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Banned for "teaming"
Use the format below when reporting staff. Fill all fields to the best of your ability.

Offender's Name, SteamID and Rank: 

Fozzy: STEAM_0:1:56148077 (rank:TTT Test Mod)
Penny: STEAM_0:0:104120199 (rank: TTT Moderator)
Chris Farley:STEAM_0:1:163021079 (rank: TTT Trusted)
Dildo Shwaggins:STEAM_0:0:57158759 (rank:TTT Test Mod)  
shroud:STEAM_0:1:61988625 (rank: TTT Moderator)
WILD:STEAM_0:1:40063805 (rank: TTT moderator)
Avi:STEAM_0:0:171398726 (rank:TTT moderator)

(forgive me if some of these are incorrect)

What They Did: 

I would like to preface my account with some background of the events prior to the punishment. I apologize if I'm dragging. I was playing TTT, by myself. For clarification, I did have a Steam friend on the server. However there was absolutely no communication between us two outside the confines of the server. Meaning no Steam Chat, Skype, Discord or other methods of communications. We were connected under different IP addresses (feel free to verify). Truth be told, I have a lot of Steam friends and I tend to add people that I like but don't necessarily talk to or play with. The round in question was a round where I was a traitor. I will now recount my remembrance to the best of my ability. I had my weapon, I was walking around and decided to follow someone so I could kill them. (this person was my steam friend, steam id in question) I would like to reiterate that there was still absolutely no communication between the two of us. I followed him to a large room where I could see an AFK T buddy. This clearly was not the place to kill this person I had followed. However I stopped, because I saw this person checking out my T buddy. So I stopped, and watched as the person I had followed one shot my T buddy with (what I believed to be) a deagle. Now I had two options. I could either call KOS on this innocent person with all these people around, then get killed when the body was ID'd, or I could pretend like I didn't see it and walk to a different room to search for more targets. The round ended and I had been warned by WILD:STEAM_0:1:40063805 (rank: TTT moderator). Curiously, I ask in voice why I had been killed.

Now I would like to bring the staff's claimed 3 reasons in for cross examination. These are their reasons for warning me

* 1. I had looked at the T buddy before he was killed and witnessed the murder committed by STEAM_0:1:444424919

* 2. I was friends on steam with STEAM_0:1:444424919

* 3. STEAM_0:1:444424919 had "supposedly" told staff through written response that he quote "knew the T buddy was the traitor".

Queue a belligerent fight between me and the staff members (which I apologize for, I was upset however it gave me no reason to disrespect the staff members). In response to claim 1., I don't think that necessarily means that I'm guilty. I explained a perfectly good reason why I would look at someone checking out an AFK traitor with a gun to his head. I think it is an inappropriate assumption that I ghosted with this steam friend. I get the point you make, you believe that I told him to kill the t buddy and watched, however this is not the case.

2. Being friends with someone doesn't mean you're ghosting. If I really wanted to ghost, I believe a real VOIP would most likely be favored over Steam chat or Steam voip. So I don't think being steam friends is a definite indicator here either. I also explained why I had him as a steam friend. I'm sure I have multiple other Dinkleberg's TTT friends on my list. Doesn't mean I'm ghosting with them.

3. Now this claim is a little difficult but this is where I believe the mistake was made. WILD:STEAM_0:1:40063805 (rank: TTT moderator) told me that STEAM_0:1:444424919 directly told staff that he killed the T buddy because he knew. However when I asked for proof of this I was ignored. I yelled, I @ staff, I did everything. This evidence was not presented. Now here comes the only communication I made with STEAM_0:1:444424919. I had asked him what he told the staff member. He said that he killed him to "id the body". This was clearly RDM, but had nothing to do with me. I then told staff this, I then was further ignored and presented with no evidence still. 

I think that the fact I was ignored could possibly suggest hiding evidence that doesn't exist. I do think it's innapropriate that the staff ignored me and would not present me with the evidence they claimed that they had. For what reason would they do this? You would think (and I would assume) that they would be happy to provide evidence (as they usually are). This is extremely confusing.

After the fact, I was present for one more round, in which absolutely no communication happened, and I stayed till the end of the round. With no RDM's, no reports, and no slays. I then went to eat dinner, assuming the warning was all that would come. However I came home to a message that I had been banned by WILD:STEAM_0:1:40063805 (rank: TTT moderator) for a total of 14 days. Somewhat inconsistent I believe. What changed? If I had committed no further infractions why was my punishment changed? Was the first punishment invalid? Is the first time offence meant to be 14 day ban? If so, why was I warned first and not banned? I believe this indicates their apprehension to banning me and then when I claimed I was going to make a report and then asked for their Steam ID's, they decided to ban me. I am in no way saying this happened, but just a minor speculation.

When They Did It: 

August 03, 2019.

The ban was issued on 8/3/19 a few hours after the warning

Potential Witnesses: 



The difficulty is there really is no proof, the staff have all the logs.


I would like to state that I was told by the administrators online to report everyone including trusted members.

I would also like to state that I do not believe this is necessarily a case of staff abuse but instead a misunderstanding. I was only told (directly by STEAM_0:0:171398726) to post a report here if I believe my punishment to change.

However I do believe that the staff made some mistakes in the process and I made this report in hopes that we can all do a better job in the future.
Well here's the kicker you need proof
[Image: q0SdkAI6QPaeF9Oi-uqjbA.png]

[Image: NcxeGyl-THSvKxgssH34Pg.png]
If you want to report half of the server's active staff, proof is kinda important
idk if you plan on making one, but we do have a unban request section here

other than that i don't have much to comment on since i wasn't here to see anything
[Image: e2d.jpg]
Pretty obvious that you and your friend that you don’t have any contact with look at an AFK Traitor TOGETHER. You also decide to leave him alone with your friend and your friend later RDMs him. Not suppose to be knowing he was a traitor. NOTE! It was between 1:20-1:35 start of round this happened. Not overtime. Overtime is when you can kill afk’s. You guys would know that if you read the !motd that pops up in your face when you join the server. That AFK traitor, @"Burrito Bowl" , then reports you and your friends response was “I saw him shooting...” among those lines. NOTE! You’re a traitor and your friend isn’t the detective. 

That’s not all.

You then begin to both admin chat us and you state you’re not friends with him. Your friend then states he knew he was a T because he “id’d” the body after he kills him. Death scene shows burrito did nothing at all until death. 

That’s not all. Many of us staff gathered all that info immediately. 

I Am Inevitable. 

[Image: image0.png]
If you were to provide us any time stamps that you weren’t in any contact with that guy, I’d consider a reduction to 2 days. Therefore, just stating all the situations without evidence is not helpful.

I Am Inevitable. 

[Image: 50-best-oatmeal-recipes.png]
(told you I'd do it, WILD)

I remember you first told us you didn't know him, your friend ALSO said you didn't know him, and then you quickly backpedalled when we told you we had a plugin that allows us to see the friends of someone that is on the server. 

Otherwise, I wasn't involved. Thanks for the report, though. Gave me a good laugh.

edit: Also, I'm flattered but you got my rank wrong by about 4 months. I am a Trusted, not a Moderator.

(08-03-2019, 11:06 PM)Dennis Wrote: Proof: 

The difficulty is there really is no proof

[Image: nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg]
You don't have proof. The mod, mind you, who is doing his "fucking job" made sure to get pretty damning evidence on you and your friend teaming and or ghosting.

Also how could this possibly be an abuse thread? This should be an unban request if anything to prove you weren't teaming/ghosting.
I'm always lifting, on the server and off, my gains keep me going!!

2013/14-Present (6+ years with this beautiful community!)

And Remember kids, never skip Leg Day!
(08-03-2019, 11:54 PM)DoYouLiftBro Wrote: You don't have proof.  The mod, mind you, who is doing his "fucking job" made sure to get pretty damning evidence on you and your friend teaming and or ghosting.  

Also how could this possibly be an abuse thread?  This should be an unban request if anything to prove you weren't teaming/ghosting.

Well, he’ll just do an unban afterwards so everything can be documented.

I Am Inevitable. 


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