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Staff Application 2
Ingame Name: [test] Happy Mirror | (Red Bolt)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:438643846

Time Played:  264 hours

When First Joined: December 30, 2018

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I play everyday from 4-10 pm GST

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community?: I can make sure that the server is calm and that people are having fun and enjoying games like PH and others.

Why do you want to help the community?: I want to help make the community attract more people. I also want the community to have more members on discord and in forums.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Nope.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts):

How did you find us?: I first found this server when I first played this prop hunt mode in Gmod.

Other: I sometimes play PH in early morning at 5 am to 8 am.
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"Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you're positive, good things happen."
- Deep Roy
-1, You don't know how to handle yourself among trolls, There was one instance of two staff being on handling the situation and you went off ping staffed. While there was staff on. When you was told you freaked out then when asked to calm down to kept going. There are other instances where you left when things get heated. As a staff member You have to handle with those situations.
The smol an frigil coffee addict
[Image: 86a906c81529bb510b2cfb0162a3035c.png] [Image: 83315f5c55d2650bb8f111e855b7c85c.png]
Hey Happy!

This is going to be a -1 I'm sorry but the only reason I do it is when it comes to people pinging staff on discord its always that point where you decide to tell them on how to do the situation and saying it's an emergency and not realising at time that the problem would've happened 2 to 3 hours ago. For Example: You told me to record and get evidence when I already knew that because from past staffing experience when I was trusted for a whole year. "I also want the community to have more members on discord and in forums." This specific thing is that, we have a lot of people already on forums and discord. Other times you only record when you feel like it and don't do it when necessary. Good Luck!
Resigned Ph Trusted March 11th 2019 - February 12th 2020

“When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.”

― Jess C. Scott
Hey Happy, over this last month, I have seen you trying to improve yourself. However, I don’t think you are quite there yet. I first think that you need to improve on your temperament and try not to let trolls get to you as much. In order to staff, you will need to be able to handle situations with lots of trolls that will try to get at you. I think you really should work on that. Second, and this has gotten better. When staff are on, you do try to help, which is nice, but sometimes you can talk over staff and that is where it can a bit rough. Third is that you tell people to record but I feel as if you don’t do it. I recommend recording whenever you are on just in case you catch something. Overall, I see your effort and believe that if you keep trying, you can get there

It’s is gonna be a -1 from me

See ya on PH
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-1 I'm going to be brutally honest here because I feel you need to hear it from someone. Life is hard man, and you gotta be able to emotionally and mentally handle some things. I feel like you can't handle staffing simply by the way you compose yourself on the server. For instance, when you were extremely agitated at someone for a very minor and almost not even mentionable issue, yet you made it a HUGE issue as if it you were the victim of a horrible crime and needed saving.

I was a head admin for a few TTT servers and was in charge of recruiting potential staff. I feel as if your social/mental state just isen't up too par with what is required.
[Image: 76561197993157530.png]
It's a -1 from me mate. 

I understand that you want to help out, and that's fantastic that you want to help. You've got some more growing to do before you can be an efficient staff member. 

It has been noted that you "freak out" or embellish situations beyond what they are. Over the past few months you've claimed (I use claimed because no proof was presented to prove accurate or inaccurate) that player were bullying you on server. Myself and MANY other people suggested that you just ignore them or mute them, you proceeded to argue with us saying that you "don't like to mute people". Instead of easily solving an issue it turned into a battle back and for for about 2 hours with you and finally you said "I guess I'll try muting them next time", not even 2 days later you got into the same situation and ignored advice given to you just 2 days prior. This incident along with several other minor incidents that became BIGGER than they needed to be, tells me that you are not mentally ready to be a staff member at this time. You have some growing up to do, and some self searching as well. 

On several occasions you've pinged the on call staff for help when there's 1 or 2 staff members already on. When this is pointed out you've said"well they're not doing anything about _______". You don't know how to staff a server nor do you understand how we as staff gather evidence it seems, which is understandable since you haven't been staff (as far as I know). 

While looking over your application it seems very bare minimum, as to show little effort in preparing or presenting yourself. My suggestion here is to go into the Staff Applications Archieves under the accepted section ( Click here ) and look at those applications in comparison to your own. Think about how they presented themselves and how you can better present yourself. 

You're fun to play with on server, and I've spoken to you more lately on and off server. You've just got some growing to do before you'll be ready to staff. 

I can tell you for a fact that IF you were given a staff position at this time it would more than likely hurt the community more than help it. You also would struggle with being staff at this time, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes to help keep the server as peaceful as possible. 

Take the advice given to you by your peers and grow from it. 
Don't see the -1's as a bad thing, as they show you where you can improve. 

See you on the prop field happy!!
(04-06-2020, 08:47 PM)[blue]Slasheronic Wrote: Hey Happy, over this last month, I have seen you trying to improve yourself. However, I don’t think you are quite there yet. I first think that you need to improve on your temperament and try not to let trolls get to you as much. In order to staff, you will need to be able to handle situations with lots of trolls that will try to get at you. I think you really should work on that. Second, and this has gotten better. When staff are on, you do try to help, which is nice, but sometimes you can talk over staff and that is where it can a bit rough. Third is that you tell people to record but I feel as if you don’t do it. I recommend recording whenever you are on just in case you catch something. Overall, I see your effort and believe that if you keep trying, you can get there

It’s is gonna be a -1 from me

See ya on PH

Thanks for the feedback. Btw I forgot to mention a software I use to record called OBS.

I also made my first ban request.
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"Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you're positive, good things happen."
- Deep Roy
Happy, just from what everybody said that I do believe that you need to keep it level headed. I do get it that you help and everything but you need to learn to ignore the trolls and need to learn how to read the trolls they'll start soft and then start creating a ruckus that is unnecessary and when that happens you need to not pay attention to them! they're like bullies when they bug you they want a reaction from you. and that's why the only thing to do to a bully is to ignore them. its okay on this app take the -1's as a hurtful thing but as improvement in the future. as of right now its a -1 from me too. Keep up the good work and I'm sure it will help in your future!
I may look calm but in my mind I just killed you three times

#SMOL SQUAD 2016-forever

Nicol Bolas
Hey Happy,

It's taken me a while to think about what I wanna comment here because I want it to be really helpful & constructive for you.

In all honesty, I don't think you're ready for staff. I completely understand and respect your want to help out on server, I think it shows a lot about you that at such a young age you are wanting to keep things in check. But theres A LOT that comes with the role - you need to remain level headed & make judgement calls that aren't always easy. You aren't going to be friends with everyone - people are gonna give you all sorts of grief just for trying to keep the server chill and you need to be able to handle that. At this moment in time I don't feel like you can.

I'm not saying this to be mean Happy, I'm just thinking about your overall wellbeing. You have mentioned a few times that you have real life stresses at the moment too, and you are just a young dude. I would hate to see anything that is said on server have a negative impact on your real life.

Trolls, people who say mean things & general keyboard warriors are unfortunately always gonna exist in this game. You need to understand that by reacting to them, you are encouraging them to continue their behaviour. Just ignore/mute them. Ask staff for a little help if someone needs an extra warning or talking to (but please always check if staff are on first!).

Most particularly, and most importantly, I just want you to work on having fun in game Happy. Work on dealing with the day to day occurrences and interactions you have on server, and the different ways you may need to react to them. Don't be afraid to chat with donors/staff and certainly don't be afraid to ask questions. We're all part of the same community.

-1 for now, mostly because I want you to focus on yourself & just having fun.
Hey Happy! I really appreciate you being so enthusiastic to be part of our team and how much you want to help the server.

Being staff can be stressful at the best of times and at the minute with everyone on lockdown it’s chaos. This is not the right time for you to join us on the team. I feel that you need some time to learn to deal with how others behave. Generally I try to keep the server as calm as I can but still let people have fun. Sometimes people will joke around and you need to learn to ignore them as all they are looking for is a reaction. 

Watch how staff handle the server and themselves so that you can learn. We all have slightly different ways of doing things but with the same goal, a fun and safe place for people to play prop hunt. 

I know that the protocol will say that you can apply for staff again in one month but please do not just put in an app once the time is up in the hope that you will get it if you keep trying. Talk to us and see how you are progressing. Make the changes that we need to see. Staffing may be in your future but you’ve got a bit of a way to go. We are here to help though so ask for advice but most importantly take on the advice don’t argue it. 


Good luck and I’ll see you on the prop field. 

Pix  Heart
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