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Addressing Toxicity in the Community
I just want to say this beforehand just in case, We are not going to turn this into an attack thread. Please and thank you.
what has this server become my god. The server I rember was friendly faces and friends now when I look at the server I see hate and drama a year ago this servers biggest worry was hitboxes and lag. now I have had to say good bye to all my friends because of them leaving or getting banned. This isn't the ttt I rember the admins I trust and loved are gone. I was afraid of vocing out because I have a app up but the fact that theres a lack of staff its making me worried for the future and if I dont see a bit more communication or just hell even if the bans were a mistake say sorry . Dinks might lose its child of the server. its just I always hated drama and I want you all to kiss and make up so if saying somthing means no tmod that's ok
[Image: q0SdkAI6QPaeF9Oi-uqjbA.png]

[Image: NcxeGyl-THSvKxgssH34Pg.png]
Rits, shut the fuck up

Nuru, I really do want to thank you for being the most levelheaded and communicating with us. Why they are letting you take the brunt of anything os beyond me, since ultrafish locked the thread without consultation from what I've heard. You truly are a great server leader here and I wish the other admins learn a lot from you as I have. I know how difficult it can be sometimes but, again, thank you for your effort.
(08-30-2019, 05:18 PM)Seeker Wrote:
(08-30-2019, 04:43 PM)ritsuneru Wrote: Ive never talked down on you. If disagreeing with the decision youve made for punishing me, is talking down on you, then so be it. (Im not going to sit here and prove you wrong, waste of time) Proper was warned more than once. You warned her pm, she then went after me in dinks discord immediately after because you warned her, which is breaking two rules at that point.. But regardless of this, I dont care about this server anymore as I am busy with my real life and the changes coming. I will be making a thread shortly on my leave. Once i can get on my laptop after work. 

As for Proper saying Lycan was offended by me throwing racist jokes at him. Him and I have been friends for 4 years. 1 of those year we were in a relationship, as many old players know. Lycan doesnt give a flying fuck what I say to him. So shut up about me offending Lycan, and stop lying. In fact, get my name out of your mouth and grow up. Im done speaking to you and Im not gonna sit here and act like "I wish you the best". Cause yeah. Online, im fucking toxic because i gotta vent somewhere. Better than doing it irl. So proper, have fun with your manipulation and lies. God help those who consider you a friend. I wish nothing but the worst for you and may karma come around to bite you in the ass. 

Anyways, off topic. Ill be making a thread shortly after work and i take care of my animals.

If you don't care about this server, why do you keep coming back to make posts to attack players/staff? Especially one of the few upper staff that most people unanimously agree is being the most helpful. Because of a personal grudge.

You're going to make a thread about you leaving, but what are you expecting? Yes, you obviously have some friends here if they are willing to post on your behalf, but as we are learning more and more, and as you've admitted, you are horribly toxic. Are you expecting a loving send off or do you just want to see a bunch of hate and vitriol and the posts following your thread until it's closed? That's if it gets approved.

I'm just going to leave the Lycan bit alone, I won't speak for him, but yikes, wouldn't bring my friends around you.

You're bragging about being toxic and I don't even know where to begin with that, but honestly, that should just end it right there. No one should really be proud of being that shitty of a person. And yet...Here you are, saying that that's not the real you...

[Image: v2r29ZU.png]

So in actuality, you just sound kinda...mad.

[Image: Snapchat-658309616.jpg?width=435&height=469]

Nuru, I would like to personally thank you for your help and transparency to the community in all this. On a side note, I feel bad that you were dragged into it in the first place. I know as admins in general there's a community side to it, but it should really be the responsibility of those that are tasked with the TTT side of things to do the TTT side of things since theoretically they should know their own part of the community the best. You're saying all you know and can say without getting banned yourself and that is appreciated. All I can say on the Rits thing though, Famous Dex already said 24 times per hook.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
Wait I get that people should be banned for being extremely toxic, but don't pretend that some of the reason is racism when that's the most selectively enforced rule on the server, especially among staff. Or that Lycan of all people was offended by it. You can't really act like you're doing everyone a favor by ridding the server of racism when the mods are left to freely run rampant with their exclusion from the rules.

But guys fr don't fight in front of innocent lil Daegan you're making him sad
(08-30-2019, 05:58 PM)Connar Wrote: Wait I get that people should be banned for being extremely toxic, but don't pretend that some of the reason is racism when that's the most selectively enforced rule on the server, especially among staff. Or that Lycan of all people was offended by it. You can't really act like you're doing everyone a favor by ridding the server of racism when the mods are left to freely run rampant with their exclusion from the rules.

But guys fr don't fight in front of innocent lil Daegan you're making him sad

Some of it was for racism, she had been warned by multiple staff because she was saying things that crossed lines, that if said in normal every day conversations, would get ugly fast. Joke or not, even if he was in on it, when it's something about someone going back to cotton fields, or etc. it's not okay. Those are the kind of things I step in over. That's really terrible even as a joke. If I catch someone being that bad with it, I say something. I'm not around all the time to catch it every time, but she's not the only one I've corrected for things like this. I promise.

(08-30-2019, 05:44 PM)daeganislegit Wrote: what has this server become my god. The  server I rember was  friendly faces and friends now when I look at the server I see hate and drama a year ago this servers biggest worry was hitboxes and lag. now I have had to say good bye to all my friends because of them leaving or getting banned. This isn't the ttt I rember the admins I trust and loved are gone. I was afraid of vocing out because I have a app up but the fact that theres a lack of staff its making me worried for the future and if I dont see a bit more communication or just hell even if the bans were a mistake say sorry . Dinks might lose its child of the server. its just I always hated drama and I want you all to kiss and make up so if saying somthing means no tmod that's ok

If you saying this is the reason for a denial, that's fucked up. I won't lie. Everyone is entitled to opinions.
I know it's hard. Even more so because you're young and don't want to see all the people you care for and love arguing. I'm going to do what I can with the others to speed up the process of our thread as much as possible without skipping over things so everyone can understand why we did what we did.

I'm sorry Daegan and I love you.
(08-30-2019, 05:58 PM)Connar Wrote: Wait I get that people should be banned for being extremely toxic, but don't pretend that some of the reason is racism when that's the most selectively enforced rule on the server, especially among staff. Or that Lycan of all people was offended by it. You can't really act like you're doing everyone a favor by ridding the server of racism when the mods are left to freely run rampant with their exclusion from the rules.

But guys fr don't fight in front of innocent lil Daegan you're making him sad

IM gonna set you straight right now.

Lycan isn't the one that was offended, many other players were. I myself while not being personally offended by it was sick of seeing things like "go back to africa" making jokes about lycan picking cotton, calling him blackie or darkie, or seeing the n word.

Honestly im surprised it took this long for her to be rebanned, but thats my own opinion, sorry!
Fair nuff. I appreciated the clarification. I wasn't arguing against the ban or anything. I just took the opportunity to point out that I see people like Lycan say that shit, excluding the n word, all the time and no one ever bats an eye.

Though, if we punished everyone that made racist comments or jokes about race it'd be like ten of us here sitting around jerking off, so I get it. I'm sure they were one of the worst offenders.
Literally all I want out of this is to just be unbanned and for every single admin to admit this was a mistake, I shouldn't have to be the one making an appeal begging to be let back in when it was the higher ups who failed to use the process the way it was intended. Again, you should have approached us personally. I've been informed on why I was banned and let me tell you the evidence is questionable at most without any clarification from either side. Again, this feels like a vendetta on our friend group because someone high up doesn't like us, as I have said before, literally all the admins need to do is apologize and unban the ones that were questionably toxic at most.
(Moved from own thread to post for visibility)
Hi I haven't made a post in fucking forever. I don't post on here often I see it as a waste of time but I will give it a shot. My name is Dalek and I have been around since March of 2015. I started becoming active in the past 2 weeks then this happened and this situation isn't unique as some might think. Like others have said before me this is a commodity in this community. Does this mean that this one is any worse or more important or less important than previous situations? No I don't think it does but I have doubts that some people will truly learn anything from this. The point of this thread is to tell you something very important. This is an online gaming community where we play a game that either you are a possessed prop, a bunch of terrorists that has traitors among them, or you are just in a hollywood murder movie. We take things way to seriously and we need to just have some fucking fun playing video games it is not that hard to do so. Non staff no one has an agenda to silence your opinions or to ban you at the drop of a hat. Staff sometimes we go to far and become arrogant people who can't see past their own ego and we don't listen to anyone until we have to. You want to know the difference between staff and non staff NOTHING!. We are all humans we are imperfect we make mistakes it's human nature. However that doesn't make us incapable of thoughtful decision making with the thoughts of others in mind. Both sides to this mess have done some fucked up things and I am not saying everyone and I am not pointing out any individuals because if I tried or you tried or we tried all it does is create more drama. Just for one second stop being so indignant for others if someone is bothered they will speak up and sometimes if you try and speak up for them it only makes things worse. So like everything take context into thought. I understand that prop hunt needs to be more strict on rules because it is more kid friendly. TTT while it also has a younger audience at times it is much smaller than PH. Finally stop generalizing people and communities and cliques. It is in our nature to create groups but don't let any one group dictate your thoughts and opinions. Come to your own conclusion share it in a helpful thoughtful constructive manner and then hear others then respond. Compromise it's how we move forward as a community but it can't happen unless the majority is willing to do it and that's not heavily weighted on either side because like I said before in any way that truly matters we are all equal as human beings and well we all make mistakes it's how you respond and learn from those mistakes that defines your character not the mistake in the first place.

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