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Discord Update
Hello everyone!  I wanted to bring attention to some new things happening with the discord server, and make you all aware of some new features that have been implemented.

First, let's discuss the new bot that was added for moderation, Auttaja.  This bot has many useful moderation commands, and some random commands for users to use as well.  Feel free to check out what commands this bot has by typing -help in the #bot-shit channel.  

With this bot, I have implemented a new punishment system, following an escalated punishment trend, which also includes 3 strikes being a temporary mute and 5 strikes being a soft ban.  This bot also has auto moderation features which will allow many things to be auto detected and removed, in which Discord Moderators can give out appropriate punishments based on what was deleted.  

We now have a report system with this bot as well.  This will make it so you don't have to find an admin/discord moderator to dm about issues, but rather send a report in so all the discord staff can have access to it to discuss the issue at hand.  This report system is only to report other users in the discord server for discord related issues, not for issues on the Gmod server.  Information on how to use the report system can be found in #discord-user-reports in the discord server.  Please note that reports are NOT for joking around with, so please don't make false/joke reports against other users.  If you do choose to report a user, please try to provide evidence when prompted by the bot to do so.

There are a couple of features that are to be determined that may be added in the future if there is interest in them from the community.  One is Voice Roles, which allows a user to join a voice channel, receive a role, and be able to unlock a text channel that only users in the voice channel can see.  This allows for more organized conversation.  The other is a Starboard.  This will allow users to react to messages/images in the discord, and after a certain amount of reactions, the message/image will be embedded in a designated channel for everyone to see.  If you have feedback on either of these features feel free to leave a comment below.

The second topic of discussion is the Discord Moderator position.  As a recent issue came to light in another discord community I am a part of, we are currently not allowing anyone under the age of 18 to be a Discord Moderator.  I know that this will make the pool of potential candidates smaller, but for TOS reasons and until we figure out a better solution to how things are set up, this restriction will be in place (I am sorry for anyone under 18 that is interested in the position, but please bear with me while I figure this issue out).

With all of that covered, I would like to encourage people to apply for Discord Moderator if they are interested.  I know we still have "pending" applications from the original pool, and I will filter through those and see what we have for them as well.  The application format can be found here.

Finally, if you have any suggestions for the discord, please let me know in the comments below or shoot me a DM on discord.  I know there have been specific complaints about things, and I am open to working with you all to find solutions, and hopefully this is a step in the right direction.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
What are the things that would be auto deleted and later punished/whatever by discord mods? I can guess a few but...

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Fantastic job Avi. These changed are very much welcomed. I hope everything functions well
[Image: b_560x95.png]
(02-01-2020, 03:32 AM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: What are the things that would be auto deleted and later punished/whatever by discord mods? I can guess a few but...

There are several things that will be auto deleted and acknowledged or punished if needed including:
  • Anti Advert (removes people advertising discord servers via links)
  • Anti Spam (removes repeating messages >5 in a short span, removes multiple messages >10 in a short span)
  • Anti Zalgo (essentially something that glitches text chat)
  • Bad Link Protection (removes links considered harmful either nsfw/nsfl/harmful to computer/etc.)
  • Mention Spam Protection (removes mentions >10)
  • Word Filters (this is being worked on and edited as I go)
I can change all of these to have separate punishments, but I want the idea to be that we verbally warn/teach people the rules they are breaking first then progress to punishment as needed, hence why I didn't add a preset punishment for any of these yet. 
Also for all of the values above where something triggers an auto delete after a certain number of instances (i.e. removing repeating messages > 5 in a short span), all of those values are able to be changed, and can be adjusted accordingly.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
I have one major grievance with this.

(02-01-2020, 03:05 AM)Avi Wrote: We now have a report system with this bot as well.  This will make it so you don't have to find an admin/discord moderator to dm about issues, but rather send a report in so all the discord staff can have access to it to discuss the issue at hand.  

The problem is, reports are more of an incident handling/management tool as opposed to an immediate response tool. In just about any other Discord I'm in, most of them having fewer members than the Dink discord, I'm able to see someone break a rule, ping a mod role, and in at most two minutes, have the user dealt with. Being able to ping a mod is something regular users are able to do in 7/9 public Discords I'm a part of, with that fraction including this server. It's simple, it's a colloquial standard for users to deal with rulebreakers, and it requires no fiddling around with a tree of bot commands or enabling some feature a regular user has probably never heard of before to use.

I'm sorry to get worked up over this, but seriously, what is the problem with just having the damn role pingable?! We have a pingable staff role for all servers, and all admin roles are pingable,  but we seriously can't use the Discord integrated feature to ping the DEDICATED Discord moderation team if someone breaks a rule? What could the consequences possibly be for allowing this that outweigh the ability to use the fundamental user feature of calling over a moderator? Is the ability to summon someone with channel perms to delete the literal pornography some dickhead just posted in a timely manner really too much to ask?

Again, I'm sorry to get worked up, but please understand my frustration. To be blunt, it just doesn't make any sense why we would go through the trouble to implement a multi-step report system that people are probably either going to be too dumb or too bothered to actually use instead of just ticking the "Allow anyone to @mention this role" option under the Discord Moderator role. Reports are neat, but why?
(02-01-2020, 03:57 AM)RussEfarmer Wrote: I have one major grievance with this.

(02-01-2020, 03:05 AM)Avi Wrote: We now have a report system with this bot as well.  This will make it so you don't have to find an admin/discord moderator to dm about issues, but rather send a report in so all the discord staff can have access to it to discuss the issue at hand.  

The problem is, reports are more of an incident handling/management tool as opposed to an immediate response tool. In just about any other Discord I'm in, most of them having fewer members than the Dink discord, I'm able to see someone break a rule, ping a mod role, and in at most two minutes, have the user dealt with. Being able to ping a mod is something regular users are able to do in 7/9 public Discords I'm a part of, with that fraction including this server. It's simple, it's a colloquial standard for users to deal with rulebreakers, and it requires no fiddling around with a tree of bot commands or enabling some feature a regular user has probably never heard of before to use.

I'm sorry to get worked up over this, but seriously, what is the problem with just having the damn role pingable?! We have a pingable staff role for all servers, and all admin roles are pingable,  but we seriously can't use the Discord integrated feature to ping the DEDICATED Discord moderation team if someone breaks a rule? What could the consequences possibly be for allowing this that outweigh the ability to use the fundamental user feature of calling over a moderator? Is the ability to summon someone with channel perms to delete the literal pornography some dickhead just posted in a timely manner really too much to ask?

Again, I'm sorry to get worked up, but please understand my frustration. To be blunt, it just doesn't make any sense why we would go through the trouble to implement a multi-step report system that people are probably either going to be too dumb or too bothered to actually use instead of just ticking the "Allow anyone to @mention this role" option under the Discord Moderator role. Reports are neat, but why?

I've seen the other side of things where in larger scale discords, it's easier for users to contact staff that can handle issues via a report when it's something more serious than just pinging a staff/dming someone and hoping for a response (especially for things like harassment cases and targeting).  Im not saying users can't dm staff/admins for issues, but this provides another tool for members to use when they can't get ahold of someone or don't know who to contact regarding a discord specific issue.
As for the pingable discord moderator thing, one thing I forgot to mention in the post (which I can go and update) is having a Discord Moderator On Call Staff Role or similar name like we do the other servers.  This is something that needs to be discussed between the current Discord Mods and Admins but something I could see being implemented too.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
Thanks for the update avi
As for the report features that actually be helpful imo since i work 8-10 hrs a day and can't be on discord all the time and can't respond to pings
[Image: J6yUs0g]
There is no need for a discord on call function since everyone has access to discord on thier mobile devices as opposed to gmod which is only on your computers at home. I'm agreeing with russ here, the whole report tool seems kind of useless other than for the automatic stuff. Especially since it's much more difficult to use the report commands on mobile compared to the desktop version. 

I think we should do away with the report system as well for a complete other reason which is to keep discord reports anonymous, as it stands I will never use it for the reason of it sending a dm to every discord mod. Dong, while currently still in the application stage, is honestly the only person I would trust from the discord mod pool to send anything to.
(02-01-2020, 09:38 AM)Foxka Wrote: There is no need for a discord on call function since everyone has access to discord on thier mobile devices as opposed to gmod which is only on your computers at home. I'm agreeing with russ here, the whole report tool seems kind of useless other than for the automatic stuff. Especially since it's much more difficult to use the report commands on mobile compared to the desktop version. 

I think we should do away with the report system as well for a complete other reason which is to keep discord reports anonymous, as it stands I will never use it for the reason of it sending a dm to every discord mod. Dong, while currently still in the application stage, is honestly the only person I would trust from the discord mod pool to send anything to.

It not a dm to us we have a channel that'll show reports and who reported what. You won't be forced to use it, but personally i think more pros than cons and won't hurt to keep for people who would be willing to use it.
[Image: J6yUs0g]
Does the bot have access to the relay channels?
I am not the best when it comes to moderation bots on discord would it deletes spam and blacklisted the relay channels?

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