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How to: Rant
(01-28-2020, 06:14 PM)near Wrote:
(01-28-2020, 06:05 PM)Dildo Shwaggins Wrote: Okay so the other thread did die down a bit but should not have been closed. That is another issue here. Threads that bring up legitimate issues get closed and it doesn't solve any problems, it just shoves aside issues until they explode. It should not have been closed until there was a promise of some sort of solution.

Matt requested topics from the other thread should be moved here so it doesn't derail the main topic of the thread. I'm not necessarily upset with it being locked due to seeing people just shitting on the admins and telling them to resign without actually discussing the topic of the abuse or offering anything in return besides insults.

Fair enough, it wasn't included in the closing message so it seemed like Addressing Toxicity Redux.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
Red text is mine.

(01-27-2020, 11:50 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: Admin
Not that its what I would have said, as I've been thinking on this piece alone for a week, but it brings up a valid point. Admins typically rotate who is active because a couple are this week, a couple others have hours the next, but with the current setup no admins or above have decent hours. Yes they try to be active on the forums and discord, but even then looking at the activity there its a shadow of what was claimed in the past. A decent chunk of my own time was inactive by that rule. For the most part that wasn't contested, whether people thought the voting/admins in general were still fair and informed while inactive or its just now reaching a head among other issues I cannot say. I can say that the team at the time tried its best to ask what they didn't know, or at times would recuse themselves from votes. Not always as I still voted on a lot myself throughout, and not that it is a defense, but I know the team tried as a whole. Obviously there were still conflicts and individuals acting on their own power, but that's a different discussion. 
The thread touches on a much larger issue. We can't fix their irl problems, but the fact that no admins and maybe 1-2 mods have decent activity has lead to the other problems of the server. Can it be helped? Somewhat, but the effect is cyclical. The job burns out the admins which leads to more and larger issues, which burns them out more...
I don't have a solution, or a civilized rant for this. I have only my personal thoughts on individuals. And since we cant really replace with the current mod pool that's not even a possible solution, even if it were to be considered. The Admins should be responsible enough to know when to rely on other opinions. Not saying one decision was right or wrong, but overall.
Admins are responsible for more than just their server, they are responsible for the community as a whole. While they should be beholden to the community, they also must perform the job as they see fit within the rules they are given. There is little to no guidance here, as they are effectively the highest rank actively engaging the community. There will be mistakes made, and the community should know this on the front end. These mistakes should be addressed, yes, but in a civil manner. Biting at the admins will only make it worse. August was proof and likely partial cause of that decline. How that was handled by both admins and community was a step in the wrong direction. Again I wont go into detail, but we should avoid hive minding on either side for the above issue. It helps no one.
I myself am guilty. I will never deny this. I will say as soon as my hours drop below 10, I don't vote or do anything beyond what a moderator could do. (Ban requests, closing threads that are getting out of hand, etc.) As you said, there's zero guidance here, and admining here is unlike any server ever. You are thrown to the wolves. Personally speaking, I have made several mistakes, large and small. I do my best to be what everyone wants, but at the end of the day, I cannot please everyone and I'm aware of this. What you mention here, about biting the admins, has recently become a large issue with me. I know what happened in august was handled wrongly and I do take blame for that, and I am aware of my mistakes there. But nobody will let me learn or let me be with that, nor other small or large things here. Instead of talking with me, or to me, or anything at all, they bite. They yell at me, they blame me, they beat and berate me down until I am at the point I am right now. I come home and dont even want to look at gmod. This used to be my happy place, to relax, and hide from irl shit I'm going through and now I don't have one. I just want everyone to know, if you talked with some of us more, things would go better not only for you guys, but us. You have no idea how much strain is placed on us in this position. None. I want this to be a wake up to everyone. One of your most calm and level headed admins has done nothing but teeter on the line of resignation for two weeks straight now because everyone does nothing but shit on us, when we do what we can. I know we fuck up. And I am really good about admitting when I do. It's just so much easier if you talk to us rather than treat us like dogs. Because that's all I've had for three weeks rn.

Descend into the masses and be a benevolent god.
But seriously we've talked a little bit. Consider the sectioned positions, it may help alleviate some issues. But something will need to be done, and I don't know exactly what it is. As owner, the server and community aspects are ultimately up to you. 
Also consider getting to know at least the admins 1 on 1. You need to understand and trust anyone you have as admin and communication does wonders to solve issues, whatever they be. Idk, maybe you check discord on nights, or spend a certain time during the weekends to look into server issues. 
There are a few suggestion threads that would be a good start to look at with at least two issues you will need to have a say on that I could find on the forums:
As for you dink, I love you, i've adopted you as my son. I know it's hard to be aroudn with work, school, and a social life, and a girlfriend. All I want from you is just an hour a day, or one day a week devoted to us around here so things can be done. If you can't find people you trust that can do the things you can. Or teach people you trust to do so. TTT has Juan, and and all PH has is you. Both of you are really dead right now due to irl things. I get that, but if you don't want the server to die, we need someone, anyone, to be able to fix things that die or break. Someone to help coach admins on what to do, when to do, etc. Like you expect us to do with the staff. Please. Because I personally don't know how much longer I can keep struggling with people shitting on me for not being able to fix things.

To sum up what I said above.

I've asked so many times on what to fix, ideas on how to fix, etc.
Instead of that, I get you guys bitching at me, complaining because nothing gets done, etc.

Just because I'm an admin doesn't mean I know it all, or am an all-fix.
I need help sometimes too. I ask for it. I just never get it from you guys.
To break the silence and be 100% real with everyone, if Nuru's post doesn't serve as a wake up to Dink AND everyone biting at the admins for everything, this community is a failure and I'll be walking. Even if I don't matter much. Nuru has been a beacon of calm and light for this community. And seeing her like this? Should break everyone's heart.
[Image: b_560x95.png][Image: clapclub.jpg?width=1202&height=519]
I so desperately tried to help TTT whenever I was staff a year ago and now its gone downhill tremendously. I want to come back to hopefully help fix it, but I doubt they can "trust" me at this point over me resigning. That's why I got denied over the summer. Something needs to change, new TTT leadership in the form of a different co-owner is a start. Whether that means within the next few months or now. It just needs to happen. I can't speak on the prophunt side of things, but Travis is right. Seeing Nuru like that is breaking my heart. She was my rock whenever I was going through my breaking point after resigning and has served as a leader and mentor to many people, especially the PropHunt community. Please Dink do something
Well im not going to be able to respond to each, and many are posts for dink anyways,
@TheUltraFish Welcome to Admin was my first thought tbh. Lack of communication has lead to many of the servers problems on several fronts. It's always brought up, worked on for a time, then goes back to normal. Usually leads to or is caused by admins burning out. And that timer has been decreasing with more breaks for admins over the years, which isn't a good sign.
@"near" I agree on the discord needing to be cleaned up and power use going back to normal. I disagree with the bit about the knife but that's bc I see it as not caused by the knife itself. As to the ability to give roles on discord, eh not really. Too many staff mess around as is. Discord mod needs it tho.
As for the conversation about the thread, perhaps there was more to say but tbh it had a lot of extra heat in it. Just so long as it isn't swept under the rug.
@Mother Nuru. <3
if anyone makes nuru resign I'm sending Russ to your house

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Execute order 66 on inactive staff that have been inactive for longer than a few months without good reason (school, family, etc.)

Dink has been inactive as a deadbeat dad since he went to buy milk back in 2016. I think I saw him in my dreams once, but I cant be sure because I dont remember what he looked like.

Give Gabe co owner and the ability to modify server files and ulx ranks. There is no reason for him not to be able to do these things other than paranoia, which honestly, would be alleviated by a simple private back up of the server. Not that he would do anything stupid, mind you.

We should also give donors the ability to perma staff and hold them accountable to our standards since they are so high compared to what the donor standards are. This is my 2nd ammendment right!

Jokes aside, I have and always will love this community like that abusive ex you never got over from in high school. But man, sometimes it hurts to see the reality of the situations we've been in for the past year now. 

This is the way
(01-29-2020, 04:59 PM)Foxka Wrote: Execute order 66 on inactive staff that have been inactive for longer than a few months without good reason (school, family, etc.)
Perhaps instead of a straight demotion to donor, give them an inactive staff rank and if they come back and want to return staffing, make them apply and fill out the necessary forms. The community and staff decide. It would go over a helluva lot smoother that way trust me.

Dink has been inactive as a deadbeat dad since he went to buy milk back in 2016. I think I saw him in my dreams once, but I cant be sure because I dont remember what he looked like.
Yeah I've got nothing for this. It's an issue I hope is addressed. Anything is better than nothing at this point.
Give Gabe co owner and the ability to modify server files and ulx ranks. There is no reason for him not to be able to do these things other than paranoia, which honestly, would be alleviated by a simple private back up of the server. Not that he would do anything stupid, mind you.
Only if Gabe actually wants that. You all keep pushing for it, but I would only want a co-owner that actually wants their rank. I know he cares about the server, but that doesn't always equate to wanting co-owner. It's a big responsibility and should never be forced onto anyone.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
The vocal minority is always trying to say some stupid shit while a majority of the community doesn’t give a fuck about the crying and bitching and moaning. Stop writing essays and focus on another hobby if the admins piss you off that much. You aren’t always gonna get your way by complaining about it, make a positive difference instead of trying to pressure people into situations.
(01-30-2020, 12:43 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote: The vocal minority is always trying to say some stupid shit while a majority of the community doesn’t give a fuck about the crying and bitching and moaning. Stop writing essays and focus on another hobby if the admins piss you off that much. You aren’t always gonna get your way by complaining about it, make a positive difference instead of trying to pressure people into situations.

There is a large difference between complaining to complain, and complaining because a community you care about is slowly dying. There's only so much people can do when the owner is inactive and there are numerous problems throughout the community. Sure you can go ahead and focus on another hobby, but don't shit on people for actually trying to give a fuck about an online community.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
(01-30-2020, 12:43 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote: The vocal minority is always trying to say some stupid shit while a majority of the community doesn’t give a fuck about the crying and bitching and moaning. Stop writing essays and focus on another hobby if the admins piss you off that much. You aren’t always gonna get your way by complaining about it, make a positive difference instead of trying to pressure people into situations.
I'd like to know who you think the vocal minority is. As far as I can tell, the majority of the community agrees with this post and actually cares about their respective servers. Just because you don't care anymore doesn't give you the right to shit on people who do. Maybe you should focus on something else and stop letting an online community that you don't care about anymore bother you.

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