is nopleez/Mallakk and Foxka simply try to avoid each other. If nopleez and Mallakk are alone in a discord channel, don't go in there. If everyones hanging out in a channel together, just don't talk to each other.
I think nopleez's ban makes more sense as he made a meme out of foxka's face which is obvious harassment, insulting him, trying to stir shit, etc. But from what I understand mallakk just posted a twitch link?
[Image: iOq71ag.jpg]
(06-27-2018, 02:06 AM)queef commando Wrote: I think nopleez's ban makes more sense as he made a meme out of foxka's face which is obvious harassment, insulting him, trying to stir shit, etc. But from what I understand mallakk just posted a twitch link?

Mallak also posted a picture of my face too, granted it wasn't a memed version. Or it could have been a clip, I dont remember because all I saw was my face in the middle of general chat without my permission so I wanted it gone asap.

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