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A Fruit? AS STAFF??
Ingame Name: Kiwi The Jailbait.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:119612279

Time Played: 99 hours approx.

When First Joined: April 12, 2020.

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I typically play during nighttime hours everyday (approx. 9:00pm-2:00pm)

Rank Desired: Trusted.

Current Rank: Donor/ Master

What can you do to help the community?: For one, I am a very rule-oriented person. I'm not a rulebreaker and to be honest, I'm a huge stickler about them. That being said, I do feel as though I am patient and not overly strict in terms of punishment. I follow the punishment guidelines closely and make sure that nobody is doing anything that goes against the rules in place. I admit and own up to my mistakes, and at times can be overly assertive in the way I enforce. However, I think being assertive is a good quality of mine. I'm very talkative as well and find it easy to communicate with others on the server. I'm not scared to stand up to people but know when to back down. I also believe that the hours that I play could be very useful. We all know that, typically, the trolls come out at night, and I'm active during those hours when no other staff is. Overall, I believe I could be a good contributor to keeping the server as fun as possible.

Why do you want to help the community?: I've grown to love the Dinkleberg server and many of the people in it. A lot of those who I have played with have become some of my best and closest friends and I couldn't be more grateful towards the server for giving me that opportunity. I'm in love with the atmosphere and the way that the staff and server overall deals with those pesky trolls and those who want to manipulate the game and ruin the fun. Previously, anytime I have attempted to play on a server, I haven't liked it and have left Gmod. Dinkleberg's has inspired me to continue to play a game I thoroughly enjoy :)

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Nope :)

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Negative.

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots? Indeed I do. I use OBS Streamlabs

How did you find us?: I just hopped on Gmod one day and found the server and have been playing on it ever since.

Other: I am in love with this server and everybody who is involved. I've been talking about being staff the minute I joined, and despite people telling me to change my mind, I've stuck to my guns. I know that this is what I want, and will work hard to achieve it. Even if this application doesn't work, I will continue to work valiantly to improve myself and enjoy the server. Thank you.
[Image: image0_2.jpg]

I've seen you do a good job with handling situations and you're active at times.

You seem to be very active in PH and be on the server for at least 2-3 hours.

Overall you would be an amazing staff.

Good luck
[Image: latest?cb=20171003155620]
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"Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you're positive, good things happen."
- Deep Roy
I have played with you many times over the past few weeks and you are very good when it comes to enforcing the rules.  You are very vocal and know how to keep things in check.  You also keep a level head when things get tough.  It is going to be a +1 from me.  See you on the server soon.
Hey Kiwi Thanks for applying for Trusted
I think you're capable to becoming staff one day, you know all the rules and procedures, I would like to see you active on forums/Discord and get a little more Ban request in just to show us that you're capable of maintain a server by your self
for these reasons i'm going to go with a +0
Good luck Kiwi
[Image: AthleticYoungLamb-max-1mb.gif]
+1 from me I've seen you around and you do a really good job handling situations and I think u have a good chance of being staff.

Goodluck :D
Hey Kiwi,

Like i told you, I wanted to think long and hard about this, and I really have since your first mention of wanting to become staff. So if I may, since we've played a lot together the last few days, bring up some things.

I think you are GREAT, but I do not think you're quite there yet, you mentioned you're a stickler for rules and that you have patience, I have found that when someone brings up any form of a rule you become defensive and overbearing on the rule, I can see why you're trying to explain the rule the way you are, but you don't allow room for conversation. It becomes an aggressive situation which creates the issue of trolls - I personally think you need to take a step back and be less defensive when challenged, it only creates more issues - remember, the other donors online with you are here to help you, let us, especially those with far more time than you.

When to stop inappropriate conversations: for me this is a weird area, because people see this differently depending on who they are. But when someone comes on and says "F u suck my dick" as a joke when shot, you don't get to tell them to keep it appropriate and then turn around and carry a conversation about how you're underage and "selling feet pics" to created a lobby of male players thirsting after you for over an hour. I find that incredibly rude and immature and unfair to others when you tell them to keep things PG but continue to speak in that nature.

Now with all this being said, I really do enjoy the time we have played together, I think you're a very nice girl but you have a lot of growing up and learning to do, I think you need to spend way more time on the server. Right now, you're far too immature but I see the potential and I want you to take this as a chance to grow.

So this is my -1 and I am sorry.

Best of luck
Go away
i agree with this but i belive your more than capable of being staff, you do do a amazing job handling situations.

but im also with miss pauling on this one " you don't get to tell them to keep it appropriate and then turn around and carry a conversation about how you're underage and "selling feet pics" to created a lobby of male players thirsting after you for over an hour. I find that incredibly rude and immature and unfair to others when you tell them to keep things PG but continue to speak in that nature."

so it will be a -1 from me, good luck on your app
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
find more through my linktree | Never Forget | My emotinal support cat Green Bean 
Just to poke in without voting because I don't have the hours to vote. If you got accepted, you would probably need to change that name. "Jailbait" would have so many people target you especially as staff. The name doesn't make the staff member but "Jailbait" doesn't say staff to me.
[Image: b_560x95.png][Image: clapclub.jpg?width=1202&height=519]
You do indeed spend a pretty decent amount of time on server when you're on according to GTYour three names.
I know your name is part of an inside joke the whole Jail bait thing, but the name is not what I would call staff appropriate. More so because the jokes that follow because of the name, some have been mentioned by others in this thread. That is my own personal opinion of course as is this whole post. 
I have witnessed on a few occasions you being a bit too eager with trying to help, and I've also given you some guidance with how to balance a few things like hitting binds and getting on to people for Mic spam. Your help is appreciated, but we aren't trying to micro manage every waking aspect of the game. Yes someone burping into their mic is mic spam, but there's a certain tact to asking them nicely to not do that again. You have improved on this I will say, but again I find you let some emotions get a hold of you too much. 
A recent example (probably a week or so ago) you and I had a conversation about how a situation was handled between someone who wasn't quite mic spamming but was being somewhat annoying to you. You told me how the Trusted at the time weren't gagging the person or even warning them for what they were talking about. I suggested that you ignore the player or muting them, you went on a slight rant about how "Trusted just need to do their job". I get it, I do. When you're annoyed with someone or the situation isn't ideal it's easy to lose composure. Keeping your cool in less than ideal situations is preferred. 
Another bit of advice is to explore Forums. I know you asked for help in finding your steam ID and how to locate when you joined, It's great you asked for help but I suggest becoming more familiar with forums.  Not just The rules or illegal spots specifically but more so figuring out where information is. 

Something to help staff as well when using the On Call ping is to include the Name and Steam ID along with what the person(s) are doing. You have been helpful in pinging staff for help when things have come up on server and that is appreciated. 

I think you're headed in the right direction but you're not quite there. 
Take the advice from your peers and grow from it. 
I can see the possibility of your next application getting accepted if you pursue the course and make the minor corrections pointed out. 

See you out there キウイ

"ditto" - Travis
(05-30-2020, 03:44 PM)MissPauling Wrote: Hey Kiwi,

Like i told you, I wanted to think long and hard about this, and I really have since your first mention of wanting to become staff. So if I may, since we've played a lot together the last few days, bring up some things.

I think you are GREAT, but I do not think you're quite there yet, you mentioned you're a stickler for rules and that you have patience, I have found that when someone brings up any form of a rule you become defensive and overbearing on the rule, I can see why you're trying to explain the rule the way you are, but you don't allow room for conversation. It becomes an aggressive situation which creates the issue of trolls - I personally think you need to take a step back and be less defensive when challenged, it only creates more issues - remember, the other donors online with you are here to help you, let us, especially those with far more time than you.

When to stop inappropriate conversations: for me this is a weird area, because people see this differently depending on who they are. But when someone comes on and says "F u suck my dick" as a joke when shot, you don't get to tell them to keep it appropriate and then turn around and carry a conversation about how you're underage and "selling feet pics" to created a lobby of male players thirsting after you for over an hour. I find that incredibly rude and immature and unfair to others when you tell them to keep things PG but continue to speak in that nature.

Now with all this being said, I really do enjoy the time we have played together, I think you're a very nice girl but you have a lot of growing up and learning to do, I think you need to spend way more time on the server. Right now, you're far too immature but I see the potential and I want you to take this as a chance to grow.

So this is my -1 and I am sorry.

Best of luck
I would like to clarify this situation and defend my actions a bit.

With the first one. You're right, I did get argumentative with that person over the "no false hints" rule. However, there's more to it. I was trying to explain to a new player that, in the event they were to say that they were somewhere that they were not, and a prop in that place were to get killed, then it would count as ghosting. Two people on the server (including the person you mentioned,) questioned me on why that was. I explained that it was in the rules, and that even if it didn't make sense to them, that's how it was. I believe I was keeping level-headed in that regard. I did get quite annoyed, however, whenever the person began to read out the rules to me, and say that, to them, that should not count as ghosting. You're right, I should have stayed a bit more calm, but you had also asked that person to change the topic, and they refused. Could I have handled it better? Absolutely. But I only got defensive over the fact that three donors had already told him to drop it, and he didn't. But once again, I appreciate your feedback, and I understand your stance.

Secondly, I did get too comfortable with the people in that lobby at that time. But, the "feet pics" joke was a one-time thing, and it did show my immaturity. You're also correct in pointing out that I had told people to stop being inappropriate earlier in that same night. But, I didn't tell them to stop being inappropriate until it got out of hand. I understand that you are allowed to make jokes, but the same people kept saying bad things repeatedly, and I waited until I thought "okay, enough is enough." I feel as though, personally, I gave them enough time to cool off and walk away from it, and they did not. Jokes are jokes, but in this particular instance of them repeatedly talking about having sex with each other, I told them to calm down.

Overall, I understand your concerns, and I admit, I shouldn't have argued with that person when a rule had already been established. I will take your criticism and apply it to myself. I just wanted to give an explanation from my point of view, even if it's not going to do much.
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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.