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honi made another app
Ingame Name: ✩Hani

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:66026831

Time Played: 647 hrs

When First Joined: Aug. 27

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Anytime, specifically PST around noon and during the night time.

Sponsor(s): @Gabe  fk u gabe @blakeman1 
Rank Desired: Mod

Current Rank: Tmod

What can you do to help the community: I'm on the forums,,,, all the time as I like to get involved and see what's happening so I could do ban requests I guess. Typically like to get on when there's little to no staff if I catch it on game tracker. I used to be hesitant in my actions but these past two weeks I've gained enough confidence to feel that I can help out and do more for the community. 

Why you want to help the community: It's been a long time since I found a server I liked as much as my first server. I used to always reminisce about how much I missed those old days and how nice it was to have actual friends but I can surely feel that this place has made me feel the closest to content with a community like my old one. So now at this point and even since I got trusted, I felt an obligation to help out and give back in any way that I can.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): A one min. joke ban bc scoovie only likes pp

Have you previously applied for staff (Link Relevant Posts): trusted + tmod

How did you find us?: last resort server because I heard this place was bad from other communities

Other: Ok I am always at all times open to criticism, even outside of when applying so if any of you feel the progress is too fast / I'm not ready or fit, please lay it on me whether it be here or DM. I've had lots of past staffing experience so I definitely feel competent enough but again, I'm open to all concerns.

Honi has proven to be one of the most valuable staff we have. She always maintains a level head, handles situations fairly and without bias, active, and knows how to handle the tougher situations. She also helps out the newer staff members that have questions and asks questions herself when she is unsure of a situation/wants a second opinion. I have no doubt that she can handle mod.
Good staff
i made a thing
i made another thing
i made a new thing

former ttt mod
former dr admin
Staff 2017-2023

Hani you’re great at handling reports accordingly without bias/etc. You most certainly get the job done, but I have one suggestion that prevents me from giving you a +1 right now. I was asked to give an honest response and this is how I feel. I remember on my TMod app you said I should hang back when things get rough and not say anything. When people tend to be aggressive towards you you usually fire back in a not calm manner. I believe your attitude (in some circumstances) is holding you back.

You’re an amazing staff member in all honesty, but I’d like to see you spend more time at your current position. In another month or so I think you’ll be a-okay. I just don’t think that we are in need of anymore mods currently. 

Also, me commenting on the attitude is hypocritical I guess but my explaination is the same as Laced’s.
+1 I definitely agree with Gabe and dong, she's wonderful and I'm so happy that she has been there to help.
[Image: Nicol_dumb.jpg]
Nothing happened here.
Hani shows she can diffuse situations well and handles the server very well when she's on. Everything I would expect from a mod. Good luck on your app and +1.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
I'm going to be the minority and give u a -1, every situation ive seen you try to handle has been the same way, you yell at someone who is mod or admin in discord to perma ban them. Bans longer than a day should be last resorts, a kick or a couple hour bans can handle most situations. I would like to see you be able to handle more situations without just wanting a perma ban before you have the ability to do so. I've also noticed anytime someone disagrees with you, you get rather upset and yell, you handle trolls and such without reacting the way they want but when someone actually tries to disagree with you, you dont seem to be willing to deal with that and that is another thing id like to see improve first. Your promotion to tmod was only a little over a month ago we are in no rush for more mods at the moment having plenty of active ones id like to see another month or so before you move up.
(02-03-2019, 01:51 AM)Mallakk Wrote: I'm going to be the minority and give u a -1, every situation ive seen you try to handle has been the same way, you yell at someone who is mod or admin in discord to perma ban them. Bans longer than a day should be last resorts, a kick or a couple hour bans can handle most situations.  I would like to see you be able to handle more situations without just wanting a perma ban before you have the ability to do so. I've also noticed anytime someone disagrees with you, you get rather upset and yell, you handle trolls and such without reacting the way they want but when someone actually tries to disagree with you, you dont seem to be willing to deal with that and that is another thing id like to see improve first. Your promotion to tmod was only a little over a month ago we are in no rush for more mods at the moment having plenty of active ones id like to see another month or so before you move up.

I do not ever recall telling anyone to permanently ban someone unless it was a hacker or a mass rdmer.
If you're talking about that guy that was targeting Nickp, when you weren't even there for the majority of it, I did say to yes ban the targeters for a day.You said to just ban for an hour, which I said was just kind of a dumb ban then to just kick him which we agree'd on.
Also your lack of time in the server overall makes me question the validity of this but thanks, I'l keep this all into mind as I can see where you're coming from. 

Thank 4 input

Hani, you're a great staff member, handling reports in a timely manner and with precision and the like.

The thing that prevents me from instantly +1ing you is the attitude you have, and the short amount of time you've had as a TMod.

As Mallakk said, you tend to get rather upset and yell at people who disagree with you, even over small things, which isn't the sort of way a Moderator should act. Also, you've only been TMod for a month, and I'd like to see you get some more time in before I can +1 this.

Before I'm told that it's the pot calling the kettle black, let me say that I keep my cool at all times on the server. Sure, if you join on Discord and catch me playing CS:GO or something else, you'll probably hear me lose my shit over a headshot I missed. When I get knifed on the server, I'll usually bitch about it because it's annoying, but I don't really care.

My promotion to Trusted, TMod, and Mod within 3 months was in a time where we desperately needed active staff, and I happened to be there to fill in the void while more staff (like you!) were brought in. It's the reason we brought sponsoring back, because we no longer are in desperation for staff.

Overall, Hani, I won't -1, but instead +0.
I think if you improve on keeping your cool regarding others disagreeing with you and getting more time in, you'll be a great fit for Mod.
Hi thank u all for the criticism, it is appreciated. Will def keep in mind for the future when I continue to keep staffing

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